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Summer Break Plans

Freohr Datia

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Ugh... Summer, I never thought I'd hate it so much.

I'm home from university, you see. And the university life is much better than life back at home. And since I'm back home for the summer (from the end of May through to mid-September), it's four months of utter boredom in comparison. Probably because how alone I am at home, compared to always being around friends when at university.

I do have things I can do, though.

  • Post about Serenes Forest
  • Work on Serenes Emblem (lrn2hak)
  • Go watch Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
  • Play games
  • Watch a fuckload of anime
  • Naps
  • Go to the gym about three times a week
  • Go out for the occasional early morning McDonalds trip with a friend or two
  • Random walks to random places at random times
  • Go out and get drunk once a week or fortnight

6 of these 10 points, I'll be alone while doing said points. And they are the most commonly done ones, too. Sigh.

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Ugh... Summer, I never thought I'd hate it so much.

I'm home from university, you see. And the university life is much better than life back at home. And since I'm back home for the summer (from the end of May through to mid-September), it's four months of utter boredom in comparison. Probably because how alone I am at home, compared to always being around friends when at university.

I do have things I can do, though.

  • Post about Serenes Forest
  • Work on Serenes Emblem (lrn2hak)
  • Go watch Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
  • Play games
  • Watch a fuckload of anime
  • Naps
  • Go to the gym about three times a week
  • Go out for the occasional early morning McDonalds trip with a friend or two
  • Random walks to random places at random times
  • Go out and get drunk once a week or fortnight

6 of these 10 points, I'll be alone while doing said points. And they are the most commonly done ones, too. Sigh.

Has a severe lack of tales.

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Oh, I've got LOTS of interesting things to do this summer. Like go on my computer, play video games, take naps, go biking... Yeah... doesn't get more fun than that.

But I've also got some boring stuff like going to space, going on a solo mission to kill a few international leaders, using my new time machine, blowing up schools... you know, the stuff you would never want to do unless forced.

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1. Try to read all the books on my books list of over 30 (including the two books I have to read for AP Literature)

2. Try to watch all the movies on my movies list of over 30

3. Try to play all the games on my games list of over 10

4. Try to watch all the shows on my shows list which is composed of four shows with about 4-5 seasons each. I'm on the fourth season for one of them, though, so I'm working on it.

5. Volunteer at some store for community service hours

6. Have friends invade my house/invade friends' houses

7. Be a loner during Otakon and play games online with a really good friend of mine.

8. Probably taking a summer class at the local college

9. Hopefully get in a free film school thing

10. Go to Florida in August

11. Probably go to New York in July

1. lol I love to read and stuff but I don't even think I have 30 books to read XD

2. Can't afford 30 movies =D

3. I am not allowed to play video games that much, especially in summer break, so I sadly may not even have enough time to play all that =( Yes, for me, that would be a lot, sadly.

4. I could probably accomplish that... though I have less time to watch tv in summer break too =(

5. lol I am actually just trying to find a job XD

6. =D

7. I don't really gots no friends D=

8. summer and class put together... makes me shiver, kinda XD

9. hmm...

10. wish I could go to Florida... I think my dad is thinking about trying to go there once this summer though =o

11. New York... sounds like it'd be an interesting trip but I don't really seek to go to New York, really...

summer classes DDD:<

more specifically, 5 1/2 hours of japanese every day 'till august.

as much as it pains me to take this class, though, the rewards are way more worth it.

oh no there's the summer classes again =/ I'd hate that

lol japanese

oh that makes things better... sorta...

I have a summer term so It's gonna be like I have no summer break at all :(

I'd hate that so much. I would wish that never in my life will I feel like I had no summer break.

Oh, I've got LOTS of interesting things to do this summer. Like go on my computer, play video games, take naps, go biking... Yeah... doesn't get more fun than that.

But I've also got some boring stuff like going to space, going on a solo mission to kill a few international leaders, using my new time machine, blowing up schools... you know, the stuff you would never want to do unless forced.

omg wish I were you =D That'd be awesomeness!!!

hmm... I don't think I would want to be you anymore XD

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1. lol I love to read and stuff but I don't even think I have 30 books to read XD

2. Can't afford 30 movies =D

3. I am not allowed to play video games that much, especially in summer break, so I sadly may not even have enough time to play all that =( Yes, for me, that would be a lot, sadly.

4. I could probably accomplish that... though I have less time to watch tv in summer break too =(

5. lol I am actually just trying to find a job XD

6. =D

7. I don't really gots no friends D=

8. summer and class put together... makes me shiver, kinda XD

9. hmm...

10. wish I could go to Florida... I think my dad is thinking about trying to go there once this summer though =o

11. New York... sounds like it'd be an interesting trip but I don't really seek to go to New York, really...

1. I have a "to read" list of books. Most of them are classical pieces of literature and some of them are just comics. Some, however, are just really good fiction pieces that I've heard a lot of praise about.

2. I'm either going to be borrowing them or streaming them online.

3. That sucks. A friend of mine recently let me borrow his Wii along with several of his games, so now that "list of 10" has become almost 20. WHOO. I've got a game overload this summer.

4. Lol, I don't understand how you'd have less time to watch crap over the summer.

7. I'm sorry to hear that. D:

8. I don't mind. I'm taking Psych 101. It's going to be great.

10. My friend and I are going. Her parents are taking us, lol.

11. I'm a city person. So NYC will be awesome. And we're watching a show on Broadway. (Score.)

Edited by irock708
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QUOTE (Freohr Datia @ Jun 15 2009, 08:18 PM)

1. lol I love to read and stuff but I don't even think I have 30 books to read XD

2. Can't afford 30 movies =D

3. I am not allowed to play video games that much, especially in summer break, so I sadly may not even have enough time to play all that =( Yes, for me, that would be a lot, sadly.

4. I could probably accomplish that... though I have less time to watch tv in summer break too =(

5. lol I am actually just trying to find a job XD

6. =D

7. I don't really gots no friends D=

8. summer and class put together... makes me shiver, kinda XD

9. hmm...

10. wish I could go to Florida... I think my dad is thinking about trying to go there once this summer though =o

11. New York... sounds like it'd be an interesting trip but I don't really seek to go to New York, really...

1. I have a "to read" list of books. Most of them are classical pieces of literature and some of them are just comics. Some, however, are just really good fiction pieces that I've heard a lot of praise about.

2. I'm either going to be borrowing them or streaming them online.

3. That sucks. A friend of mine recently let me borrow his Wii along with several of his games, so now that "list of 10" has become almost 20. WHOO. I've got a game overload this summer.

4. Lol, I don't understand how you'd have less time to watch crap over the summer.

7. I'm sorry to hear that. D:

8. I don't mind. I'm taking Psych 101. It's going to be great.

10. My friend and I are going. Her parents are taking us, lol.

11. I'm a city person. So NYC will be awesome. And we're watching a show on Broadway. (Score.)

I had to quote mine to help rememer what I said in the list XD

1. lol a list

2. :D ok

3. ooh that's a lot!

4. My dad says it's way too nice outside to be watching tv

7. =( I'm way too shy

8. that's good then =)

10. cool B)

11. ah... I live in country but I don't mind cities too much... Just not sure of NY. The show sounds interesting =)

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Currently 3 weeks into a 9 week language program in Japan, taking 3 hours of classes a day and living with a host family in Kanazawa. Also occassionaly getting drunk and singing Kareoke, or in the case of yesterday going to a Ryokan, partying all night, and staying up to watch the sunrise from a hotspring on the coast. Basically spending 9 weeks being a baller I guess you could say.

The morning after I get back in at home I have to have my wisdom teeth pulled, so I guess I can add playing a week's worth of video games to the list as well.

I also have to study a crapload for a Japanese placement test when I get back if I want to place into 3rd year at the start of school in the fall.

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Currently 3 weeks into a 9 week language program in Japan, taking 3 hours of classes a day and living with a host family in Kanazawa. Also occassionaly getting drunk and singing Kareoke, or in the case of yesterday going to a Ryokan, partying all night, and staying up to watch the sunrise from a hotspring on the coast. Basically spending 9 weeks being a baller I guess you could say.

The morning after I get back in at home I have to have my wisdom teeth pulled, so I guess I can add playing a week's worth of video games to the list as well.

I also have to study a crapload for a Japanese placement test when I get back if I want to place into 3rd year at the start of school in the fall.

So, when does the LSD fit in on that?

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You should add that to your plan, go stop the holocaust created by knife

You mean Waha Kife.

I have no fucking summer. Firstly, I have football practice. While at the same time, I'm taking summer school (Algebra IIB, and Health), and I need to do two fucking summer assignments. These assignments are the gateway to Honors English 10, and AP European history, if anyone cares.

Warning! Rant below.

The English assignment sounds a little cool, I gotta read some book called Monkey. The teacher says it'll be a book I've never even dreamed of, he better be right. A full page summary of every chapter. This isn't hard, but it sure is time consuming.

The AP Euro assignment is much easier. All I gotta do is remember countries and capitals in Europe. I've done this before. Only thing there is to worry about in this class is the amount of essays we have, and the AP test at the end of the year.

Thank God! Rant over.

Other than that, I'm going to try to go to a friend's house often.

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1: July I'll be camping with a few mates in some field in Wales. That, add alcohol and a barbecue should be an interesting combination.

2: Hopefully going up the caravan site this summer if weather is good enough

3: Play golf

4: Drink alcohol

5: Chill the hell out

6: Potentially get bored

7: Play games waiting to be started

8: Watch anime. (as well as watch Pokemon movies :3)

9: Make a final plan of what to do in university.

10: Gym

1. I have a "to read" list of books. Most of them are classical pieces of literature and some of them are just comics. Some, however, are just really good fiction pieces that I've heard a lot of praise about.

2. I'm either going to be borrowing them or streaming them online.

3. That sucks. A friend of mine recently let me borrow his Wii along with several of his games, so now that "list of 10" has become almost 20. WHOO. I've got a game overload this summer.

4. Lol, I don't understand how you'd have less time to watch crap over the summer.

7. I'm sorry to hear that. D:

8. I don't mind. I'm taking Psych 101. It's going to be great.

10. My friend and I are going. Her parents are taking us, lol.

11. I'm a city person. So NYC will be awesome. And we're watching a show on Broadway. (Score.)

I'm going there next year, and Broadway is one of the things I wanna go to. Can't wait.

And Raven, *cough* Halo 3 *cough* ;)

Edited by Vanguard
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Currently 3 weeks into a 9 week language program in Japan, taking 3 hours of classes a day and living with a host family in Kanazawa. Also occassionaly getting drunk and singing Kareoke, or in the case of yesterday going to a Ryokan, partying all night, and staying up to watch the sunrise from a hotspring on the coast. Basically spending 9 weeks being a baller I guess you could say.

The morning after I get back in at home I have to have my wisdom teeth pulled, so I guess I can add playing a week's worth of video games to the list as well.

I also have to study a crapload for a Japanese placement test when I get back if I want to place into 3rd year at the start of school in the fall.

Make all of us that are doing nothing feel bad, why don't you. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Read some shit, practice fighting games, go to Canada/Otakon maybe/college essays/try to get preliminary understanding of psychology

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@ Freohr Datia:

1. Yes, a list. I have several. They help me be organized.

4. Pffft. Who cares?

8. Lol, forget that, actually. I might not be able to take it because of TIME CONSTRAINTS. I already have way too much to do this summer, lol.

11. I love city life. It's totally me. Although life in the country isn't bad either. *used to live in the middle of nowhere, whoo*

@ Vanguard:

Ah, man. Broadway will be full of WIN. And NYC in general.

Oh, and I also have two writing assignments for the two books I have to read for AP Literature. And a stupid math packet. Hooray?

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