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(P)SAT Scores


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I think so, since 800 is perfect on the SAT.

Anyway, it would have been cheap to come here and not post my scores (on the SAT). I was 730 Critical Reading, 710 Math, 700 Writing. I freaking hate writing off of prompts.

Damn, you better be applying to some good schools Yokai. Those scores could get you in anywhere if the rest of your application is strong. I got in with a CR720, M700, W670 (ouch), and considering where I ended up, there are no options closed to you.

EDIT: just read the rest of the topic: you better be aiming high too, _____.

Edited by Black Knight
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Damn, you better be applying to some good schools Yokai. Those scores could get you in anywhere if the rest of your application is strong. I got in with a CR720, M700, W670 (ouch), and considering where I ended up, there are no options closed to you.

EDIT: just read the rest of the topic: you better be aiming high too, _____.

That was the first time. The second time, 700 680 660, which sucked because I was feeling a lot more confident about it that day. I guess I should be glad I can be disappointed with that.

I got into Colorado College, CU Boulder, and Drexel. I'll know about Wesleyan, Wash U St. Louis, Stanford, Pomona, Northwestern, and U Chicago in April. I'll consider myself lucky if I get into more than one of those.

I guess no options are "closed" to me, but I still have major weaknesses. Test scores are decent, but GPA is relatively low (like 3.6 unweighted), I've got a really weak extracirriculars list, and a few of my essays are rather low quality--almost all of them were rushed. But who knows. CC is quite selective (and highly underrated); if I got in there, I've got a chance elsewhere. And this is before the revelation of my secret weapon.

EDIT: Almost forgot. I would have applied to Harvard, but they wanted 3 SAT Subject Tests, and for whatever reason I took the full god damn SAT again instead of taking a third subject test (I took Math 1 and 2).

Edited by YokaiKnight
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Those are all excellent schools. Standford would be absolutely amazing for you, it's got a beautiful campus, and needless to say it's one of the best universities around. I was very torn when I visited there, but it's more of a math and science school and I'm a humanities and social sciences guy, so that's eventually what helped me make my decision. Still, all of its programs are excellent.

Any other of those schools would also be great. Good thing you applied to both U Chicago and Northwestern, as they tend to have very different scopes of what they want from students, and often you only get into on (I didn't get into U Chicago). They're also both excellent.

Applying to nine was a good idea. As long as your willing to do the work, you can never apply to too many, especially if your looking for one to give you the best financial aid (if you need it).

I can only guess what your secret weapon is. I can only guess it involved checking off a certain box :P Anyways, I wish you good luck in April, and good luck dealing with your senioritis. :]

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Those are all excellent schools. Standford would be absolutely amazing for you, it's got a beautiful campus, and needless to say it's one of the best universities around. I was very torn when I visited there, but it's more of a math and science school and I'm a humanities and social sciences guy, so that's eventually what helped me make my decision. Still, all of its programs are excellent.
I'm not in anywhere, and I already have the same kind of debate going on. It's not totally lopsided like CalTech or MIT, but the focus is still obvious. Ultimately it depends on where I get in and what they offer me.
Any other of those schools would also be great. Good thing you applied to both U Chicago and Northwestern, as they tend to have very different scopes of what they want from students, and often you only get into on (I didn't get into U Chicago). They're also both excellent.
Yeah, agreed on all points. I'm personally more interested in U Chicago; NW seems rather...well, traditional. I know, not the best excuse, but hey, I liked it enough to apply.
Applying to nine was a good idea. As long as your willing to do the work, you can never apply to too many, especially if your looking for one to give you the best financial aid (if you need it).
Can you believe I shortened my list? At first I regretted taking off the 6 or 7 more that interest me, but in retrospect there's no freaking way I would have submitted decent apps to them all. And yes, I need financial aid, but my secret weapon helps.
I can only guess what your secret weapon is.
I'm black.
good luck dealing with your senioritis. :]
fuck senioritis. i really hate it. I've had it really bad since junior year. :[
800 CR, 790 M, 680 W

Also 800s on math II, biology M and physics.

fffffffuck. Where are you going to school?

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I can only guess what your secret weapon is.

I'm black.

I was being coy. colon3.gif

But hey, whatever helps, I'm know my application was aided by the fact that I'm a rural Vermont country boy and not annother applicant from LA. You do whatever you can to get in, even if it means checking off a box on something you have no control over.

Can you believe I shortened my list? At first I regretted taking off the 6 or 7 more that interest me, but in retrospect there's no freaking way I would have submitted decent apps to them all. And yes, I need financial aid, but my secret weapon helps.

I applied to eighteen. Eight-fucking-teen. That's one Christmas break I'll never get back. I was worth it in the end though (way worth itgee_wiz_emoticon-1.gif )

Don't worry about the senioritis though. Just a few more agonizing, slow, painful months and it'll all be over. :3

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PSAT for me, still.

Critical Reading - 51

Mathematics - 51

Writing Skills - 48

This is pretty close to what I got, and now my parents got me an SAT study book the size of a phonebook with preparation tests in them and they always bug me to study! <_<

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This is pretty close to what I got, and now my parents got me an SAT study book the size of a phonebook with preparation tests in them and they always bug me to study! <_<

study it and it will be your greatest friend for the test lol

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This is pretty close to what I got, and now my parents got me an SAT study book the size of a phonebook with preparation tests in them and they always bug me to study! <_<

I just let it sit in the corner of my room. That book has too many things to memorize.

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Not sure. I'll see who offers me the most cash. Or failing that, I'll just go to U of Illinois.
Where did you apply? Or are you not yet a high school senior? (Though you can get accepted to college early--a friend of mine left high school after 11th grade to attend Caltech.)
This is pretty close to what I got, and now my parents got me an SAT study book the size of a phonebook with preparation tests in them and they always bug me to study! <_<
I'd be willing to bet a little money that you'd get more out of just being a good student than some book of a bunch of SAT questions.
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Northwestern, WashU, UIC GPPA, Harvard

Don't think I'll have a chance at that last one though. My school has really tough competition.

Be interesting to have someone else here. colon3.gif

It would certainly bump up Serenes' average IQ lololololololololololololololol

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Year of PSAT: ca. 2000

PSAT Selection Index: 203

PSAT Verbal: 67

PSAT Math: 72

PSAT Writing: 64

Year of ACT: ca. 2001

ACT Composite: 33

ACT English: 28

ACT Math: 34

ACT Reading: 36

ACT Science: 35

Year of GRE: ca. 2004

GRE Verbal: 670

GRE Quant: 760

GRE Writing: 5.5

GRE Physics: I completely forgot. :(

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