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>I have trouble making myself heard via phone.

>Well then retard, we don't know where to put you in that case.

Soon afterwards, I see people answering the phone with an even more inaudible voice than mine.

A great start.




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And yes, I'm completely aware that 4 through 9 on Ex. 10-5 are wrong. I'm too lazy to fix them.

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And yes, I'm completely aware that 4 through 9 on Ex. 10-5 are wrong. I'm too lazy to fix them.

Hoo boy...

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MC should ALWAYS be a Megido Bomber.


You should end up with 15 strength, at the most. :L

Megido is a pretty shitty spell, from my experiences trying to use it.

Hmmmmm. A perverted gentleman, then? Or a gentlemanly pervert? Or is it just my strange view of him...

Yah, Beagle is pretty annoying.

[spoiler=Among other things]

He got actual supernatural all up in my manga. Now, I'm fine with SN in SN-heavy series, but this was a 100% natural environment, and the mini-Kyouko's I had seen as artistic devices and not actual manifestations. This made me a sad panda.

Also, he's a complete dick.

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[spoiler=Among other things]

He got actual supernatural all up in my manga. Now, I'm fine with SN in SN-heavy series, but this was a 100% natural environment, and the mini-Kyouko's I had seen as artistic devices and not actual manifestations. This made me a sad panda.

Also, he's a complete dick.

Ohhhh yeah.

[spoiler=Skip Beat]I certainly thought that supernaturalness was out of place too... actually didn't those mini-Kyokos sometimes physically restrain people? I don't know really but I'm just trying to remember off the top of ma head. Or I guess it could be called the 'heavy atmosphere' or something...

I agree.

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Ohhhh yeah.

[spoiler=Skip Beat]I certainly thought that supernaturalness was out of place too... actually didn't those mini-Kyokos sometimes physically restrain people? I don't know really but I'm just trying to remember off the top of ma head. Or I guess it could be called the 'heavy atmosphere' or something...

I agree.

[spoiler=SB manga (If 'Beagle' discussion hadn't made that clear enough...)]I did in fact attribute it to forceful personality, controlling the mood/atmosphere, etc. causing either sudden surprise or inaction, myself, though perhaps I glossed over incidences where such interpretation was less than satisfactory. Also, mini-Kyouko's were at times simply played for humour, and I treated those instances as such.

The Valentine's Day arc brought the issue to the forefront of the drama as a pivotal plot element that simply could not be dismissed, handwaved, or re-interpreted, though. It also felt needless, like it was simply to antagonize the readers, but perhaps that was just me getting to emotionally caught up in things.

I much prefer the arcs where we see Kyouko struggle to put together a character, and then masterfully executing it and dominating everyone. Also, the arcs with her and her sempai together. :wub:

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It is only natural, don't you think?

We finally have found out that tangerine is on the nature side of the nature vs nurture debate!

Or does she care to dodge out of a perspective on this age old debate?

Nope. As disgusting as she is, Tangerine doesn't have what it takes to drive me away.


Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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And yes, I'm completely aware that 4 through 9 on Ex. 10-5 are wrong. I'm too lazy to fix them.

... Neat writing... Had i done a mistake in one of those i would just scribble the mistake out, make an arrow and at the end put the correct thing there... It looked messy and made my chem teacher threaten me that if i didn't do things in pencil and erase she would take marks off :(::cry: I hate pencil... and erasing :unsure: just a waste of time...

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I mean in the anime. I got to episode 30 and he still has that time constraint. Miyuki's death was quite sad.

I haven't finished it, but IIRC most events that happen in SRWJ are pretty fidel to the events that happen in the anime.

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Ah, I thought you finished it. I found the 6 episodes of Tekkaman II online but they're dubbed.

Didn't found a non-torrent version of english subs...

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Just did a quick search and same. I only found english dubbed and japanese spanish subbed.

I watched the spanish subs. Eh, not bad but I had a harder time actually.

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