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Blacks. What Is Your Opinions on Them?

Steven Tyler

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Well, reflecting on a mature discussion (you know, something that the lot of you guys fail at when having a discussion on controversial topics) on race at my College Reading class. We were talking about how black people and generally, everyone need to move on beyond race and stop using the blame game tactics.

Honestly, I don't get why many of my black brothers and sisters like to blame "The Man" or think that the Government should give them free money (Wellfare Checks) just because they sit on their ass and do nothing until the next month. Seriously, why do black people think that doing nothing and getting it for free is the best way to live? Had anyone told us that you know, you fuckin' work for your money?

Another thing I find funny about blacks is reverse racism. It's a hate crime if some white fellow comes up to you and shout "N***er!" in your face and you wanna get upset. However, I can call a white man a "Cracker", say a lot of ignorant thigns about whties, and beat him up and it's not a hate crime.

It's funny. Black people find it okay to make fun of others races but dare you make fun of us an we wanna pull the race card and cry "victim". Take this contrveral cartoon for example:


See, to normal people with common sense, that cartoon is basically saying that Mr. Liberal God's new plan to help the weaken economy is so poorly written that anyone, even a wild animal could had made up that bullshit.

Now, here's the sweet thing about that picture. Some idiot black guy by the name of Al Sharpton saw it (which is impossible seeing young, immature, ghetto blacks don't even read the newspaper) and wanna cause a huge shitstorm calling it an "Racist" image. Now, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Sharpton a little... racist himself? But hey, it's cool you know! He's black so he can get away with his hatred for white people!

Seriously. Black people need to get over the past, forgive what happen and stop blaming fate or the world for their struggles.

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Honestly, I don't get why many of my black brothers and sisters like to blame "The Man" or think that the Government should give them free money (Wellfare Checks) just because they sit on their ass and do nothing until the next month.
Rational actor: why work when guilt-ridden people will give you shit for free?
Seriously. Black people need to get over the past, forgive what happen and stop blaming fate or the world for their struggles.
This is a true statement.
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Al Sharpton bitches too much. Ignore him.

I agree with you on most points, the concept of race should just die.


That's pretty much how I'd use the word Nigga but I refrain from using it because of all the bullshit that pops up when a "white man uses the N word" (I'm Dominican damn it, not white >_<).

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I'm just going out on a limb here but I thought that monkey was basically meant how silly that bill was to the point anyone could had written that, not the whole incident with the chimp fuckin' up that lady's face. Can't blame ya for thinking that seeing both incident happen within the same week.

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I'm just going out on a limb here but I thought that monkey was basically meant how silly that bill was to the point anyone could had written that, not the whole incident with the chimp fuckin' up that lady's face. Can't blame ya for thinking that seeing both incident happen within the same week.

No, you're right, lol. I don't know what I was thinking.

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I'm just going out on a limb here but I thought that monkey was basically meant how silly that bill was to the point anyone could had written that, not the whole incident with the chimp fuckin' up that lady's face. Can't blame ya for thinking that seeing both incident happen within the same week.
Pretty sure the guy said that it was the monkey. Could be wrong. Edited by Blacken
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