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Why do you hate me so?


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--That is what Loki asks Lenneth before they fight.

As to me asking this question to you all, why do you hate me so? And if you do, why do you people respond to anything I post?

I mean, if you all really hated me like you say you do, you'd just ignore everything I post.

So I have come to the conclusion that I is not hated, I actually feel lots of love!!!! :lol:

In truth, I love you all, whether you hate me, love me or ignore me, I will always just brighten up whenever I see posts that tend to ruin my day, posts that are meant to hurt feelings, etc. I really don't care about all those things. I have one true friend who is always there to see me through the day. XD

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its not that they love you, its more that people love to hate you.

people love to hate things, that's why DHero's threads get so much attention. and you're putting yourself in the line of fire with most of your posts.

if you really want people's perception of you to change, you should first change how you act. listen to what people tell you; that'll usually give you a good idea of what you need to change.

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Say what? Who hates you?

90% of the forum. XD

its not that they love you, its more that people love to hate you.

people love to hate things, that's why DHero's threads get so much attention. and you're putting yourself in the line of fire with most of your posts.

if you really want people's perception of you to change, you should first change how you act. listen to what people tell you; that'll usually give you a good idea of what you need to change.

Eh, ok. Si tu lo dices, madre mia. XD *Remember you is my mother*

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I'll stop hating you when you stop being retarded when it's obvious you don't have the mental condition. Only people who are actually retarded are allowed to act retarded you scalefag.

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I'll stop hating you when you stop being retarded when it's obvious you don't have the mental condition. Only people who are actually retarded are allowed to act retarded you scalefag.

Haha, but who is asking you to stop hating, good sire? I certainly aint.

You're powerful, can kick anyone's ass, and a cool Dragir. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Woot, WIN! Cashing. ^^ :lol:

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Haha, but who is asking you to stop hating, good sire? I certainly aint.

Woot, WIN! Cashing. ^^ :lol:

Only faggots edit people's quotes.


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if you're not going to attempt to change, there really isn't a point to making a topic like this.

you're only making people hate you more.

but if what you want is to be continuously flamed, continue acting like this.

Edited by Little Red Riding Hood
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if you're not going to attempt to change, there really isn't a point to making a topic like this.

you're only making people hate you more.

but if what you want is to be continuously flamed, continue acting like this.

Oh, so you admit that people here have been flaming me?

And I thought they were simply acting like morons. ^^

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Are you calling most of the forum faggots? Because I've seen lots of people doing that. ;)


But you deserve to be called one for other reasons as well.

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Oh, so you admit that people here have been flaming me?

And I thought they were simply acting like morons. ^^

Acting like morons?

The same could be said of you Sir Scalefag.

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Lol, hating a sad carapace such as yours would be too much effort. It would be like I cared what your value as a human being was.

Your more like a parakeet; bird brained, unable to harm anything, but your squawking is annoying as fuck, and it's just a pathetic ploy to get someone to get you more feed and refill your water tin. But look on the bright side, if Darwin has anything to say about it in a few million years you may actually turn into something useful.

But even he'd be skeptical. You'd probably just get a bigger beak to yak with. And to eat those sweet sweet walnuts with.

Edited by Black Knight
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Acting like morons?

The same could be said of you Sir Scalefag.

*Laughs.* Don't tell me you barely realized this.

Lol, hating a sad carapace such as yours would be too much effort. It would be like I cared what your value as a human being was.

Your more like a parakeet; bird brained, unable to harm anything, but your squawking is annoying as fuck, and it's just a pathetic ploy to get someone to get you more feed and refill your water tin. But look on the bright side, if Darwin has anything to say about it in a few million years you may actually turn into something useful.

But even he'd be skeptical. You'd probably just get a bigger beak to yak with.

Wouldn't that annoy your pathetic life just a bit more? Hm? :lol:

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let it be recorded in the books that i tried. i really did.

if you're not willing to listen, then there's no more to say. good luck.

You gave it a shot. I wont deny you tried.

But I do listen. I never posted this simply to make you people believe I can change. I never posted it with the intention to change, nor to make those flamers stop hating. I love the exchange we have amongst ourselves; give and take.

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