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Who's YOUR favorite Comedian?


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Pablo's funny the first few times, I used to LOOOOOVE him, but he gets old pretty fast. I'm actually going to see him live pretty soon, so I'll prolly revise what I think of him. Don't even get me started on Dane Cook -_-;. I know you like him, but I just hate him. He just isn't funny at all, especially the way he presents his jokes. Only a few things are funny, but most of his stuff is terrible. I'll leave you guys to your opinions though.

People who I thought are hilarious. Gabriel Iglesias, Chris Rock, and Stephen Lynch. Oh god Stephen Lynch is ABSOLUTELY hilarious, one of the best improvisers I've seen. I've seen him live and he does shit right there on the spot that comes out of your mouth. And he does it perfectly.

Edited by Aozaki Touko
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Ben Bailey.

Wow, really? Many people don't know about this guy.

He's not my favorite, but he is definitely funny.

Lewis Black

Jim Gaffigan

Daniel Tosh (earlier days)

Ben Bailey

Gabriel Iglesias

Pablo Francisco

Dane Cook

I gotta say, II (Isolated Incident) was funny as hell. Lewis Black tops overall though. I wish I was around to see Carlin.

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Lee Evans. Lee fucking Evans. He's awesome. So awesome I just want to fucking swear throughout this post.


This too.

Edit 2:

Oh god... Win Comedian + Win Accent = Win. :lol:

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Some BR comedians like Costinha.The guy could tell the lamest joke and made it look funny just by how hilarious his face was.Shame he died.

Now, I like Steve Carell, Chris Rock and most of the 2k9 SNL cast.

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Better recognize dat Chris Titus. Iglesias and Gaffigan are very guilty pleasures, and Lewis Black is a safe pick.

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Why the hell has nobody said George Carlin yet?

You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

Greatest living one would be Stephen Lynch. And I see somebody mentioned him already, so there may be hope for us a s a species yet.

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Why the hell has nobody said George Carlin yet?

They say you can't joke about rape in America, they say that rape ain't funny.

You know what I say to them?



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Bob Newhart is my personal favorite (bet you anything that I'm the only poster who'll say this). However, I do have to admit that George Carlin is the greatest even though I like Newhart more.

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Why the hell has nobody said George Carlin yet?

You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

Greatest living one would be Stephen Lynch. And I see somebody mentioned him already, so there may be hope for us a s a species yet.

I mentioned him. <_<

Raven, I can't understand this guy when he's yelling. XD

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Demetri Martin. Someone who isn't a two-bit comedian; he actually makes clever remarks that bring the quiet snickering at first, and once it sinks in you can hear the whole room just vibrating with loud laughter.

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Hmm most of my fav comedians are duos like mitchell + webb armstrong+ miller but dylan moran jimmy carr jon culshaw bill bailey + hugh dennis stand out

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