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Hi =D

And I guess I can copy/paste the posty that disappeared


Now late Hullo =3


Also, lol Bal's avi. Looks like Mia and the dude she's sexing up cummed. ;P

Oh so that wasn't what you were talking about then...

When I saw BalBal I was wondering "since when did Ether become a mod?"

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no no no

define growths and bases as separate structs or something and pass those to the Character object. Less clutter. You don't want to have to search for where you fucked up 1 arguement in 35.

... My knowledge of Java is very limited, but are you saying that you can use objects as parameters or something?

I'm gonna be up for another 8 hours anyway...

And why by God would you hate life so much that you would stay up that long?

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... My knowledge of Java is very limited, but are you saying that you can use objects as parameters or something?

And why by God would you hate life so much that you would stay up that long?

In C++ you certainly can pass in classes and such. I seem to recall Java also billing itself as object oriented, I would be floored to find you could not.

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I made a posty in here and it just disappeared off of the face of the thread

Somebody got rid of iiiiiiiit ;A;

And I also just don't feel good

What post are you talking about?

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Kind of indeed. It's harder to eat properly, too, no? Well, does this mean you're nocturnal or something?

My diet suuuuuuuuuck~ So yeah.

More or less. I just sleep in the morning since I can't stay up any longer. ;.

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In C++ you certainly can pass in classes and such. I seem to recall Java also billing itself as object oriented, I would be floored to find you could not.

It just seems baffling that one would be able to refer to one object with another. But powerful. Very powerful.

Now I have to try to figure out how to make a new character. I'm going to make the code..!

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Not much, just wondering which version should I get for RE6 when it's released.

gonna get it for xbox since i don't have PS3. are you getting the Collectors edition? i think it comes with some other resident evils

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After a bit of laboring in Eclipse, I came up with this.

public class CharacterBases 
//Instantiates the stats that a character begins with, including movement and constitution.
private double hpBase;
private double strengthBase;
private double skillBase;
private double speedBase;
private double luckBase;
private double defenseBase;
private double resistanceBase;
private double movementBase;
private double constitutionBase;

 * Creates the bases for the character being made.
public CharacterBases(double hp, double strength, double skill, double speed, double luck, 
		double defense, double resistance, double movement, double constitution)
	hpBase = hp;
	strengthBase = strength;
	skillBase = skill;
	speedBase = speed;
	luckBase = luck;
	defenseBase = defense;
	resistanceBase = resistance;
	movementBase = movement;
	constitutionBase = constitution;

public class CharacterGrowths 
//All of the components of a character in Fire Emblem that can be changed via level up.
private double hpGrowth;
private double strengthGrowth;
private double skillGrowth;
private double speedGrowth;
private double luckGrowth;
private double defenseGrowth;
private double resistanceGrowth;

 * Creates a new set of growths to be eventually applied to a character.
public CharacterGrowths(double hp, double strength, double skill, 
		double speed, double luck, double defense, double resistance)
	hpGrowth = hp;
	strengthGrowth = strength;
	skillGrowth = skill;
	speedGrowth = speed;
	defenseGrowth = defense;
	resistanceGrowth = resistance;

public class Character 
private String charname = "Mark";
private String charclass = "Tactician";
private CharacterBases charbase;
private CharacterGrowths chargrowths;
private String charaffinity = "Light";

 * Creates the character with their name, class, growths, bases, and affinity.

public Character(String name, String Cclass, CharacterBases base, CharacterGrowths growth,
		String affinity)
	charname = name;
	charclass = Cclass;
	charbase = base;
	chargrowths = growth;
	charaffinity = affinity;

public class CharacterMain 
public static void main(String[] args)
CharacterBases LynBases = new CharacterBases(16, 4, 7, 9, 5, 2, 0, 5, 5);
CharacterGrowths LynGrowths = new CharacterGrowths(.70, .40, .60, .60, .55, .20, .30);
Character Lyn = new Character("Lyn", "Lord", LynBases, LynGrowths, "Wind");

I have too much free time. I might add more stuff later for the hell of it, like level, a level up method, promotion, blah blah blah...

With that, I think I'm going to sleep.

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[11:28:14 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): [11:26:00 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): ...

[11:26:00 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): Crap

[11:26:07 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): One of my friends has my 3DS charger.

[11:26:13 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): ... looks like no FE13 this weekend.

[11:26:19 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): at least... minimal.

[11:26:30 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): Nuuuuuuuuuuuu. No Olivia this weekend.

[11:26:34 PM] Lumi: lol


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