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Kingdom Hearts

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I'm going to play Kingdom Hearts soon (after Super Metroid, probably), and would like to know what to expect. So, without being an annoying fanboy/fangirl, and without giving away spoilers, would someone who has played this game please tell me what to expect.

Oh yeah, I decided that I would play Kingdom Hearts after I remembered that Jack Skellington is a Disney character. And that'd be my reason for wanting to play Kingdom Hearts in a nutshell :)

Edited by Miror B.
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Kingdom hearts.. i never played it though i want to play it or try it atleast.

What i want to play is Pokemon Platinum. i got this weird urge to play it.

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I'm going to play Kingdom Hearts soon (after Super Metroid, probably), and would like to know what to expect. So, without being an annoying fanboy/fangirl, and without giving away spoilers, would someone who has played this game please tell me what to expect.

Oh yeah, I decided that I would play Kingdom Hearts after I remembered that Jack Skellington is a Disney character. And that'd be my reason for wanting to play Kingdom Hearts in a nutshell :)

Kingdom Hearts = expect a lot of button-mashing X and pressing start to skip the cutscenes

Kingdom Hearts 2= More button mashing. Only this time, X, start, and TRIANGLE.

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For the first installment, expect UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENES :P

If you play KH: Chain of Memories, expect a decent story (and animation if you play the PS2 version) but horrible battle system.

I haven't actually played KH2 yet. And then there's the new one for the DS... ooh, shiney...

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Crap, I just realized its for PS2. That means I need to spend another few hours to get a PS2 emulator working, if the time it took to get a PS emulator working is anything to judge by.

lol, I tried a PS2 emulator, but it's terribly laggy. >_<

I just stole borrowed it from my cousin.

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I've got it running at 60 fps during that movie/cutscene thing in the beginning with the ocean and the wave (which I can't seem to skip, damnit). Is this good?

EDIT: Apparently not. I'm now averaging about 40 fps.

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That's good. Oh yeah, and in the second area in the game you visit there is a battle you aren't expected to win. (You can, but it doesn't matter. At all)

Just so you don't waste all your items.

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I already hate Sora. That outfit had of his has alot to do with this.

EDIT: Screw this. It crashed again. Not to say I'm not going to give the game a chance, it'll just have to wait until I get a better PC.

EDIT: If anyone wants to name some great games I could play instead, go ahead. Right now, I'm going to play Chrono Cross. I never did do the "Leave Kid" route.

EDIT: I think I may do Final Fantasy VII. I already have a Playstation emulator, though I'm sure some plugins/bios/emulator version/etc won't work with it >_>

EDIT: Or maybe Goldeneye...

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