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The Fail Thread!


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Yeah. Post your PHAILS. Yours, not yours, don't matter. :3

my favorite:

This is not phail. It was actually pretty awesome.

is phail:
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is phail:

Haha. The comments were pretty amusing. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeendyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy NOOOOOOO!!!! Best AK EVAR!! ...well with the exception of Amelia from Sacred Stones.... That's a good one.

Anyway, there's this failed attempt to make Lugh look bad. It was already brought up in the FE6 board, but it fails that much.

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Haha. The comments were pretty amusing. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeendyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy NOOOOOOO!!!! Best AK EVAR!! ...well with the exception of Amelia from Sacred Stones.... That's a good one.

Anyway, there's this failed attempt to make Lugh look bad. It was already brought up in the FE6 board, but it fails that much.

uploader's comment:

...No, he's not. He sucks. Badly. As shown in this movie. "Well it's personal experience and not averages" is plain bull-crap.

Averages = Something that MORONS says instead of "Personal experience"; Something THEY'RE DAMN AFRAID OF!

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My Shin got criticaled by the boss in FE6's Ch. 14. And the rate was at 3.

Ha ha, reminds me of when I was playing FE8, at the last part. Lyon criticalled two times in a row with a 2 percent critical rate.

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FE3, the chapter after the end of dragon valley, Book 2...

Get through the chapter. Est rescued. Minerva, Oguma, Naval, Yubello and Sirius essentially take care of the map by themselves with aid of Parthia Gordon. Linda weakens the boss down, luck would have it a single rapier hit from Marth would kill him! I mean, all the enemies are dead, Marth has a 97 hit, what could go wrong?

OH OF COURSE , he misses! I was so confident Marth would hit that I didn't give a damn about the fact that the retaliation would kill him. Throw in the fact that the whole dragon valley chapters were filled with enemies who had 50 hit at best, 20 at worst and NOT A SINGLE ATTACK MISSED ME, you can see how bad my phail luck is.

How miserable is my luck that I can't even trust a 97% chance? That shit happens all the time with me...It's why I don't do ranked runs, something bad will ALWAYS happen to fuck up the run. Never fails.

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