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Doom's Humble Religious Analysis


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Before I start, this isn't intended to offend anyone.

Well, today is Ash Wednesday for Catholics and I went to Church for the first time in forever. Before I start let me tell you were my religious views are. I'm Catholic and I do believe in God, but there is a part of me, the logical side which doesn't believe. I'm caught in the middle, and I have strong feelings towards overly religious people. Why? Because, I find people to be a fascinating subject. Observing and learning about human behavior. So when I see overly religious people I always see something bad to them, some corruptness, and they turn to God so they can not seem so bad, and to be forgiven for all the bad they do. So they lie and steal and go to Church so then it's all okay, they try to tell themselves they are "forgiven".

Now I have multiple religious theories.

One is I believe religion starts more problems than it solves.

Well, let me show some examples.

Lets start with Islam.

I haven't meet a bad person who is Islamic, I find them to be very kind honest people. Their religion is strict, but the things said in the Koran are really deep. Now there are people who take such a good thing and find another meaning to it. There you have extremist. Overly religious people who kill, for "Allah" **sorry if I misspelled that" or "God". So this interpretation of this beautiful thing gets twisted around into something it isn't bringing a nation sorrow. Many Nations for that matter.

Another example is with Jews.

Now Jews are something, to be oppressed for so many years, even being exterminated like bugs, but they stay together and I envy them becuase they have some balls. To stand and say they will stay who they are no matter what. All through history their different religion has been their punishment. What brings them hope brings their fear.


The RCC (Roman Catholic Church) has fought and politically controlled western Europe for a long time. They used a faith and brought political gain with it. Which corrupted Church and government, thus the Dark ages of the Renaissance.

Another theory or better said question I have....

Logically speaking, religion is o_O

Soooo... when my heart stops pumping my "soul" which no scientist has found goes up to the sky and I do what now?

It sounds like total crap right?

Well alot of people like myself grasp on to this faith. But why? It honestly sounds illogical.

Why theory and question is

There are one of two reasons why, you want to go to heaven and have your soul liberated, and the other reason is you don't want to burn in hell or wherever your religion says.

Is it Fear or Faith? Which keeps us strapped to this illogical solution to life?

Now you see the bold wants right, well that ties into my theory of human nature.

Our human nature is to want. Every decision we make is based off some form of want.

Some say "oh well people don't wanna work, so your theory is wrong"

No that only proves it. Think about is

Why do you go to work? Because you want to make money becuase you want to have a home and food becuase you want to live

There is a reason behind everything, and that reason is what you want. There is no such thing as an obligation, becuase nothing is forcing you to do it, except for maybe gravity you go up you came down.

Well, that is how I see it, please I would like to discuss this with you guys.

Edited by Doom_Dragon_103
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I don't have much to say on the matter. I just stick to what I believe and I am proud of it. One should stick to what one's heart and/or mind tells us to believe. That is my humble opinion.

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I believe they cling to faith because God tugs on their hearts, calling out to them.

It's why some Christians prefer to see Christianity as more of a relationship than a simple religion, because God is a part of their lives.

It doesn't take an overly complex philosophy to understand the answer to this one.

Edited by Chainey
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People need a reason to exist and something to answer the ever-elusive question, "why are we here"

religion provides for both.

So you say it's for an answer.

I did think that, but the answer would be illogical and won't make literal sense, even though we all it will never

Though to be fair, you're just claiming it's blind faith.

Isn't it?

Edited by Doom_Dragon_103
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Although I am very religious, I still haven't managed to read the entire bible. But I can definitely say to you people that when I have problems, I find many answers there most of the time, no joke.

And so I really have no trouble making up my mind whether I believe in God or not. Just by looking at all the things the bible says leaves my mouth wide open. I always find something new that I did not know about, so I will keep sticking to my beliefs.

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I believe they cling to faith because God tugs on their hearts, calling out to them.

It's why some Christians prefer to see Christianity as more of a relationship than a simple religion, because God is a part of their lives.

It doesn't take an overly complex philosophy to understand the answer to this one.

Now how does God Tug? By reading a book which has been edited millions of times?

God is a part everyones life not just Christianity

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God is a part everyones life not just Christianity

This is very agreeable.

Why? Because there is no true religion that could be pointed out as being the unique one, or the real one. When God comes to reclaim his people; AKA the ones who stick to following the 10 commandments and telling others about the good news, there will be many sheep he'll take from other churches, and those will be the ones that really stuck with him, not some vile person who only showed to church to have his sins erased like Doom here said.

If one wants to be saved, he/she has to really make a decision and stick to doing the good things.

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This is very agreeable.

Why? Because there is no true religion that could be pointed out as being the unique one, or the real one. When God comes to reclaim his people; AKA the ones who stick to following the 10 commandments and telling others about the good news, there will be many sheep he'll take from other churches, and those will be the ones that really stuck with him, not some vile person who only showed to church to have his sins erased like Doom here said.

If one wants to be saved, he/she has to really make a decision and stick to doing the good things.

I stiked that out becuase that was contradicting to your thesis. What's in bold is correct the rest... is contradicting to your thesis

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I stiked that out becuase that was contradicting to your thesis. What's in bold is correct the rest... is contradicting to your thesis

How was it contradicting if you wish to explain. *scratches head*

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To be fair, you went and said no religion is true and then made it sound like God is the only truth and called other followers sheep.

I agree, but I meant it as now a days nobody knows which religion is the right one. There are too many and that makes people wonder and sometimes hesitate about joining one.

The fact of the matter is this: The end is coming soon. I've read all the prophecies and have come to a conclusion that most of them already happened. There are a few still left to happen, but those are not far away now. So imo, if you are a believer of God, you should repent, do what Jesus instructed his followers to do and keep awake.

To keep awake means to keep your faith high.

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Now how does God Tug? By reading a book which has been edited millions of times?
By tugging and poking your feelings.

I'm sure you'll understand eventually depending on what you want to do.

God is a part everyones life not just Christianity
Yes, I know, but I'm not trying to win at logic, so I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
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I have no opinion on religion.

I live life the way I want to. If there is something after death, then good for us. If there's not, then it's not like I'll give a crap, because I'll be dead. If there is such things as Heaven and Hell, and I end up going to Hell, then I'll accept it.

But until the day it matters to me (never, probably), I will live the way I like, without regard to any religion.

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God is a part everyones life not just Christianity

God's got nothing to do with me. I prefer to live my life without feeling the need to please some higher deity that I don't even know if it exists. Just my two cents.

I don't mean this offensively. Just stating my view. If this offends anyone, I apologize in advance.

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Religion exists to provide answers.

No, science exists to give us the answers. Religion is a deterrent of knowledge (and even morality sometimes). After all, what does mankind gain from slapping a "God did it" label on things they cannot explain, and punish people who say different?

The idea of living under the jurisdiction of one being is corrupt and retarded at best. I for one are happy that we do not have a defined reason for existing, it makes existing all the more interesting.

Maybe if Religious people could come up with better arguments for their faith, I would give them more credit. In truth, the reason most people believe in their religion, is because they have been indoctrinated into it.

Edited by Is this the Revolution?
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Religion has never stopped anyone from gaining knowledge.

At least not in the last few centuries. But it was a simple set of knowledge and morals in a time where counting to ten was complex math.

I mean, Calc and Stat have only developed extensively since computers were developed. Don't dare ask me to use a slide rule.

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Religion has never stopped anyone from gaining knowledge.

Young Earth Creationists are still around. They are certainly intent on stopping people from gaining knowledge.

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