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I wish. I hope the mods soon come to there senses and take away your privileges, since it is clear you will only use them for cowardice and abuse.


Edited by Shuuda
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I wish. I hope the mods soon come to there senses and take away your privileges, since it is clear you will only use them for cowardice and abuse.


Lemme correct you there...Do you mean to say:

I wish. I hope the mods soon come to their senses...blahblahblah

--Oh, btw. I could not pm you back since you have blocked communications or somn, but here is my response to the pm you sent me. And stop flaming me by calling me coward and whatnot...I might just decide to report you next time.

So now you are a coward who has to hide behind abusing his locking powers? Face it, you're so selfish and egoistic that you cannot stand the idea of anyone disagreeing with you being right. I hope this is not how you are in real life, or else you are due for a big wake up call.

By the way, I notice you took down your story. What is wrong, cannot stand things not going your way?

No, you poor dolts ruined it by showing yourselves there.

Get use to just watching without being able to give feedback because that is the way it's going to be from now on. Have a good day, mister fire troll, whatever your silly card name monster is...

As to things not going my way, you should ask yourself that. You believe your work doesn't need improvement? Think again, egoman, you need plenty of help.

And stop pming me since I really don't give a shit about you...Have I pmed you before? No, I tend to stay away from folks like yourself.

Edited by Löki
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