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Let me enlighten you people.

According to Christianity, anyone who's accepted God/Jesus makes it to heaven. 'Course it may be different for Jehovah Witnesses.

Only a chosen few will make it to heaven, and those are 144.000, from the twelve tribes. Those are just special people that will be appointed a job.

indeed, someone might, but there should be threads dedicated to it, so if we want to avoid hearing such discussions we can avoid them.

personally, i have enough with the random ladies who go door-to-door preaching.

You can avoid them by not posting where stuff is mentioned. ;)

I don't know enough about Jehovah's Witnesses to judge him. From what I heard, they tend to do some weird stuff.

You call weird stuff the things that Jesus commanded us to do? Personally, I see no other religion doing this, except teach in churches and whatnot. But that does not reach out to the whole world. We Jehovah Witnesses on the other hand are making sure the good news is heard around the entire world, so that when the time for judgment day comes, all those who did not believe will not have excuses that they never heard about the good news, etc.

I also read something about refusing military service and blood transfusion..... Blood transfusions, what's so bad about that?

God made you unique. Blood to him is sacred, blood in a way, is life. I can explain deeper, but to what end? You people will just come and say something stupid.

Don't celebrate holidays either.

Nope, we don't. They are not bad, but they are just man-made things.

Exp: Christmas, we don't think Jesus was born in December, nor the 25th, as many religions out there believe so. The bible does not specify, rather it hints that Jesus was born in Autumn.

Army Service refusal? Geez...it would kill 'em to help their country out, huh?

Army service? What good comes from that? All that is just a part of Satan's plans, having humans fight against each other. Do you people think it right to go kill some other human being? Even if the latter is evil/enemy. As I say, Satan's plans for humanity is total destruction. Satan cares nothing about humans, he just wants to take as many with him to his destruction as he can.

I feel sorry for all you people that do not believe, but I feel more sorry for those that do, our tribulation will be much harsher than yours. Still, it is good to know that God is with us 'til the end.

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So, you are saying you're a witness, eh? (If you already said this, I haven't read the entire thread) I actually had a feeling you were back when you first mentioned not believing in holidays. Not liking science was also a clue. It's why I never bothered to press on either issue.

Edited by Bohemund
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So you saying you're a witness, eh? Had a feeling you were back when you first mentioned not believing in holidays. Not liking science was also a clue.

Yeah, I am, although I still have to baptize myself, but that is one big decision that must be made with care. Once you do, there is no going back.

I might make a thread for those who wish to hear what I have to offer/teach/share. What evil can come out of something that is good? Nothing, rather, there is much knowledge to gain.

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I love how Jarly speaks of manmade things as bad, yet he uses computers.

I also love how he preaches about doing good for god, yet does nothing but insult others and claim superiority to everyone.

I love how he claims to be a god/have godlike powers all the time and we should worship him.

Sorry bud. I don't think you're getting into heaven. Too much contradiction

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But I would like to teach the knowledge that I know.
knowledge that I know.

Flabberjaskle! I laugheth my arse off.

*points to sig* Oh yeah, so much knowledge... Do you actually have any physical proof to back these wild fairy tales of a villain who revels in being evil and of a super being who has always existed. And no, the bible is not solid evidence.

You are the victim of religious indoctrination, plain and simple.

Edited by Shuuda
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No, you're not. You're cold.

Oh... *shivers*

Is that good? =D

Girl, you deserve to listen to some culture!
It will brighten up your day!

ooh, it does calm me down a bit =)... too bad the one exception to my computer is that it doesn't play too loudly even at full colume =/

Edited by Freohr Datia
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