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Best/Worst cases of RNG screwage

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Level 11 Nephenee (2nd tier) with 16 STR on my brother's game.

She can't wield a steel greatlance properly D:.

She gained 1 level instead of 3.5 average. Not great, but not completely out of the realm of possibilities.

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Haar dodges a 65% Elthunder and gets crit by the next. Reset.

Nephenee gets bow-crit on a 6% chance. Reset.

Neph gets into Wrath HP on enemy 1, crit-kill. She would die by any other hit now.

Dodge armor, double crit.

Dodge armor, double crit.

Dodge halberdier, crit.

Dodge armor, double crit.

Dodge archer.

Then she gets hit by a Steel Blade on a 37% chance. Every other attack had a 50% chance or higher (archer had like 78%).


Neph gets bow-crit by the same archer. Reset.

Ike got Elthunder crit on a 3% chance.

Mia misses.

Oscar frequently misses 82-88% chances, and gets hit by high 20s and mid 30s.

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Sounds like Nephenee got thrown to the wolfs to get attacked that many times in one turn.

Yes, but Mia just got ****ed. Missing twice with a 95% chance of hitting, and then killed by a fire sage? Ouch.

I think Shinon was talking about LVoyageur's post which wasn't about the video, just where Nephenee was thrown into a situation that shouldn't have happened in the first place.

But yeah, missing twice with 95% listed, 99.55% true means .45% x .45% chance of missing, so .0045 x .0045 = .00002025, so 0.002025%, or 1 in ~49000.

It's rather bad. Even with just .05 x .05 = .0025 that's still 1 in 400.

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OK, so he trained her, and she got.

22 STR at level 20/20/11.

Okay, now we can call it getting ****ed by the RNG goddess. That's 4 gains in 30 levels with a 45% growth. Just with a normal approximation to a binomial distribution (an inexact, though very fast way of calculating this sort of thing), we're looking at <.1% chance of that happening. It's probably even less.

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Thats correct Narga. Ive been guilty of sending my best unit into large numbers of enemies allot. I play FE games very aggressively which costs me sometimes. Nephenee is one of those units that you can do that with and for the most part she comes out unharmed.

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Thats correct Narga. Ive been guilty of sending my best unit into large numbers of enemies allot. I play FE games very aggressively which costs me sometimes. Nephenee is one of those units that you can do that with and for the most part she comes out unharmed.

Sorry for the messed up quote. I thought you were talking about the video.

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Thats correct Narga. Ive been guilty of sending my best unit into large numbers of enemies allot. I play FE games very aggressively which costs me sometimes. Nephenee is one of those units that you can do that with and for the most part she comes out unharmed.

Sorry for the messed up quote. I thought you were talking about the video.

No problem. I probably should have replied directly,so it was my fault. :)

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in my current PT I have Nolan capped in everything but str(37), and he's only lvl. 20/20/17,

three more levels of one point + to str to go


EDIT: I didn't use statboosters!

Edited by whase
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in my current PT I have Nolan capped in everything but str(37), and he's only lvl. 20/20/17,

three more levels of one point + to str to go


EDIT: I didn't use statboosters!

He's bound to cap everything then without BEXP.

I got Mia to cap all stats at Lv18 TB without boosters. :)

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in my current PT I have Nolan capped in everything but str(37), and he's only lvl. 20/20/17,

three more levels of one point + to str to go


EDIT: I didn't use statboosters!

He's bound to cap everything then without BEXP.

I got Mia to cap all stats at Lv18 TB without boosters. :)

Just to clarify BK's first point, in RD, you always get at least one stat up every level up, so if you only have one uncapped stat, it will go up every level until it caps. Fortunately, Nolan needs 3 strength with 3 levels to go, so he will necessarily cap all stats at 20/20/20.

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In my current playthrough though, Edward decided he wanted to be a tank and take minimal damage from everything. As a result, he now has 14 Defense. He's at level 16, unpromoted. He's not supposed to get that high until 20/8!

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In 1-9, my 20/0 Micaiah dodged a javelin that had a 61% chance of hitting her...and she only has 10 speed! :blink:

Also in 1-E, Nolan got a perfect level up (except for magic which was already capped).

Well, dodging something with 61 displayed hit isn't all that special... but 20/0 Micaiah with ten speed is. o.o

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In my current playthrough though, Edward decided he wanted to be a tank and take minimal damage from everything. As a result, he now has 14 Defense. He's at level 16, unpromoted. He's not supposed to get that high until 20/8!

At 20/4 (same playthrough), I'm pretty sure that he has 20 defense now. He shouldn't get there until he hits 20/20/1 (!!)

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Well, dodging something with 61 displayed hit isn't all that special... but 20/0 Micaiah with ten speed is. o.o

For me, Micaiah dodging anything is considered an act of God...

You are on EM. You should easily be able to get her spd to at least 30 for 4-E-2. Give her an Earth support and it will be a dark miracle any time she actually gets hit. With a little "help" I had her dodging nearly everything on HM.

Also, if you BSA to get her speed she should even be facing 40% hit rates or less in 1-9. Just ~16 spd and ~23 luck would get her to 55 avo. Stick her on a thicket and manipulate the turn count of 1-8 to get her to Best bio for 1-9 and she's sporting 75 avo in that chapter against enemies with sub-100 hit, so they'll have under 25% hit on her. At least, given how on HM the enemies are hovering between 110 and 120 on 1-8. It doesn't take too much abuse to get her to 16 spd. Also, give her resolve for that chapter and she'll grab an extra 16 avo when she drops to less than half hp. 91 avo.

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