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So like, I've been thinking and I've realized that Strike Witches' plot execution is stupid and I'm disappointed by that. Like, really.

First world problems make me thankful that I have what I have.

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My kingdom for purchasable Blood Stone Chunks. I don't care if they cost 250,000 Blood Echoes. It's better than farming for them. :L

You want to have an excuse to write a smutty Chie fanfic, we get it

Why write when you can "read" one.

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You want to have an excuse to write a smutty Chie fanfic, we get it

what shut up I'm not even using the existing characters pls

Why write when you can "read" one.

ew then I'd have to go on FFN

fuck that noise

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In one of my dreams this morning, the interior of whatever-building-I-was-in looked like something from a different dream. So in the dream I was freaking out "HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP THIS IS FROM A DREAM I HAD WHOOOOOAAAA"

But after I was awake, I was like "awwwwww fuck, that was just a dream too".


RE: Shuffle

Seems I'm not the only one who has issues activating Quake against Ampharos.

Poor Groudon, I said he was bugged when he isn't. ;-;

Edited by Tsamimi
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what if they made a sequel to tellius

that included ike x soren as a canon pairing

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