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Something I've never understood


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I usually hang out with girls. Actually, I rarely hang with guys, mostly cuz I dislike them. Why does EVERY SINGLE FRICKIN PERSON THINK IM GAY. I see it happen a lot too. Guys who tend to hang with girls tend to get stuff about being gay, which no sense if you think about it. "You're gay because you surround yourself with girls! I'm straight cuz I surround myself with guys!"

Anybody else know what I'm talkin' about?

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I usually hang out with girls. Actually, I rarely hang with guys, mostly cuz I dislike them. Why does EVERY SINGLE FRICKIN PERSON THINK IM GAY. I see it happen a lot too. Guys who tend to hang with girls tend to get stuff about being gay, which no sense if you think about it. "You're gay because you surround yourself with girls! I'm straight cuz I surround myself with guys!"

Anybody else know what I'm talkin' about?

I don't understand why would they think you are gay if you hang with girls?

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I have a firm belief that you never assume a person's sexuality unless they specifically say it. Even if they're going out with somebody of the same/opposite sex, they could always be bisexual.

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I have a firm belief that you never assume a person's sexuality unless they specifically say it. Even if they're going out with somebody of the same/opposite sex, they could always be bisexual.

True. I learned that the hard way.

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They're called "idiots" and unfortunately they populate most of the world.
I agree

People at my school called me gay before and most of the people I talk to at school are girls (I don't know f it's for the same reason, they probably want my attention)

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That is usually how it worked at my school. A group of one guy and twenty girls meant he was either one hell of a player (unlikely) or he was gay. Besides a few being obviously gay (and I mean obviously), I always assumed the others straight unless I heard otherwise (and I have heard different rumors).

I myself was more social among girls as well, but I usually ate lunch with a group of guys.

Just ignore them. Even I was accused of such, it means nothing as long as they don't try asking you out afterward.

As for guys hanging with guys, it's the idea of hanging out with those similar and like-minded to yourself. Such as yourself though, I hated most the people guys at my school.

Edited by Bohemund
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It's funny, I've been called gay because I DON'T go out with girls. But I've seen the opposite happen as well. It's just stupid people who can't understand that there are people out there who don't do everything exactly like them.

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Simple stereotyping.

People generally assume that a single boy who hangs around with a group of girls do girl things, therefore assuming they're gay.

People need to mature and observe before assuming such things.

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I usually hang out with girls. Actually, I rarely hang with guys, mostly cuz I dislike them. Why does EVERY SINGLE FRICKIN PERSON THINK IM GAY. I see it happen a lot too. Guys who tend to hang with girls tend to get stuff about being gay, which no sense if you think about it. "You're gay because you surround yourself with girls! I'm straight cuz I surround myself with guys!"

Anybody else know what I'm talkin' about?

I have alot of friends who are girls, and I hang out with girls more then guys. Most people think your gay because the girls hang out with you, so they assume that they are not worried about you crushing on them. Also, they think you do girly things instead of guy things. But, I am straight and more then half of my friends at school are girls.

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Fortunately, my school doesn't fit the standard stereotypical high school. Although just about everyone would say that's because my school only accepts the "smart people"...

I have a firm belief that you never assume a person's sexuality unless they specifically say it. Even if they're going out with somebody of the same/opposite sex, they could always be bisexual.

Either that, or they just want people to think they're straight.

Edited by Fireman
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I usually hang out with girls. Actually, I rarely hang with guys, mostly cuz I dislike them. Why does EVERY SINGLE FRICKIN PERSON THINK IM GAY. I see it happen a lot too. Guys who tend to hang with girls tend to get stuff about being gay, which no sense if you think about it. "You're gay because you surround yourself with girls! I'm straight cuz I surround myself with guys!"

Anybody else know what I'm talkin' about?

yes quite, though I was gay anyway and most of my friends were girls I didn't like people telling me what I already was and found it embarrassing because I never had any relationships with boys until I had finished high school

In my experience, this phenomenon stems from the assumption that guys who hang around girls do "girly things" instead of "guy things".

that's funny heh, the girls I hung with did a lot of...regular though IMO stupid things, like smoking, clubbing, random sex parties at each others houses, movie going and they even admitted to hitting ppl's mailboxes with a baseball bat, the girls admitted doing that heh :mellow: then you wonder why I was upset but morally glad I didn't socialize in school @_@

Edited by Rhaan
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They're called "idiots" and unfortunately they populate most of the world.
I guess this is why we're friends. The second I read the OP, the exact words of this post ran through my head. So I have nothing to say but "this."
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You know I find it funny.

Once before, I was younger, and I didn't know if it was supposed to be a joke at the time, but I started hating the idea of being slapped with the homosexual sticker. (I forgot when it started, but I hated the very thought of being called that because the kids that called me that didn't know s*** about me. I was probably too young at the time to understand such an idea, if you count being eight or nine as being too young, but I hated being called that.)

A few years later, some of the kids moved out of the neighborhood, some stopped altogether, but when I went into high school, some more kids started calling me the same thing, and they stopped eventually and come my sophomore year, another few steps up and does the same thing.

Although the number up kids that call me homo has reduced over the years, I still hate being called that because, if someone calls me that, they don't know s*** about me.

And please note I was basically nowhere near a girl when those times occurred. But that obviously doesn't mean I don't socialise with any.

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Tribalism. They do it because they think you feminine, which can be mistaken for gay in this culture, simply because you hang out with girls. You probably aren't explicitly feminine anyways, so you're dealing with pretty basic guys here. They do it because they don't think you part of the "guy tribe". If they're really making a big noise about it, then you're dealing with freaking primates.

Don't blame them for being guys, blame them for being incredibly primitive and behind the times of modern thinking. Yeesh, you'd figure people'd have learned to get along by now...

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I've always wondered. Why do "those people" think being gay is so bad? I wouldn't think they'd be able to give an answer that makes sense if asked. >>

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