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Taur can also slap Vantage or Wrath if it's around, making it awesome with Resolve. Remember: Vantage runs off of Skill activation. Even Adept could be considered on Tauroneo considering that it activates 18% of the time at base, higher with a Brave weapon (assuming the skill works like FE10's Adept), and Resolve kicks up the percantage to 27%.

Bolded: Not in this game.

Edited by Jonathan Aulin
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I meant to say Adept runs off skill activation. Vantage is automatic in this game. Must've forgotten to erase it.


But you get the point: Vantage + Resolve!Tauroneo is hard to take down with something like Braves backing them up, then on the Player Phase the likeliness of doubling with a ranged weapon.

Edited by Colonel M
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Vantage is a bit of a longshot since we get to assign that skill in chapter 16, so its seeing a lot of non-use just to accomodate Tauroneo. Neph would go farmgirl on his ass over it if she were in play.

Edited by Vykan12
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Vantage is a bit of a longshot since we get to assign that skill in chapter 16, so its seeing a lot of non-use just to accomodate Tauroneo. Neph would go farmgirl on his ass over it if she were in play.

Other than that, he does make decent use of it since no one else really has Wrath or Resolve for skills. Then again, the last sentence would be the other reason why using it on Taur and saving it until then isn't a sin: "if".

Edited by Colonel M
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Never mind that Vantage is only ever useful if you crit or activate Adept or something on the enemy phase.

Tauro can't say he has much of a chance of doing either. It's wasted on him.

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Tauro can't say he has much of a chance of doing either. It's wasted on him.

It prevents him from the word "dying" in general. Then there's Brave Lance and his Str increases by x1.5.

I'd rather give him Wrath and go overkill on power.

Edited by Colonel M
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It prevents him from the word "dying" in general.

On it's own? No, it doesn't.

With Vantage: Tauro attacks, enemy attacks, Tauro attacks.

Without vantage: Enemy attacks, Tauro doubles

So...that accomplished nothing at all.

Then there's Brave Lance and his Str increases by x1.5.

I don't doubt his ability to one round with the brave lance.

But I do call bullshit on holding out vantage for so long just to have it useful for FIFTEEN attacks.

Then we have that mages still rape him.

I'd rather give him Wrath and go overkill on power.

Beats wasting Vantage on him, I guess.

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...My argument follows the lines of "Oh look, we gave Tauroneo a bunch of shit to make him epic for a grand total of 15 turns...and he still can't not get raped by mages."

Never mind that Tauro doesn't care about taking an enemy attack anyway, so that's more reason for him not to get Vantage.

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Taur at least 2 rounds before resolve kicks in whereas Largo dying is irreversible.

For most of his existence, Largo gets 4-5RKOd. Him dying is nothing to be worried about.

Besides, why 2 round when you can 1 round?

Also, if we're slapping a skill on Taur, lets slap one on Largo. Know who would put Wrath to good use? Someone with a natural crit bonus. Like Largo. I mean, y'all bitch about his durability, might as well make it a skill based on it.

Oh, saying we should have used it by now? How is Vantage any different?

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If we were to save Vantage for Largo and give him a Brave Axe, he does the same thing as Tauroneo because his STR is naturally high and he doesn't have issues with SPD. If we go overkill on Largo and give him both Vantage and Wrath, he destroys the map at half health with a forged hand axe. Granted, he does have a little bit of durability to worry about. But he doesn't have to worry about mages because he likely OHKOs them with Vantage and the forge. He doesn't have to worry about ~60% of the rest because of the Vantage critical. And he still has his Wind support to boost his avoid, making his durability less of an issue, especially with Tauroneo and Muarim supports.

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I want to point out that Tauroneo ends up with decent Avo post-Resolve, making him harder to kill.

In oher news, Tormod's position. Tormod starts off very underleveled (like 10+ levels behind), so he's going to need a lot of BEXP to even reach promotion in a decent amount of time. Tormod's durability issues post promotion are significant, he's getting mostly 2HKOd at over 50% hit rates. On the offensive side, hitting Res and having 1-2 range is nice, but Tormod actually fails to double quite a few things, which hinders his performance. Comparison time:

20/4 Tormod( forged thunder B Reyson C Calill)

32 HP 30 Atk 18 AS 10 Def 18 Res 52 Avo

20/11 Haar(forged Silver Axe/forged Hand Axe)

47 HP 42 Atk/33 Atk 17 AS 20 Def 10 Res 46 Avo

Big durability lead, 15 HP and 10 Def is quite massive. Tormod doesn't even really have an offensive lead either, he's doing less damage if Haar's using 1 range, and only doubles slightly more often, Haar can fix his doubling with a Brave, Tormod can't.

--/9 Ranulf

46 HP 33 Atk 20 AS 22 Def 9 Res 53 Avo

Again,really big durability lead. Tormod at least hits a little harder than Ranulf, but Ranulf also doubles a lot more than Tormod does. Though unlike Haar, Ranulf has gauge to deal with and no 1-2 range, so Tormod might be able to win this one.

Tormod had staves I guess, and some of these leads will lessen over time. But really, if we're going to keep Largo down where he is due to durability issues it seems a bit odd to have Tormod where he is when his durability is much worse. I'm not seeing how Tormod>Haar at any rate.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I want to point out that Tauroneo ends up with decent Avo post-Resolve, making him harder to kill.

I'm starting to think this saying that Resolve helps Taur at all I think is overall false, as this statement is bullshit.

At base, Resolve will give him 19 AS. 19 AS even at his time is not stunning anyone. Even after he gets his only speed, it's 21.

As for his avoid, at base Resolve it's, get this, exactly the same as Largo base. If Taur has decent avoid, then Largo's avoid is just fine.

Even at max level, at best it's 56-57. 5 levels, Largo will start beating him, and as time moves on Largo will just keep beating him in avoid. Basically, Taur needs to get the crap kicked out of him, to become Largo with less move and crit, and 24-26HP. On top of that, Largo might not have real support options, but at least he's got more than lolRolf AND at least he WANTS to help a team. Taur doesn't want more durability.

Until then, Taur's just being a shitty 13-14AS unit, taking the enemy phase away from units that can actually kill things, without the need for getting the crap kicked out of themselves.

Tauroneo is teh wurst lagooz evar

Basically 3 levels, and he leaves Taur in hte dust. Hell, final nail in the coffin, 7 levels and Largo can double all of endgame save maybe 2 units, or the swordmasters that aren't the runesword punk. Still, it's a good majority of the map, and he didn't have to get the crap kicked out of him first to do it. To do that, Taur not only needs to gain his only speed point, but a speedwing AND get the crap kicked out of him on top of it.

Seriously, why is he in lower mid and not low?

I'd value Mia and Janaff over this punk.

Edited by Pretty Boi Wolf
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Another thing that I havn't seen mentioned here was the fact that Largo can use Vantage with a Killer Axe or a Brave Axe, or possibly a forged Hand Axe and pretty much kill anything that comes near him.

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Uhhh, Vantage might not be a great idea unless we slap Wrath on him as well. For you see, he has about 25 crit with a hand axe at base, and 55 crit at base with a killer. I wouldn't consider it reliable without Wrath...

The point is, Largo doesn't need a skill to beat out Taur, who is using a skill even. Natural skill, but still. Using Resolve to be basically someone who's in Low is not stellar. Hell, Largo needs to rise to lower mid, but I still wouldn't think needing to get the fuck kicked out of you just to be resembling someone in lower mid as unstunning. He's half the time lower mid.

Edited by Pretty Boi Wolf
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w/e. Largo>Sothe, btw. Sothe just about sucks at life, outlassed by Volke at everything, you only really need one theif, etc.

Using two theives is a lot more efficient than using one theif on most of the chapters where they're useful (13,15,16,21,22,27). Really the only time it's more efficient just to use Volke is in Ch18 and random stealing. Using both theives generally saves turns, even though Sothe is inferior in like every way.

Tauroneo being dependent on Resolve is obviously a ton better than Largo with anything because Resolve is locked on Taur anyway, it's a part of his character.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Using two theives is a lot more efficient than using one theif on most of the chapters where they're useful (13,15,16,21,22,27). Really the only time it's more efficient just to use Volke is in Ch18 and random stealing.

I'd argue later on, keys being more helpful, since bringing in two thieves just to steal from enemies as stupid.

Tauroneo being dependent on Resolve is obviously a ton better than Largo with anything because Resolve is locked on Taur anyway, it's a part of his character.

We're aware, but considering he needs to be a shitty 13-14AS unit and purposefully made a target just to make him Largo at base (AKA, what Largo is day one, and doesn't need to be made a target taking efficient kills away from our enemy phase just to be at BEST base level Largo with worse move and crit), I don't see how Taur can be considered good, when he is half the time lower mid. If he's only lower mid half the time, then he's not really lower mid material. Taur's entire existence depends on resolve, and Largo doesn't have to deal with it. Largo needing nothing to be what he is>Taur needing Resolve to be Largo at base even at Taur's peak.

Edited by Pretty Boi Wolf
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Did people just ignore my "give Provoke to Tauroneo" suggestion or what

Or I could give provoke to a unit who doesn't have a shitty enemy phase at >Half health.

Besides, being Largo all the time>Being Largo half the time.

Edited by Pretty Boi Wolf
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Lol@What needs to be discussed:

Tormod vs Haar

Largo vs Taur

Ike into top

Reyson vs Ike

Of course, the first one has been wanted for like 10 pages now.

Did people just ignore my "give Provoke to Tauroneo" suggestion or what

Why on earth should Taur get it? Oscar/Ike/Kieran/Makalov are just as durable yet see more enemy phase action due to higher mov.

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