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Help in identifying patch issues


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I'll be making an improved FE Translations section soon, but first I need some help in clearing up some patch issues. Since I haven't played any of the patches in great depth, minus the FE3 one, but I rushed through that. If anyone knows of any other issues, feel free to post as well.

FE 1 patch

For certain:

* No complete patch exists.

* (Better off playing FE3 or FE DS.)

Needs clearing up:

* Menu translation patch exists?

FE2 patch

For certain:

* Earlier versions freeze the game when you highlight the Ragnarok spell.

Needs clearing up:

* Some versions freeze the game when you highlight another spell?

FE3 patch

For certain:

* Scrolling intro (at the very beginning, when you don't press any buttons) is buggy.

* Class roll runs longer than the music.

Needs clearing up:

* Various small graphical glitches?

Not an error:

* Some emulators cause the in-battle menu to jump around.

* Some emulators don't display the in-battle text properly.

FE4 patch

For certain:

* Game freezes after fighting the final boss (link to script translations).

Needs clearing up:

* Filler text in some places?

Not an error:

* Defence Sword glitch in Chapter 4.

FE5 patch

Needs clearing up:

* Ending not translated?

* Highlighting certain Hero enemies mid-way into the game causes the game to freeze?

FE6 patch

Needs clearing up:

* Short character endings not translated?

Edited by VincentASM
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For FE4, some of the more obscure events may not of been properly translated or inserted. Ones like Cuan talking to some of the soldiers in Chapter 2, or Tristan speaking to Jake, and the like.

FE1's menu patch might be here

EDIT: Not sure if Starwolf fixed it in his addendum patch, but fighting the one of the bosses (in the desert, where it's him or the other one) can yield crashes as well. Restarting the game from a SRAM save fixes it.

Edited by Celice
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For FE4, some of the more obscure events may not of been properly translated or inserted. Ones like Cuan talking to some of the soldiers in Chapter 2, or Tristan speaking to Jake, and the like.

Tristan speaking to Jake? Didn't you mean Hawk? Anyway, if I recall correctly, I think both those have been translated.

Also, Twilkitri wrote a list of what still needs to be done (you should be able to find it on FESS.)

Apart from that, I think some village conversations aren't translated in the FE5 patch (chapter 20 for sure, and possibly the ones in the following chapters).

Edited by Marthur
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It was probably put in there as a joke, but the Thracia Patch has Kempf in chapter 12 say "Ha, those idiots fell right into my trap, in America". I doubt that was a translation error, though.

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It was probably put in there as a joke, but the Thracia Patch has Kempf in chapter 12 say "Ha, those idiots fell right into my trap, in America". I doubt that was a translation error, though.

I noticed this too.

Also, in FE 3, Book 2, Chapter 15, when Est recruits Abel, the conversation isn't translated. Anybody have a script of what should be said?

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I noticed this too.

Also, in FE 3, Book 2, Chapter 15, when Est recruits Abel, the conversation isn't translated. Anybody have a script of what should be said?

It's on the main site. Also, you must have an older patch because the one I have, that convo is translated. However, the one I have, when Marth recruits Abel on the same chapter, it's not translated.

Edit: Never mind about the Thracia error, it wasn't actually an error. My bad.

Edited by Dark Legend Vampire
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Maybe he's referring to Lugh, of FE6. Meh, Leaf had to BS up a name so he channeled Nino all the way from Grandbell I guess.


FE1 patch: Freezes at chapter 12

FE2: Very sloppy in general, text is often missing, untranslated, or just plain weird [sometimes when a character dies, ALL the death quotes will play]

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Lugh Faris is an alias Leaf uses to hide the fact that he's alive from Hannibal (which doesn't work anyway). Unless the alias is supposed to be something else, there's nothing wrong with that segment.

Oh, I thought Lugh Faris might have been part of Hannibal's full name or something like that. Now that I take a closer look at the dialogue, I noticed the "," after Faris. My bad.

Edited by Dark Legend Vampire
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In the FE5 patch, Barat's(Ch. 20 boss) in-battle quotes are not translated. I don't have a state from that chapter though, so I can't get any pictures or anything...

And in addition to the Kempf joke, after Cyas declares he is from Velthomer when talking to Sety in Ch. 23, he says "THE ULTIMATE POWER", or something stupid like that.

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FE2: Very sloppy in general, text is often missing, untranslated, or just plain weird [sometimes when a character dies, ALL the death quotes will play]

That's why j2e said the patch wasn't meant for playing ;[ If anything, it was a proof-of-concept release, to show progress over anything else.

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And in addition to the Kempf joke, after Cyas declares he is from Velthomer when talking to Sety in Ch. 23, he says "THE ULTIMATE POWER", or something stupid like that.

I think he said "THE FIRE OF JUSTICE" in my game.

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Sety of the magi group, the mage that smites evil...

It sounds like a reference to Sanger Zonvolt of Super Robot Taisen.

Gotta love a patch creator with a sense of humor. :rolleyes:

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FE4 patch

For certain:

* Game freezes after fighting the final boss (link to script translations).

Needs clearing up:

* Filler text in some places?

Not an error:

* Defence Sword glitch in Chapter 4.

In addition to the game freezing fter the final boss, everything after the final boss of FE4 comes out in gibberish. While you find a way to not make the game freeze after the ending, you could also translate that whole bit, too. Also, the conversations that occur whenever two people are lovers, one of them is in the home castle, and the other returns to the home castle could use some translation. I think everything else is fine except for the Defense Sword glitch that appears in the original Japanese version anyway.

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FE2 patch

For certain:

* Earlier versions freeze the game when you highlight the Ragnarok spell.

Needs clearing up:

* Some versions freeze the game when you highlight another spell?


FE6 patch

Needs clearing up:

* Short character endings not translated?

The first patch j2e put out for FE Gaiden the spell Excallibur would crash the game upon opening the magic menu.

As for FE6. Does this mean you've noticed most the support conversations don't work properly (the wrong conversations play for a numer of characters).

EDIT: Not sure if Starwolf fixed it in his addendum patch, but fighting the one of the bosses (in the desert, where it's him or the other one) can yield crashes as well. Restarting the game from a SRAM save fixes it.

I never looked into it but my theory is that is a RAM related glitch that would happen in a cartidge copy as well. You can't blame the testers for not playing from start to that point in one session.

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I think he said "THE FIRE OF JUSTICE" in my game.

He said that in my game too. Just saw it yesterday

Sety of the magi group, the mage that smites evil...

Sounds familiar, but can't place it...

Sety says that in Ch 23 before he fights the boss.

I didn't check if this was said yet, but in FE4 when two characters get max love and both go in the main castle, their conversation is very glitchy.

I don't think those parts were even translated.

There was another really funny translator's joke I found in FE5 Ch 23. I'll put the screenshot when I get the chance to.

I also saw some other minor glitches in FE5 patch. When you complete Ch 21x, they show a conversation with Julius and Ishtar. After the chapter is over, in the map, they show Julius and Ishtar and repeat the entire conversation in the map. Only after the conversation is over do they start showing the real text (great river of thracia blah blah blah).

In Ch 21 beginning, Celice talks to Leaf but they show Julia's portrait instead of Leaf. They even show Julia talking to Julia!

In the end of Ch 23, if you didn't get Sety, Cyas's last few dialogues are shown with the dialogue box pointing at Leaf (as if Leaf is talking).

You can't place the cursor over Galzus's Mercenaries in Ch 24 or the game freezes up. The same applies to a Mercenary reinforcement in the Final Chapter. I dunno anything about 24x though.

Some of the dialogues in villages aren't translated.

Edited by LightBrand99
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