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December 21, 2012 Cataclysm Prophecy

Phoenix Wright

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The Sun freaks me out, a giant ball of gas that is above us...now that's the horror.

The Sun will expand enough to cover the first 3 or 4 planets near to it perhaps?

It's not above us. In space there is no up or down because there is no gravity that isn't produced by planets, stars, giant rocks, etc.

And it's unknown exactly how big it will get. It might cover up Earth, it might just get close enough to the Earth that it'll pull the Earth inside it/roast the Earth, drying it up and killing everything on it.

Edited by Destiny Bundle of Sticks
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Oh, I remember that. Everyone was freaking out saying that the computers would take over the world or crash so badly.

In fact, I say the world is going to end on May 5th, 2009!

Shit, only a third of my preparations will be done by then!

Frankly, I wish 2012 would get here so that the History Channel would go back to showing things about the real world.

Me too, I miss my Ice Road Truckers.

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And it's unknown exactly how big it will get. It might cover up Earth, it might just get close enough to the Earth that it'll pull the Earth inside it/roast the Earth, drying it up and killing everything on it.

Common misconception. The Sun will never pull the Earth into it, because doing so requires an increase in mass. Any increase in the Sun's volume will be matched by a correspond decrease in density. This is why even if the sun became a blackhole, we would orbit around it exactly as it is now, because it's not going to be any heavier.

Actually, when the sun becomes a red giant, it will lose a significant amount of mass due to blow off, and the orbits of the planets will actually get wider because the sun will have significantly less gravitational influence.

Edited by Black Knight
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Plus, we don't actually KNOW the sun will be a red giant, we can only guess. From what I remember, it could become a blackhole (those aren't proved to exist either) by a supernova.

No, neither, and those are both mutually exclusive.

Scientists do actually do better things with their time than sit on their hands and say "pussyfeathers." Their predictions are based of thousands and thousands of other star observations. They kind of do know.

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Plus, we don't actually KNOW the sun will be a red giant, we can only guess. From what I remember, it could become a blackhole (those aren't proved to exist either) by a supernova.

This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read here, and that's saying a lot. You literally didn't say a single correct or even vaguely correct thing.

Retake an elementary school science course - it'd be to your benefit.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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It's not above us. In space there is no up or down because there is no gravity that isn't produced by planets, stars, giant rocks, etc.

The enemy's game is *shot*

This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read here, and that's saying a lot. You literally didn't say a single correct or even vaguely correct thing.

Retake an elementary school science course - it'd be to your benefit.

Even though he said black holes might not exist, isn't it true that a star which goes supernova may end up as a neutron star which may end up as a black hole?

Just defending the potentially vague correctness of some other guys post.

(makes some point about inductive reasoning or something to invalidate scientific experimentation and his own stupidity. Just because everything I say is stupid doesn't mean that I am stupid.)

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Not only is nearly every post in this thread absolutely ridiculous, nobody has pointed out yet that the correct date is December 21, 2012. You guys have outdone yourselves this time.

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Not only is nearly every post in this thread absolutely ridiculous, nobody has pointed out yet that the correct date is December 21, 2012. You guys have outdone yourselves this time.

I did that at first, but then I saw a post with "12" instead of "21" so I changed it.

Wow, I laugh at myself for saying black holes don't exist, at my entire post actually.

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