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Best/Worst cases of RNG screwage

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Post your best/worst cases of RNG screwage here!

My main one was Nolan with 9 defense at 1-8 while Level 16. 2 playthroughs in a row. Seriously, his Res ended up being better than his def.

EDIT: changed the title

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For the last 12 level ups, my Boyd (who is currently a level 1 Reaver) has recieved no speed increases what so ever (apart from the 4 he gets when he promotes). Which means pretty much everyone doubled him (amazingly though, he always survives long enough for me to heal him).

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My Mist had a 98% hit chance on a swordmaster for the kill. She missed and got a 5% crit to the face. Oscar did the same thing, but got hit by a 15 chance. Eddie not getting STR for 4 levels in a row.

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One more today.

I was playing 1-1 on EM (I'm not lazy, I was just sick of having to restart 1-3 continuously on HM) when I use Steel Axe Nolan to attack the boss.

Me: Nolan, its okay. Just weaken him down by 16 HP. You have a 78%-damn, you had to mi-ISAIYA YOU ASSHOLE, YOU JUST BLOODY CRITICALED HIM WITH A 4 PERCENT CRIT CHANCE!

First time I ever lost 1-1 on EM. Sure, he was at 10 HP, but Isaiya still 3RKO'd him at that.

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Micaiah with 19 luck at level 20.

Calill with 31 magic at level 20/18.

To put the last one in perspective, she started tier 3 with 27, and 2 of those magic points in tier 3 were forced on her with bexp. She got 2 out of 15 possible points that were left to chance.

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God, my game is starting to turn in FE8.

1-4. Aran attacks a cat with a 1% Crit chance on Aran. Aran misses with a 80% chance. Cat criticals him.

1-6-1. Leonardo criticals an enemy archer with a 1% chance.

You know the saying, a blessing in disguise? I got hit by a curse in disguise.

1-6-1. Jill criticals an armor with a 10% chance. Armor counters. Jill kills him. Another armor attacks. Jill criticals him. Armor counters, leaving her with 5 HP. Last armor kills her with a 54% chance of hitting.

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I should change the name of my game to "Fire Emblem, A Sacred Dawn" (Not bad, actually)

Nolan gets 2 2% Crits in 1-E.

Volug gets 2 consecutive 2% Crits.

Fiona with 15 speed and the ability to double (though not often. mainly on mages). She killed Jarod and Djur.

Note: This is in EM. I'm still trying to recover from 1-3.

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So we can now post RNG blessings too?

My best would be how my Micaiah has never failed to cap first tier speed, and maxed all stats at second tier twice.

*With minimal abuse

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Well, if we are inclucind RNG blessings, I had an Ilyana that got speed on 4 out of 5 level ups. She started tier 3 at 26 and by level 6 had 30. I think the probability of that was around 3%.

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As far as RNG blessings go, instead of Ike attacking Ashera, missing, getting hit for massive damage and then finally hitting her (like has happened on my two previous playthroughs), Ike killed her first time.

On 4-1, Ike activated his Aether skill on 5 consecutive enemies (1 on the player phase, 4 on the enemy phase) B)

Finally, on 4-3 Laura (who was still first tier) manage to dodge the attempt by an enemy Bishop to silence her...twice. (This is the same Laura who can't dodge a guy with an axe on 1-8).

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Geoffrey getting hit by a Soldier with a Javelin. The guy had a 10% chance (2.1% true) of connecting with his face.

Heather being hit by a 41% Iron Greatlance, then being beheaded with a 37% chance from a Steel Poleax.

Astrid not criticaling Tashoria with her Killer Bow 10 times in a row. She had a 29% Crit chance.

This has been the most eventful pt yet (though it might be because I'm raising Fiona, Astrid, Heather and Lyre at the same time...)

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4-2. Jill, Mia, Elincia, Lucia, and Reyson take the top route while the others take the bottom. For a while, things get pretty risky, but they pulled through. Reyson Vigors Jill untransformed and flies back. Jill kills a Halberdier and falls back into a wall I set up with the others to protect Reyson. Things are looking good!

Suddenly, Jill gets attacked by a Sage! Oh no! D:

The attack pushes her over the edge and she levels up.

*ching ching ching ching ching ching ching ching*

I gape.

Jill had a perfect levelup. Every stat increased. With her growths, that's a 0.0009328921875% chance. There's no more enemies, so nothing can go wrong. Oh god I'm so happy right no-

Then a Wind Sage I didn't see attacks Reyson with Blizzard.

First attack misses. I breathe a sigh of relief. Even untransformed, Reyson shouldn't get doubled by this guy, I made sure of that. Nothing to worry abou-



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Not exactly screwage, and it didn't even involve me, but whatever.

Enemy sage criticals tiger with an Elthunder, leaving him with 1 HP. Lucky bastard.

He died immediately after that due to a ballista though :P

Boyd not criticalling in High Bio with a Oscar, Rolf and Mist bond. With a Killer Axe. He had a sub-50% crit.

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My Micaiah was horrific during my first play through. It' too bad that Nintendo went and deleted the data off my Wii so now I can never find out her end game stats. I remember she went 4 or 5 lvls without her speed increasing. I was really afraid to let her near any enemies....:(

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My Haar is level three third tier in my current playthrough, and almost every time he's leveled up since I got him, he's leveled up speed and resistance in addition to other stats. :D

Jill's hp sucks hard though.

I wanted to get Ike's memory scene

so I had Ike move into the bk's range in part three (I think it's chapter 7), the bk had a 90% chance of hitting and doing ~30 damage. Ike was at 29 hp because he'd gotten hit by a couple of mages or something and I'd forgotten to heal him. The bk attacks and as I'm about to reset the console, he misses and the chapter ends.

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