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hmm... for some strange reason the Clint part makes me think of a kitty =o

Wood pointing East? =D But in a way it points west too...

Well, I have no idea whether your name is based off of some character or if it's a name you've made up, so I'm just making random comments of it! XD

I think it could be a 7/10 =) I like it

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Freohr Datia: The initials are FD. Put something to make them FDR and you're good.


BTW, You may not be from America, but you are pretty retarded if you don't know who Clint Eastwood is and even more so if you think I made him up with my avi staring you in the face.

Edited by Clint Eastwood
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The initials are FD. Put something to make them FDR and you're good.


BTW, You may not be from America, but you are pretty retarded if you don't know who Clint Eastwood is and even more so if you think I made him up with my avi staring you in the face.














............................................................................. ummmm...... nevermind...

Well, besides that, I figured that it would be in your avi. I had already considered that...... I just figured that it was possible that you could've made it up yourself.

Plus, I already know I'm retarded =D

So it wasn't creativeness that helped you get your name? =(

Nore, I would say 7.5/10 I suppose

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6/10 never liked CE.

--Edit-- *Whacks Luigibros in teh head*

Damn you, Luigi, I'm gonna put a hit on you. Perhaps Mario will be glad to do the job.

4/5 for ya. XD

Edited by Löki
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x=any real number

I got a 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


I'm kidding.


Edited by luigi bros
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8/10 for officially stumping me on how to pronouce it.

Carl-hines Shtock-houze-en. It's German, so you pronounce it phonetically. If you think that was hard, wait until you have to listen to some of his music. People today still have a hard time grasping it (although to his credit he did die last year, so...).


^8/10 due to the WTF factor.

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56/59 I like the sound of it

What's that mean?


Clint Eastwood:What do you mean?

NVM, I was thrown by the use of "violant" instead of violent. Also, Clint Eastwood is an actor/writer/director, not the name of a movie.

Edited by Clint Eastwood
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