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"So, tell me..."


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"Are you scared? The Choral Master's called you over to Hers personally. This could be serious, you know."

"I-I'll be fine..."

Bizz of the Sacred Second Sopranos of the Fifth Order moved all her belongings to where she could see them. Her nervous smile and horrible feeling in her gut took her a million miles away into a realm of dysfunction albeit she shrugged it and and repeated the same exact thing to herself. "Isi will be there, too. She was called in, too, so if I die from nervousness of something then will she follow me, too? I use 'too' a lot."

A group of an estimated maybe seven singers were huddled muttering about something. They weren't important as far as Bizz could tell, except that Isi was there in the maybe right side looking somewhat confused. She always looked like that, Bizz felt sorry for her as she was a little emotionally instable though the girl still felt somwhat a kind of inferiority around her, as well as everyone else she was around. It was most likely perfectly normal for her charisma and psyche, just as was the instability that was in Isi.

Commotion told of newcomers to the Land of the Chorists. Bizz hadn't met with them yet, presumeably out of fear due to the fact that she knew one of them and their formal choral abilities. Being accepted into A Cappella, so immediately, easily, swiftly? The halls suddenly felt much larger than what they made out to be... where was 'halls'? Hallway? What was a hallway.. ?


Bizz screamed after the buildup and other choral members had their glances fixed on her momentarily. She frantically rushed into a back room of unknown origins and use until the embarrassment finally made its escape act, which probably took an hour. What was hour?

"Stop it!


"Isi, are you ready now?" Bizz asked her fellow friend in the silver sash. She nodded amidst some of the Jazz Order performing an ensamble for lighthearted antics.

"Yes, let us go."

They proceeded throughout the hallway of the Grand Building, straight to the Office of the Grand Master herself. The door slowly edged open, then gradually created a wide path to destination as peaceful Latin music arrayed its aroma into the silent air.

"Auugh, I suddenly don't feel so well..."

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The topic just flew off. :x

Protestants (I think that's how we spell the name of all non-Catholic Christians) have taken over the scene! Freedom to the people to worship the Lord!

Edited by Kintenbo
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What the fuck just happened to this topic?

My random Pope picture turned it into laughing at the Pope, apparently. I just hope any full blown Catholics won't take offense. We still all are worshipers of Christ in the end, be it Catholic or Protestant.

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What the hell you guys? What the fuck does the pope have to do with this topic? I know this is FFtF but this is just ridiculous.

Well, what else was I supposed to say? I drew a blank, so I posted a picture!

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