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I wanna fight dancing sexy manly Shiva and sexy manly Vishnu with their SMT2 references. :3

I already missed the four seraphim. :<

Not some kind of icon.

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Doesn't shoot his gun like a cop. (ex:Serph)

What's up with that anyway?

Also, after letting Sera get the last kill while in Berserk state one time I opted to not ever let her get the last kill in Berserk state because OH GOD THE BLADE AND HER ARM I CAN SEE INSIDE HER ARM THAT LOOKS SO PAINFUL AND AWESOME IN A GROSS YET AWESOME KIND OF WAY ASLKDHALKDQLWKDN.

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Sera is too cute to gross me out. It's that you can see inside her arm and makes me kind of squeamish and jealous because I want demonic blade arms like Serph and Sera. ;[

May know that Shiva approves of Shoji Meguro.

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Knows i don't like smogoners

"Hurr durr rain and sun is overpowered we should ban it!" (Gen 5) *Sure they haven't banned them yet but a lot of people do cry about it*

But stealth rock in gen 4 was totally fine. :/

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