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Yu-Gi-Oh! is officially dead

Destiny Hero

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For those of you who don't know, Upperdeck and Konami (the two companies who operate the game, UD in America & Europe) have had a huge battle in court. Konami has been accusing UD of all these things, and UD has been defending themselves, but they're going to lose control of the game in a few months. UD are the good guys, Konami's the bad guy, pretty much.

Also, because of a huge shortage in prize support for tournament winnings, every single official tournament in North America has been canceled.


Konami’s Action Detrimental to Yu-Gi-Oh! Community

North Las Vegas, NV (February 17, 2009) – Due to circumstances beyond its control, Upper Deck regrets to announce that all future Organized Play programs and events in North America for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME have been canceled. The unavailability of product and prizes affects all upcoming North American Yu-Gi-Oh! OP programs and events, including Shonen Jump Championships, Regional Qualifiers, the National Championship and the monthly Hobby League program

For months, Upper Deck has continued in good faith to support Yu-Gi-Oh! OP, so as not to abandon the player and retailer community of which it has been an integral part for six years. Upper Deck remains committed to the Yu-Gi-Oh! community and will continue to fight Konami’s actions in court. Upper Deck hopes to once again be able to offer Duelists the high caliber events to which they have become accustomed."

Since the beginnning of 2008, there have been too many expensvive cards (and by that, I mean 300+ dollar cards) being released, and too much of an emphasis on tiers. One deck, called Tele-DAD, is pretty much invincible, and the strongest any single deck has ever been in any card game. Nothing has been done about it on the part of the game creators' Ban List, so the game has been going down the drain.

I myself was a very skilled YuGiOh player, but in early 2008, even I was forced to quit the game due to the unbelievable costs. I still have all of my cards, and even a mint 1st Ed. Mirror Force from its original set.

If you're just going to bash the game or troll, than fuck off and don't waste your time. This is actually a very sad thing to see such a great game die.

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I thought Yu-gi-oh died years ago. Like back when I thought wearing my hat backwards was cool. That brings back memories though. I remember my old cards. I was a dragon fanatic. A deck composed entirely of dragons. Three Blue eyes, three red eyes, three of everything I really liked, plus a bunch of other random dragon boosting cards. Good times.

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Discussion about the anime is probably not too appropriate, just like how the Pokemon anime has jumped the shark but the games still go very strong. This topic is about the death of the real life trading card game.

Well, if the BROKEN PACK, 300 bucks for some cards, and not caring about the ban list are true things, then it's their fault.

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We really don't need to discuss the show. We all know it's an epic failure. The first and last seasons of GX were pretty good, though. But I watched 5Ds one day and nearly threw up it was so bad. I mean, playing card games on motorcycles? And the hair... Jeez, everyone's hair had boners, I swear.

Anyway, the game was going VERY strong in 2007, and was fun for everyone, but then in early 2008 is when it started to die. And I guess it just took a year from there. I guess the throne of card games has switched, carrying Magic (still going?), Chaotic (if anyone plays it), Pokemon (fun for the kids, I guess), and Naruto (shockingly good. An independant game, and the creators aren't idiots).

And now Yu-Gi-Oh, a great game almost everyone has played, is now going into the graveyard with all the premature random card games that were destined to blow before they were released, like SpongeBob or Avatar, which actually DID have card games, believe it or not, and that's what gives card games a bad name.

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Thank god I'm a Magic the Gathering player.

Well, I wouldn't say the game would die just yet, it is the most popular card game in places I've frequented, consisting of more casual players who aren't affected much by official tournaments, but I can't exactly say how they'll really feel about this. I'm good friends with a few, but despite that, I'm not particularly fond of half of them.

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Yu-Gi-Oh! card games (irl) would've been cool if it had battle fields 'n stuff.

That said, I prefer other card games, like the aforementioned Magic the Gathering (though I haven't played that for a really long time, almost too long).

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My brother used to play it.

It was dying all through last year. Upper Deck and Konami, according to him, have been complete jerks to each other for a long time.

It wasn't really that great of a game in my opinion, and most of these card games are overly complicated anyway. I digress, however, and you can enjoy whatever you'd like.

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I didn't even know people still played Magic. The cards all seem to random and uninspired. It seems like anything you can think of is a Magic card. And the cards are pretty ugly. But I probably just think that because I play the Naruto CCG which has orgasmic card pictures, so yeah.

But for a card game based on a TV show, it's pretty shocking how complete Naruto is. And the creators are completely in touch with the players. They're on their 12th booster right now and it's been going for about two years.

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Fuck man, I don't exactly dig Yu-Gi-Oh or Naruto or some shit, but I don't bash on the game just because it's unappealing to me. I could easily say Yu-Gi-Oh is ugly and uninspiring (hello, they're all by the same artist) while Magic has near limitless variety. There has been over a thousand artists for their cards. As for actually playing, the common cards are actually usable, unlike most Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Sure, a lot of it may be random, but that's what really creates the endless strategy and combos.

But I still respect the game.

I know you're comparing it with Naruto, but I've never actually seen one of their cards outside ads, so I just compared it to another game you've played.

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Actually, YGO was not even supposed to be about card games. It was just a minor thing in only one episode.

IIRC, Season 0 was what the show was supposed to be.

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So there goes my plans of finally selling those cards I have to people who still care about it?

Eh. I could sell mine for a lot (I have a LOT of rare cards), but I plan on just keeping them. You know, to remember the game that consumed my life for years until the giant hammer of painful reality bashed me in the face one day. One day when I realized that it was a rich man's game.

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