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He was banned for multiple accounts.

I know why, he made an "alt" account on his computer, but it was just his friend making his own account.


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after hearing his story i dont know if its really fair that he got banned...if his friend indeed made an account here on his computer using his (friend) email address and it was indeed his friend not TLS then its really no grounds for banning...is it?

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after hearing his story i dont know if its really fair that he got banned...if his friend indeed made an account here on his computer using his (friend) email address and it was indeed his friend not TLS then its really no grounds for banning...is it?

..Mods/admins have no way of knowing that, especially on the Internet.

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He didn't get a chance to before the banhammer was administered.

I meant he could of spoke to them before he let his friend create an account.

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...upon looking at TLS' IP logs, I noticed there were three other names registered at his house, whom he claimed were friends, all three times. However, whenever they logged in, they only did so at his house, with the exception of Destiny Emo, who is the latest one, whom I'm convinced he just logged on other people's computers to pretend they were separate people...

Actually, I checked into it more. They've used the same IP with no interruptions for periods of 10+ days in a row, on two occasions. And Destiny Emo's other IPs jump ISPs. It's banning time.

For those of you not computer savvy, it means the times where it appeared that "Destiny Emo" was "not at" TLS' house, there was good indication of proxy use, which masks one's real IP. Also, I don't know about you, but I don't house my friends for over weeks at a time.

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For those of you not computer savvy, it means the times where it appeared that "Destiny Emo" was "not at" TLS' house, there was good indication of proxy use, which masks one's real IP. Also, I don't know about you, but I don't house my friends for over weeks at a time.

Some people do. My friend stayed over my other friend's house for a few weeks. Mind you they're dating, but that's not the point.

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Some people do. My friend stayed over my other friend's house for a few weeks. Mind you they're dating, but that's not the point.

That is a big difference. When you're dating, you might do that. When you're not, you generally don't do that, unless something big happens, and there was no indication from "either party" that any such thing had occurred. Also, whatever happened to registering an account at your own house? Do none of his friends have the ability to register themselves? This issue is not up for discussion. I will not take kindly to anybody else telling me I'm wrong out in the open like this. If you have something to say, stick to PM.

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Some people do. My friend stayed over my other friend's house for a few weeks. Mind you they're dating, but that's not the point.

Please stop finding silly excuses to justify letting that fool come back.

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That is a big difference. When you're dating, you might do that. When you're not, you generally don't do that, unless something big happens, and there was no indication from "either party" that any such thing had occurred. Also, whatever happened to registering an account at your own house? Do none of his friends have the ability to register themselves? This issue is not up for discussion. I will not take kindly to anybody else telling me I'm wrong out in the open like this. If you have something to say, stick to PM.

I don't think anyone is really acusing you of being wrong. I think we're just trying to get you to open up to the option that perhaps there's another explanation.

And also, you're the only one of us who really has access to see if they have the same IP address. For all we know there's a possibility that you're lying as well. Of course I know that's not true, and I'm not suggesting that you are, but it's a possibility. Just like it's a possibility that TLS is telling the truth.

Does it mean that it's fact or not? Of course not.

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I don't think anyone is really acusing you of being wrong. I think we're just trying to get you to open up to the option that perhaps there's another explanation.

And also, you're the only one of us who really has access to see if they have the same IP address. For all we know there's a possibility that you're lying as well. Of course I know that's not true, and I'm not suggesting that you are, but it's a possibility. Just like it's a possibility that TLS is telling the truth.

Does it mean that it's fact or not? Of course not.

Yesterday I went shopping. Can you indicate whether I'm telling the truth or not? No, you can't.

TLS is the one who needs to prove those were truly his "friends" in order to possibly get un-banned, though I honestly, I dub the chance that that's ever going to happen, like, zero.

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At first it's, "The moderators aren't really doing their jobs and people are getting away with a lot."

And now it's, "The moderators are unjust in banning people that make alt accounts to insult others, break the rules, flaming after a record of warnings, etc..."

I'm sorry, but Jyosua is my hero.

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At first it's, "The moderators aren't really doing their jobs and people are getting away with a lot."

And now it's, "The moderators are unjust in banning people that make alt accounts to insult others, break the rules, flaming after a record of warnings, etc..."

I'm sorry, but Jyosua is my hero.

Took a level in badass.

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