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What career do you think you want?

General Spoon

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I would want to work at a farm or a ranch or a lumber mill or something similar. I like manual labor and such is the only real reason why.

See... I find that interesting. Not many people (especially myself) enjoy manual labor. But I have my reasons... everyone else might just be lazy.

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Intriguing... this kind of stuff interests me. Mind adding "why" as well? I mean, if you don't want to or don't have a real story behind it, you don't need to.

Well, I've just always loved drawing. I love coming up with costumes and such for my OC's. So I figured Fashion Designer would be best for me.

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See... I find that interesting. Not many people (especially myself) enjoy manual labor. But I have my reasons... everyone else might just be lazy.
Not really everyone else is lazy, it's just that I grew up with my father, who manually labored for sixty some years before he died, and he taught me to help him from a young age. Even when it was only carrying a jug of gasoline with him for his chainsaw when I was four, I was always around hard labor and such. Now I tend to find it fun. So, it's just that I'm weird. XD
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Intriguing... this kind of stuff interests me. Mind adding "why" as well? I mean, if you don't want to or don't have a real story behind it, you don't need to.

I love video games and always wanted to make them.

As for prosecution, I like delivering justice (as corny as it sounds).

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Not really everyone else is lazy, it's just that I grew up with my father, who manually labored for sixty some years before he died, and he taught me to help him from a young age. Even when it was only carrying a jug of gasoline with him for his chainsaw when I was four, I was always around hard labor and such. Now I tend to find it fun. So, it's just that I'm weird. XD

LOL, I know everyone isn't lazy! Some people aren't cut out for it, such as myself. Sounds as if you and I were raised similarly. I often helped my father with projects growing up, but as they years've past, I tend to help less often. Also I've worked with my eldest brother on several occasions packing and moving furniture.

I'm like 6'3" - one job he made me clear an attic a midget couldn't stand up in. Hard to lift heavy totes when forced to constantly hunch over!

Don't get me wrong though, I love doing certain things. But I also like doing activities that challenge my mind as well.

As for prosecution, I like delivering justice (as corny as it sounds).

As corny as that sounds, it does make for a good reason to me. I say, show no mercy!

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A game designer. Because I love to play video games and I think it would be cool to help make one.


A librarian. Because I like to read, and I figured I can be somewhat lazy. :P

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A game designer. Because I love to play video games and I think it would be cool to help make one.

Protip: Playing video games =/= making them. People who tend to think just because they play video games usually don't understand that playing game doesn't justify making them.

Anyways, I want to be a game designer because I want to tell my own stories and ideas through an different form of media. I want people interactivity go through my stories and ideas.

I also would like to compose music for video games.

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Protip: Playing video games =/= making them. People who tend to think just because they play video games usually don't understand that playing game doesn't justify making them.

Protip: Crushing dreams is a butt nugget thing to do. Besides, who's to say I don't draw in my spare time anyway? Hm?

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Protip: Crushing dreams is a butt nugget thing to do. Besides, who's to say I don't draw in my spare time anyway? Hm?

Always got librarian to lean back on! Hehe...

He may be right, but that doesn't mean you should give up. There are a lot of different jobs involved in developing video games. You could probably find one you're best suited for.

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Protip: Crushing dreams is a butt nugget thing to do. Besides, who's to say I don't draw in my spare time anyway? Hm?

Not really to crush dream, but you also gotta understand the truth about some things.

Also, it wouldn't be such a bad idea to start networking and see what is the industry is doing right now. Research, my friend!

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First, I wanted to be a pilot for the Royal Air Force, just because I love fighter jets...

Then I changed from that to teaching after doing a week of work experience at my old Primary school.

I then changed from that to wanting to be in the Police Force, after having a brief encounter with an idiot who pissed me off and thought he could do as he pleased. He learnt he couldn't, not with me, anyway.

I want to be involved in putting an end to people who think they can do whatever they want and get away with it.

Edit: Already on the first step towards it. Currently at University doing a Police Studies course.

Edited by Raven
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Well with my upcoming degree I'll be in computer building, and repair, however I plan on getting a degree in web design. I've never really been the manual labor type, and I want a career that I'll enjoy and will allow me to be with my significant other fairly often. A lot of web designers work right from home.

I consider love and loved ones a more important aspect of life. It won't matter how much money you made when you die, but the time you spent with the ones you love will. If you get to the end of your life and all you can remember is wanting to make money, then consider it a life well wasted.

Thus I don't want to be RICH, but I do want to be well enough where I can take care of my family and myself.

Edited by Cynthia
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