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Dreams were recently crushed because ¢⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢²⅐¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢²⅐¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢¢⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢⅐¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐⅐¢⅐¢¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢¢⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐⅐⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐¢¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢²¢¢¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢⅐⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢⅐⅐¢⅐⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢¢⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐¢¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²¢⅐⅐¢¢¢⅐¢²⅐¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢¢¢⅐⅐¢²⅐⅐¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢¢¢¢⅐¢¢²⅐¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐¢²¢¢⅐¢⅐⅐⅐¢²¢⅐⅐⅐¢⅐¢¢








Have fun. You WON'T figure it out.


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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

The description he gave can potentially apply to Nights of Azure 2.

Yeah, unless you knew ahead of time whose affection you needed to max, and even then, it can be a pain in the ass due to needing to mind the whole moon phase crap (which isn't a worry on subsequent runs). Doesn't help that eventually, there are more sidequests than you can afford to do. Speaking of which, I read somewhere that's true of Stella Glow; I thought all I needed to do was raise Klaus's affinity and spare a spoileriffic character. Am I missing something here? Or is there something else that's not obvious that also needs to be done that cannot be done on a first run for whatever reason??

Hasn't seen the trainwreck that is Dracula testifying in a gospel choir.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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8 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Yeah, unless you knew ahead of time whose affection you needed to max, and even then, it can be a pain in the ass due to needing to mind the whole moon phase crap (which isn't a worry on subsequent runs). Doesn't help that eventually, there are more sidequests than you can afford to do. Speaking of which, I read somewhere that's true of Stella Glow; I thought all I needed to do was raise Klaus's affinity and spare a spoileriffic character. Am I missing something here? Or is there something else that's not obvious that also needs to be done that cannot be done on a first run for whatever reason??

If you raise Klaus' affinity high enough (you'll know how high it needs to be once you can't choose to spend time with him in Free Time anymore), you get another party member later and a choice is added to the finale of the game where you can choose to spare a certain someone. This unlocks the True Final Boss. I got it only on my second playthrough (mostly because I didn't care enough for Klaus to raise his affinity), but I think it should be possible on a first, too.
Tip: If you do get all of the requirements to unlock the final boss, DEFINITELY max out Lisette's affinity. Levia is a life saver in the true finale.

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On 4/16/2020 at 6:40 PM, DragonFlames said:

If you raise Klaus' affinity high enough (you'll know how high it needs to be once you can't choose to spend time with him in Free Time anymore), you get another party member later and a choice is added to the finale of the game where you can choose to spare a certain someone. This unlocks the True Final Boss. I got it only on my second playthrough (mostly because I didn't care enough for Klaus to raise his affinity), but I think it should be possible on a first, too.
Tip: If you do get all of the requirements to unlock the final boss, DEFINITELY max out Lisette's affinity. Levia is a life saver in the true finale.

I see. Is the true final boss over NINE (bleep) THOUSANNNND?


Also, I'm getting a feeling the game's getting tougher. Case in point: the first battle in chapter 10 has a Dragon with wtfmassive HP (1500+) and crazy attack power. What's right before isn't a cakewalk either. Especially if you want the Witches' weapons (as you're stuck using Alto and the Witches, you'll need to have Thief Orbs on your weapons) and are seeking to win with no allies defeated (which is a special condition; Millicent has an instant kill attack, which can screw you over in that case, especially as from what I see, she's prone to spam it).

Knows that Luigi's Up B is unfun to take if it's used while he's in your face.

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