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Fireman for President


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Come on guys!

Besides Jimmy Carter what president do you know that can warp space AND time!?

Fireman will be the second president to ever do such, and he needs your votes like a hooker needs business.

To vote for Fireman, hit the left shift key and the print screen key with the same hand at the same time.

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I hit left shit, z, a, print screen, F12/scr lk, -, and = at the same time

Does that count?

Edit: Forgot to mention it was with one hand.

Edited by Retarded faggot
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I can't help but feel this topic has something to do with me.

With Fireman as our president, we can kiss terrorism goodbye. Count me in!

Terrorists are no match for one man with no guns.

Unless he tells us to commit terrorism.


You can't fully put it past any leader, ya know?

Ideas, ideas...

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