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Changes between the EU and NA version

Lord Raven

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If anyone wants to know the why about the names changed, NOE went with the consistency of the Smash names.

As for the script itself. NOE probably just took the translation and tweeked it very slghtly

Note: 8-4 is a games localisation company. You might find this an interesting watch.

Disclaimer: It is up to you weather to trust that information or not (what is effectively random forum posting) but it certainly makes sense.

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I'm really glad we got the good version out there in Europe. I do envy you for getting Navarre and Macedon, but sacrifing them both is a small price to pay for escaping that horrendous Caeda and getting an actually closer spelling to Sheeda's real name.

(This is IMO, of course, you may, or may not agree with me, you're free to have your opinion on that matter.)

I would have preferred Shieda myself, but Caeda somehow isn't as WTF to me as Shiida.

I gave a thought about this one myself, but I realized it wouldn't work out, at least in the French version.

In that language, Shieda sounds much like "chier", which means "to shit" in French. X_x

Only problem is, I've taken too much Latin, so I always imagine that name being pronounced Ka-i-da.

For us French, it would rather sound like "Ka-é-da" (yeah, the same "é" sound as in "Pokémon", but QFT.

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It's one name for a character who's better off used as a gaiden sacrifice. Is it really that big a deal?

You were talking to me ?

If so, for me, yes. Because she's one of my top favourite characters in that game.

Again, I stress it out : what I'm saying is IMO.

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If I did my calculations right, Wolf has 100% Str growth as a Hero. Yet I've seen him grow +2 on a level up a couple times. I have reason to believe his growths changed.

@bolded: Which area? Because last time I checked it was 2 on health for me sometimes.

Edited by Little Al
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At this point, other than looking at names on my first playthrough and going "what... the... FUCK", I could care less. I'm still going to go around using the original Japanese translations. So Caeda/Shiida/whatever is still Sheeda, Draug is Doga, Jagen is Jeigan, etc. And I don't know what the fuck they called Katua.

That should make things REALLY interesting as the newer players get more and more involved in the fandom!

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If I did my calculations right, Wolf has 100% Str growth as a Hero. Yet I've seen him grow +2 on a level up a couple times. I have reason to believe his growths changed.

I think Vince spoke of this a while ago, about how the stats work. There was some sort of "gift" RNG also used... or something. Wonky stuff.

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Pachyderm is this elephant guy in Yoshi's Island. Am I the only one who noticed that?

I didn't notice that in particular, but a brief visit to onelook.com has given me this definition for pachyderm:

any of various nonruminant hoofed mammals having very thick skin: elephant; rhinoceros; hippopotamus
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At this point, other than looking at names on my first playthrough and going "what... the... FUCK", I could care less. I'm still going to go around using the original Japanese translations. So Caeda/Shiida/whatever is still Sheeda, Draug is Doga, Jagen is Jeigan, etc. And I don't know what the fuck they called Katua.

That should make things REALLY interesting as the newer players get more and more involved in the fandom!

Those are fan-translations. :P

That means Linde should be "Rinda". And Draug should actually be "Dohga", not Doga.

According to the TCG cards, of course. THOSE are official. :P


Edited by Shiva
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