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Three girls looking down at their computers, two boys who are probably asleep, one girl who is obviously absorbed by the schadenfreude, and me, who's simultaneously posting on the FE4THREAD and looking at this crash victim whose face looks like bacon strips.

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Better hope for Blizzard to be your Valentine.

That said, I don't really care for D3 to be honest.

Maybe I could wait another month to have D3 entirely green.

BTW HEY DIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey there, how's it going?


Calling it : TE's first character is going to be a Blizzard Wizard.

How's it going, man?

It hurts sometimes

Starting to live like a man away from my parents. Wishing it wouldn't be this expensive and I need another job real fast but otherwise doing pretty sweet. You?

Ah polygamy.

Hiiiii Dio.

Hey there! How's the hack going?

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Starting to live like a man away from my parents. Wishing it wouldn't be this expensive and I need another job real fast but otherwise doing pretty sweet. You?

Ah polygamy.

That MANly.

I'm having to prepare for university admission tests, and for the high-school ones. But lately I'm not doing that much...

Never went there actually.

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That MANly.

I'm having to prepare for university admission tests, and for the high-school ones. But lately I'm not doing that much...

Never went there actually.

I should get that Jotaro walking thing on zufall.

Boring my ass off at work at the moment. Looking for a new job as fast as I can starting next week.

It's temptating, but it hurts more.

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I should get that Jotaro walking thing on zufall.

Boring my ass off at work at the moment. Looking for a new job as fast as I can starting next week.

It's temptating, but it hurts more.

That's my second biggest concern. I mean, my parents can't support me forever, so wtf am I gonna do?!

What I originally meant is that my mouth is hurting like hell lulz

Also I never noticed, but Duncan/Sabin = Master Asia/Domon.

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Also I never noticed, but Duncan/Sabin = Master Asia/Domon.

I'm tempted to post a Domon/Master Asia fic I found some time ago, but I'm not sure it would be appreciated.

Ah wat the hell

After many long and restless nights, Domon was finally reunited with his beloved Master Asia, the Undefeated of the East! After going through their hamtastic greeting, they gazed into each other's eyes, into the recesses of their souls...

"How have you been, Domon?", Master Asia asked," or rather...the man I acknowledge as the King of Hearts".

"Oh Master...", moaned Domon, throwing his head back in utter gayness, "I've been LONGING to see you..."

He cried into his teacher's fist, tears running down his manly knuckles. Master Asia looked down at his pupil, simultaneously disgusted and moved by his display.

"Domon, why would a grown man like you be crying?", he asked.

Throwing away any pretentions of tsundere, Domon draped his arms over Master Asia's studly shoulders and sobbed into his neck.

"Master, I've missed your smell...", he whispered, savoring his musky, yet savory, aroma.

All the while, Raine stood a few feet away, watching the two. At first she was literally creaming herself over seeing Domon express any emotions other than anger and its derivatives, but now she was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable, as things seemed to be progressing in an entirely different direction.

"Oh don't be silly", she said to herself, "Domon isn't like that-".

She snapped out of her denial as she saw Master Asia roughly grab the back of Domon's head and kiss him hard, full on the lips. Domon looked shocked at first, then immediately accepted it, kissing him back passionately. He went limp in the older man's arms as his hands explored his body, eventually finding their way to his tight buttocks. The young man gasped and was pulled in more tightly into Master Asia's embrace.

"H-hey, you guys", stammered Raine, not sure how to interpret this man/boy love, " This really isn't the place for...uh...you know the dark army-"

"SHUT UP, RAINE!", interupted Domon, "You just...don't understand what me and Master Asia share..."

"Domon and I have a bond that someone like you couldn't possibly comprehend!", Master Asia stated, " Women never understand..."

With that, he threw Domon onto the ground and pulled him to his knees by his hair. Wiping out his sash, he swiftly bound his pupils hands, rendering him helpless.

"Just like old times, huh, Master?", Domon said in an airy voice, blushing.

He gave him a perverted smirk and hoisted the gundam fighter's booty into the air. Giving it a quick smack, he grapped the material of the mobile trace suit and tore a huge hole that exposed his perfect ass.

"Please Master...be gentle, it's been so long-", he sighed, turing around to face him.

He answered his student's plea with a sharp slap across the face, making Domon cry out.

"DON'T BE SO WEAK, DOMON!," shouted Master Asia, "For that I'll fuck you twice as hard!".

A light dramatically shined from one of his eyes and with a mighty roar, he opened his fly using sheer force of will, his beefy staff hanging in the air. Raine gasped, frozen in HORROR at the scene before her. Finally, she summoned enough courage to speak up.

"Stop this right now!," she cried, extremely jealous, " This isn't the time for this, this is wrong and weird! I can't believe that you would violate your own-".

Raine was suddenly silenced by a sash that wrapped around her mouth and then down the rest of her body. She fell to the ground and looked up, seeing Master Asia's face glaring at her, somehow encompassing the entire scene.

"YOU FOOL!", he shouted, pointing at Raine, "How DARE you try to come between me and my pupil! For that I'll force you watch me have my way with Domon!"

Raine tried to protest, but could only writhe on the ground like a worm, her cries muffled by the sash. Master Asia positioned himself behind Domon, aligning his dick with his tight little butthole. Without a second of hesitation, he rammed into Domon's butt causing the young fighter to cry out in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

"Oh, Master!" Domon signed, "I've forgotten how big you are..."

Master Asia smirked, "Well, now...I'm sure you haven't forgotten THIS!"

With that he began to ravage Domon's ass, thrusting into him so fast that the lower half of his body became a purple blur. As disgusting and horrifying as it was, Raine could not look away from the eye rape. She felt jealous of Master Asia, wishing she could be the one who could butt fuck the gundam fighter. Many a night she would watch Domon sleep, silently contemplating whether to ravish him with her favorite strap-on. At this point, judging from Master Asia's girth, it would probably have little to no effect on Domon now, like a hot dog thrown down a hallway.

"Uugh, Domon...I'm getting close!", exclaimed Master Asia, his face coated in sweat.

"Oh, me too, me too!," his pupil moaned, a bright red blush adorning his cheeks.

"SAY IT WITH ME, DOMON," yelled the martial arts master, " THE SCHOOL OF THE UNDEFEATED OF THE EAST!"





"LOOK THE EAST IS BURNING RED!", they shouted in unison, causing the background to spontaneously burst into flames for some reason.

Completely immersed in their exchange, they didn't notice the dark army foot soldier sneaking up behind them. Raine looked up and saw the evil mobile suit raise its club/gun to crush the fornicating pair. Finally, she was able to wriggle out of the sash enough to free her mouth.

"LOOK OUT!", she screamed.

Master Asia dramatically pushed Domon down, simultaneously freeing himself and prompting his student's orgasm. In an flash, he turned around and and ejaculated on the moblie suit. Normally, this would do nothing except make a mess, but since this is Master Asia, his semen shot out of his dick like a bullet (rendered as a line of glowing light) and pierced the foot soldier's head, causing it to explode.

"Wow, Master, you saved us~", swooned Domon, his eyes huge and wiggly.

"Yeah, you're welcome, bastards!", bitched Raine, "It's not like I warned you about the dark army while you two fucked like rabbits!"

"That was a workout...", said Master Asia, wipping his brow while zipping his fly," Say Domon, how would you like to go for some pancakes?".

"Would I?", Domon gasped.

The pair walked off towards what was left of Shinjuku, forgetting that Raine was still tied up. Frustrated, she decided that they would only ignore her if she spoke up and followed them by scooting along like an inch worm.

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That's my second biggest concern. I mean, my parents can't support me forever, so wtf am I gonna do?!

What I originally meant is that my mouth is hurting like hell lulz

Try to get a job first before moving. Save a decent amount of money too.

Real men don't mind the pain! They keep up with it!

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Also I never noticed, but Duncan/Sabin = Master Asia/Domon.

But Cyan looks more like Master Asia than Duncan does!

I always hated how Duncan turned out to be alive after that initial drama between Sabin and Vargas. It really ruined it for me, especially how it was never explained how Duncan survived and how he was little more than a palette swap of that loser Banon.

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Try to get a job first before moving. Save a decent amount of money too.

Real men don't mind the pain! They keep up with it!

Seems like a plan to me!

If there's a hole, it's a man's job to thrust into it!

But Cyan looks more like Master Asia than Duncan does!

I always hated how Duncan turned out to be alive after that initial drama between Sabin and Vargas. It really ruined it for me, especially how it was never explained how Duncan survived and how he was little more than a palette swap of that loser Banon.

I'd say it's a 50-50 resemblance

TBH that whole subplot came from nowhere and led nowhere as well. But yeah, Duncan deserved a better looking sprite.

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Hey there. We should try Garou sometime!


Bleh. I'm back at school, so my ping is probably going to be stupidly high. Ridiculous fame delays ahoy. ):

You don't have your license yet? Teehee~


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