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VincentASM's Sprite Works


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VincentASM's Sprite Museum

(Because they're that old)

It's been a really long time since I made a sprite topic anywhere. For various reasons, such as I rarely sprite anymore.

Anyway, in sort-of-chronogical order:


Sara (FE5) with the Kia staff

- Possibly my first ever sprite; a female Shaman edit.

Jenny battle sprites

- An OC; Bishop and Valkyrie edits.


Jenny vs Random Genvian soldier

- I only just realised, many years afterwards, that I screwed her cape transparency up. Spell parts are from Ivaldi, but recoloured.


Aegina vs Ilyana

- Aegina (Berwick Saga) is a straightforward Lilina recolour, while Ilyana (although you can barely see it) is a minor female Mage edit.


Sara statsheet

- My first take on a fully custom face sprite. It didn't really work out, but oh well. The statsheet is in Japanese, because I think it's cooler : P

Sage Ilyana

- POR version; minor female Sage edit.


Elincia healing Ike

- Ike battle sprite made by MageKnight404.


FE9 statsheet GBA style

- I have a version more similar to the FE9 arrangment, but I didn't really like it. Despite what the filename says, this statsheet is unfinished, but I couldn't be bothered to do further work on it.


Fay vs Falamir (Berwick Saga)

- I can't remember when I made this. Fay is a Swordmaster edit, while I'm assuming Falamir is the same- I can't really remember.

Neyfa healing Sennet (TearRing Saga)

- Can't remember either. I didn't think enough healing scenes were made so... Anyway, Sennet is an edit of Ephraim Lord.


Mia vs Nash (Lunar I)

- Nope, still can't remember. Mostly everything that isn't FE-like was ripped straight from the game.

Heading into 2007-2008 era...?


Tiara from Zwei!!

- Custom mug, with Lalum as the base. I had a lot of help from Ice Dragon when making this ^^;;;


Meredy from Tales of Eternia

- Another custom mug, with Nino as the base. NTG also worked on this. It didn't quite turn out how I expected though...

Finally, something new?!

[see later...]

Edited by VincentASM
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Those are all really good. But I'm curious, what program do you use? With Microsoft Paint, nothing is transparent so things always overlap each other. I'm not sure how to to the kinds of things you've done above (I've always wanted to).

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I remember most of those. 0:

Is Zwei!! any good, Vincent?

In before ban for off-topic/spam

You would, because you've almost been around since the beginning of FE time.

I liked it. It's kind of like Ys, except the male character's attacking sprite is a bit odd. The graphics and music are very nice though.

Those are all really good. But I'm curious, what program do you use? With Microsoft Paint, nothing is transparent so things always overlap each other. I'm not sure how to to the kinds of things you've done above (I've always wanted to).

Like most other spriters (I think), I just use Paint, with the occasional usage of Adobe Photoshop for spell effects.

To make things transparent in paint, you have to make sure the part you want to transparentise is all the exact same colour (so fuzzy JPEGs don't work for instance). Then, have the colour you want to transparentise set as the secondary colour (by right-clicking it with the Eyedropper(?) tool). Finally, when moving parts of the image using the Select tool, make sure the second (bottom) option is selected.

If that wasn't clear enough (it probably wasn't), I'm sure there are some detailed tutorials or guides, with pictures, for this kind of stuff somewhere. I think FE Planet might have had one, but I can't remember...

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You would, because you've almost been around since the beginning of FE time.

I liked it. It's kind of like Ys, except the male character's attacking sprite is a bit odd. The graphics and music are very nice though.

Except that I stayed away from the FE scene for one or two years. And you say that because I joined FESS two days before you did

I hear Zwei!! 2 was released sometimes last year. Hmm, maybe I should give it a try once I stop being unemployed.

I'm also procrastinating on that Dawn Brigade summary, it's like 1/3 done - the lack of furigana makes me very, very lazy. Don't ban plz

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it's time I showed something new.


Zoe's statsheet (FE DS style)

- I'm still working on the face sprite. I'll probably show off the whole thing (since I cropped it a little to fit into the box) later, when I'm finished.

- Saint map sprite was made by Ice Dragon

- If anyone wants to use or edit the statsheet template, feel free. Credit for usage is appreciated, but not mandatory.

- As for what it all says (for those who can't read Japanese)?

Name: Zoe

Class: Maiden of Life

Affiliation: Aveyn Army

Equipment: Selchrane, Niyara, Goddess Staff, Angelic Shield

Skills: Corona, Nihil, Miracle, Renewal


Zoe battle scene A (FE DS style)

- Battle sprite is based off a Monk. I think I still need to redraw the feet and shadows so that it's all custom...

- As with the statsheet, you can do the same with the battle template if you so wish.

Currently I'm mainly looking for critique on the battle sprite, since I'll probably be too lazy to edit the templates. Although, critiques for those would be cool as well, so I can keep them in mind for future ones (like the FE10 template that I still need to finish...).

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Hmm, can you see other images that on hosted on Serenes Forest?


1. The site banner

2. A non-spoiler CG from FE DS

3. A random FE9 image

You haven't accidentally blocked SF from showing images have you? I think I accidentally blocked a site once X D

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I really like that battlesheet template. Like, I really, really like it. It's probably because it's reminiscent of Path of Radiance, but, still...

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Vincent, you sir, have the skillz that killz. You have me envious. So Sei-oh (those kanji that say holy woman) basically means maiden? This helps my japanese studies too, especially since I suck at kanji. Apparently I'm bad at katakana too, I thought the sword was called Silk Rain.

Man, I wish I could get back into spriting. Not that I was any good at it, but no one starts perfect. But I thought macs would come with something like Paint....apparently I was wrong -_-;; comes with near nothing fun and can barely install anything fun. Even stuff like starcraft and warcraft. They can be installed, but macs truly won't allow you any sort of editing tools...

Yes, I am VERY envious of you Vincent...*grudge grudge grudge*

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Not that far off, it's seruku rein. Selcrain...?

Eh. I guess I'm a tad harsh on myself. How could I have known it'd have been something like Selchrain?

Neh. Self-teaching japanese sucks. Kanji is a nightmare.

*checks your sig* ...o0;; I know Jihad means holy war, but damn...is that real?

Edited by Grandjackal
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Seijo is literally "holy woman" as you mentioned, but it's probably better known as "sacred maiden" or just "saint" (as in Saint Elimine etc.). In my case, I used it as "sacred maiden", but I kind of localised it and removed "sacred".

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Seijo is literally "holy woman" as you mentioned, but it's probably better known as "sacred maiden" or just "saint" (as in Saint Elimine etc.). In my case, I used it as "sacred maiden", but I kind of localised it and removed "sacred".

I said Sei-oh, didn't I? x.x Jo, -oh, close enough, whatever.

Though either way, it's a nice touch how you have it in japanese first. Love the FE9 statsheets too.

*envious, grudgeful, spiteful, grumbling* raggafraggamrgrfrggr...

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