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Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon developer conference (speculation for the new FEs)


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Can someone please explain how FE 6 is the best in the series? I myself think 7 is far better than it. Better story, better class options(thieves can promote, three lord types, better units in general), and the music is what I find to be, better than 6's. Don't get me wrong. I like a lot of 6's music, but 7 just seems a lot better. That, and I don't think Japan took that big a liking to 6 if I remember correctly.

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Can someone please explain how FE 6 is the best in the series? I myself think 7 is far better than it. Better story, better class options(thieves can promote, three lord types, better units in general), and the music is what I find to be, better than 6's. Don't get me wrong. I like a lot of 6's music, but 7 just seems a lot better. That, and I don't think Japan took that big a liking to 6 if I remember correctly.

I think that one of the best arguments for FE6 being the best is that Gonzales is in it. ^_^

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I think that one of the best arguments for FE6 being the best is that Gonzales is in it. ^_^

I didn't like Gonzales much, though.

I still say that I'd rather have a new FE universe created so we can get more options for story, but if they had to remake a game I'd say that FE4 badly deserves a remake. There's more empty space to be filled in the maps, but other than that FE4 is friggin' awesome for sure. :D

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I would LOVE an FE3 Book 2 remake. Maybe they could throw in more secret treasure (seeing the new page, they were pretty damn sneaky about it. Would never have cared to dream to look in front of the cave in the Nabarl chapter) and characters (come on, an axe guy would be nice, considering how many silver axes the game throws at you). Class change would be unnecessary, since so few in that game are considerably bad (with the exception of a couple the latecomers and Ryan+Warren).

FE6 ain't good, but it ain't bad either. It's more the middle ground really. FE7 was basically the same thing, but refined. I don't know why it gets bashed so bad. If you like FE1 and 3 well enough, FE6 isn't bad at all. FE4 on the other hand...Great story, just...not exactly the most fun thing in the world. Did cool stuff, but like stated, was a bit empty. If they filled in space with more enemies to give a reason for even putting in foot soldiers, I would LOVE a remake of FE4. Would give a reason to even HAVE a castle to defend (ya know, aside from Lenster castle). It wasn't bad per say, just didn't have much to do. But, if they remade it, they could have the original as like a normal mode and the one with more enemies/tougher enemies could be a hard mode. Imagine FE4 merciless mode.

Personally, I'd like to see them refine FE2. Only problem with that game was experience gain was too damn slow and forced grinding (unless you played Bearably Playable Easy mode.). Make Easy mode the same and make Normal mode have tougher enemies rather than just kill experience gain. If they did that, I'd buy it.

As for Fire Emblem BS....No clue what that is, what is Fire Emblem BS?

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Can someone please explain how FE 6 is the best in the series?

It isn't. Anybody who says that is an obvious troll who should be ignored.

FE6 is mediocre in every possible way.

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And, I may be the only one that thinks this, but isn't Roy's game a little too recent to get a full blown remake? A port would be fine, but, a remake?
Super Mario Bros. 3 came out in 1990.

Super Mario All-Stars came out in 1993.

Fuuin no Tsurugi came out in 2002. We're in the year 2009 now.

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Just because I'm new here means in no way am I an idiot. I'm quite aware of those things, seeing as how I've played an beaten Fuuin no Tsurugi, but, I just think that a classic game should be a bigger priority than a game that's not even a decade old. Now, if it were as big as games like Super Mario 64 or OoT, that's one thing, but, Fuuin no Tsurugi isn't the greatest FE game ever, nor is it that old even.

It's like saying Twilight Princess should be remade before The original Legend of Zelda, or something to that degree.

Fuuin no Tsurugi is 7 years old already, and it's not half as popular as all the games you listed.

As for that "idiot" part, wtf man? I just gave you a straight answer(and rather logic)...

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It's interesting that they haven't forgotten about the BS FEs. Although a remake would probably need a lot of work to become a full length game.

Personally I'd love to see BS FE as trial maps for an FE3 remake. In a way they were the first trial maps but also I think they were the best trial maps. They had story and the units was pre-determined. I'd love to see a predetmined units concept expanded though admitingly not a full game of it as it would take a bit too much away.

As for an FE all stars. I don't know why my mind ends up coming up with something like PSO Episode III. Yeah complete with the stiff animations, Dreamcast quality graphics and wrong sound effects for nearly everything :lol:

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Can someone please explain how FE 6 is the best in the series? I myself think 7 is far better than it. Better story, better class options(thieves can promote, three lord types, better units in general), and the music is what I find to be, better than 6's. Don't get me wrong. I like a lot of 6's music, but 7 just seems a lot better. That, and I don't think Japan took that big a liking to 6 if I remember correctly.

A hard mode worth playing, large character selection, multiple representatives in each class, Garret, Geese and Gonzales. You also have good weapon balance without swords or axes being ridiculously better than other weapon types. And I said that it could be argued among the best in the series, not that it was proven superior above all others.

FE7 would be as good if it didn't have less characters and lame enemies. The defense chapters are a nice change of pace though.

It isn't. Anybody who says that is an obvious troll who should be ignored.

FE6 is mediocre in every possible way.

Funny thing, that must mean that trolls nowadays have opinions backed reasoned arguments. I've made an argument. Do you have one?

Just as an example:

FE6 is much more playable than FE4, by being both more accessible due to friendly controls (trading/rescuing) and self containted chapters, and by being more enticing to experienced players by having a better support system and enemies that don't roll over and die on command. Seriously, FE6 HM has enemies with semi decent stats all the way until you promote (where, if you're using people who dont suck, the game gets admittedly easier). The only way to make FE4 difficult is by having Fin solo chapter 1, or maybe have Patty fight Ishtor.

What happens when you have a game that's both more accessible to beginners AND experienced players? You have a better game, that's what.

I am willing to compare/contrast any two games in the series to determine which one is better, but I am not a troll.

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A hard mode worth playing, large character selection, multiple representatives in each class, Garret, Geese and Gonzales. You also have good weapon balance without swords or axes being ridiculously better than other weapon types. And I said that it could be argued among the best in the series, not that it was proven superior above all others.

Axes are ass early-game and swords are pretty bad once WKs start becoming common. More balanced than FE4, sure.

FE7 would be as good if it didn't have less characters and lame enemies. The defense chapters are a nice change of pace though.

Enemies aren't that lame. FE7 HHM has almost as difficult of an early-game as FE6 HM, and FE6 late-game is kind of a joke anyway. FE6 you can also just take your time on for a good ranking whereas FE7 doesn't allow you that liberty.

FE6 is much more playable than FE4, by being both more accessible due to friendly controls (trading/rescuing) and self containted chapters, and by being more enticing to experienced players by having a better support system and enemies that don't roll over and die on command. Seriously, FE6 HM has enemies with semi decent stats all the way until you promote (where, if you're using people who dont suck, the game gets admittedly easier). The only way to make FE4 difficult is by having Fin solo chapter 1, or maybe have Patty fight Ishtor.

I disagree about the nature of FE4 enemies; FE4 enemies are very difficult to 1-round in first gen unless you're Sigurd and with the tendency of enemies to come in mobs, it's not too hard to get someone killed with a positioning oversight or something. FE6's support system is also disgustingly slow for the most part.

Personally I think both FE4 and FE6 suffer from monotony in gameplay because both games only have "conquer x" as mission objectives.

Edited by dondon151
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So, can we agree that Book 2 would the better immediate remake? I mean, Shadow Dragon did give some hints of it. I don't remember being able to have Astram talk to Boah, Merric talk to Elice, or Tiki talk to Xane in the original game. Those conversations foreshadow things that happen in Book 2.

Edited by Dr.Shroob
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If that's true, I wonder why they cut out the mention of Sheema from Jiol's death quote (otherwise, it's exactly the same as in FE3). Perhaps they intend to remove her from the Book 2 remake? D :

Well, she is garbage. Lol. However, maybe they plan to suprise the unexpected? Jiol never seemed like the guy to have kids, and, to people who didn't know about it, it would be a pleasent suprise.

That, or they found it insignificant. Albiet, it would have been interesting, and given a bit more ground for a chance of the sequel, but, all we can do is wait and see now. I fully hope for a remake of Book 2, so, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. The extra conversations helped a lot, so....

Also, did Jiol mention Sheema in the original FE? Not the FE3 remake, aka, the Book 1 game.

Edited by Dr.Shroob
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A hard mode worth playing, large character selection, multiple representatives in each class, Garret, Geese and Gonzales. You also have good weapon balance without swords or axes being ridiculously better than other weapon types. And I said that it could be argued among the best in the series, not that it was proven superior above all others.

FE7 would be as good if it didn't have less characters and lame enemies. The defense chapters are a nice change of pace though.

Funny thing, that must mean that trolls nowadays have opinions backed reasoned arguments. I've made an argument. Do you have one?

Just as an example:

FE6 is much more playable than FE4, by being both more accessible due to friendly controls (trading/rescuing) and self containted chapters, and by being more enticing to experienced players by having a better support system and enemies that don't roll over and die on command. Seriously, FE6 HM has enemies with semi decent stats all the way until you promote (where, if you're using people who dont suck, the game gets admittedly easier). The only way to make FE4 difficult is by having Fin solo chapter 1, or maybe have Patty fight Ishtor.

What happens when you have a game that's both more accessible to beginners AND experienced players? You have a better game, that's what.

I am willing to compare/contrast any two games in the series to determine which one is better, but I am not a troll.

You've already admitted in another thread that you argue for arguing's sake. I haven't forgotten that. Playing devil's advocate is much akin to trolling, you'd be surprised.

Either way.

FE6 is primitive and unoriginal. Everything it has, some other game in the series has done better - either before or after it. I'm not going to give you the pleasure of arguing about self-evident truths here, no sir.

FE4 is also an oddball and differs substantially than the more orthodox games in the series (i.e., Akaneia and Elibe games). Yes, it's pathetically easy if you know what you're doing, given how you can basically create demigods with the pairing system and whatnot, but guess what - not everybody ranks difficulty as their top priority when playing a game.

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