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Seriously, people need to stop complaining over Eirika's DLC design. The artwork is nice, and it gives us a new class. If the concept of this class bothers people so much that they don't want it tainting their game, don't buy the damn DLC. You want Swordmaster Eirika? Reclass her to fucking Swordmaster. Oh no, but the portrait still has a dress? So what? No one's portrait matches their battle appearance when the reclass to a different class type, deal with it. Honestly, people.

You're talking about FE fans here. You know. The fanbase that hates the series they love more so than the people who dislike the series and said fans happen to love talking about the same thing over and over and over and over and so on.

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But that would imply regressing to some generic schmuck who does nothing but baww about all the shit that offends them while spewing some worthless uninformed opinion as though it were some absolute fact because "opinions are sacred blah blah"

I don't wanna be some fucktard.

Not necessarily.

Yes, not winning is achieved by losing. But it can also be achieved by not playing at all.

I'm not actually telling you to stop, though. That was just a joke. But keep up the awesome, it's awesome.

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Vaida is my favourite FE7 character along with Marcus <3

*looks at new name*

Well that's a name change I didn't expect (though I should've from the look of it).

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Gold and quest experience rewards for replaying "Heart of Sin: Get the Soul of Azmodan" have been reduced

Gold and quest experience rewards for replaying "Heart of Sin: Go to the Keep" have been removed


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(fear of the dark Luka...)

I have a constant fear that someone's always near.

Charlie I reserve the right to believe turning Eirika into, in the vvords of Kiryn, a Disney princess, is stupid.


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Vaida is my favourite FE7 character along with Marcus <3

*fist bump*

But that would imply regressing to some generic schmuck who does nothing but baww about all the shit that offends them while spewing some worthless uninformed opinion as though it were some absolute fact because "opinions are sacred blah blah"

I don't wanna be some fucktard.

Ha, cut me some slack dude. I'm not really trying to be an asshole with my opinion, and I'm quite aware it's not going to change anything. Myself, I'm not, uh, "offended" by the redesign, and it's far from ugly. It seems just seems like a silly, unnecessary flourish on the character, and going in a direction I don't really find appealing or smart.

Bless you Balcerzak

Edited by Rehab
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Hey, I remember that pic

This is why Callum makes the best Thief.

Actually, Callum does make a good thief story-wise, since nobody notices his presence - and in supports, he can even actively use that ability to disappear


Nerfs, nerfs everywhere

And downtimes everyday

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*fist bump*

Ha, cut me some slack dude. I'm not really trying to be an asshole with my opinion, and I'm quite aware it's not going to change anything. Myself, I'm not, uh, "offended" by the redesign, and it's far from ugly. It seems just seems like a silly, unnecessary flourish on the character, and going in a direction I don't really find appealing or smart.

Bless you Balcerzak

Don't take it personally. So long as you aren't stupid in general, it shouldn't last long. Anyway, I have no problem with people disliking the redesign, but honestly, if you don't like it, don't buy it, let the option be there for those who wish to take advantage of it. So many people nowadays complain for the sake of complaining, and it's obnoxious.

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So many people nowadays complain for the sake of complaining, and it's obnoxious.

I thought it was always like that.

Humans are the most obnoxious race ;A;

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*fist bump*

*fistbumps back*

My biggest issue with the dress is the mobility. I think it's gorgeous and I'd have it as my own wedding dress, certainly, but I can't imagine anyone wearing it to battle without tripping a lot. It'd make sense if she was directly summoned from her wedding, though, poor girl. Shorter wedding dresses do exist but eh, too late.

I want ninty to sell this dress in actual form instead :B

Maybe it works for Sumia since she already trips a lot and it would make no difference.

Edited by Fat Bunny
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Actually, Callum does make a good thief story-wise, since nobody notices his presence - and in supports, he can even actively use that ability to disappear

Nerfs, nerfs everywhere

And downtimes everyday

I wonder why we needed to block that door with a big white rock. Oh well, time to be suicidal mook again.

I wonder if I should continue playing with my Wizard or farm some gold before the RMAH goes live. While I don't think most people will actually buy items, the fact remains that most of the best items will be in the RMAH.

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TheEnd, Marthur, Fujimori Stage 13 translation script is 100% done.

Both it and the raw scans are uploaded in my server, you can access to them whenever you want by using the same links as in the Stage 12 draft Private Message: just make sure to replace "12" with "13" in both links. (And in the case of the scans, replace the file type from ".rar" to ".zip")

For the new PM convo I'll make for that Stage, I'll invite both of you and Vincent already, but do you know if NTG still wants to do proofchecking?

Edited by AceNoctali
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*fistbumps back*

My biggest issue with the dress is the mobility. I think it's gorgeous and I'd have it as my own wedding dress, certainly, but I can't imagine anyone wearing it to battle without tripping a lot. It'd make sense if she was directly summoned from her wedding, though, poor girl. Shorter wedding dresses do exist but eh, too late.

I want ninty to sell this dress in actual form instead :B

Maybe it works for Sumia since she already trips a lot and it would make no difference.

I mean, I look at it as, people dance in these things, right? Eirika's fighting style always struck me as a sort of graceful hit, retreat, feint, almost like a dance in of itself. While the dress isn't ideal for sword fighting by any means, I think that, with someone well practiced enough(and Eirika does have a war's worth of practice) it would be doable, especially for someone used to dancing in the things(which I can only assume Eirika is fairly familiar with, princess and all). And it would lend itself fine to using either bows or staves, so those aren't an issue.

I have to agree on the point that her choosing to wear this would be a bit bizarre, but these people are sorta plucked from their time periods and dropped somewhere on Iris. Perhaps she was plucked straight from her wedding, perhaps she was wearing it in reminiscence, hell Eirika was never shown to be the best at thinking ahead, so there are a million scenarios that could spring up from just that.

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Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710.

Edit: And I was using the 64-bit drivers. Now trying the 32-bit drivers.

Mine's not wireless and it recognized it just fine. It's Logitech Duel Action.

>People actually upset over DLC Eirika

Man, that Fire Emblem sure is serious business.

She looks like she's dressed for a wedding. xD

Fire Emblem is pretty minor compared to other games though.

I wonder if she has a skill that raises her might after being left for dead.

Otherwise localization wouldn't be terrible. x.x

Not a lot of things, unfortunately, since I'm not intend on buying a 3DS, unless they release in Europe a special FE13 bundle like they did in Japan (I still can't forgive Nintendo for the Region Locking dick move).

Also, I'm kind of pissed to see Nintendo jumping on the pay DLC bandwagon with that game.

That said, the game itself has interesting concepts, and I'll buy it when/if release in Europe, even if only to add it in my collection of FE stuff.

At least in Europe it'll use our language barrier. And Nintendo's a dick anyway for not bringing this gem over stateside, Monshou. There is a chance that Awakening will make it states as it will come to Europe.

Ultimately, the region lock was the main reason that kept me from buying it and a 3DS.

Thank you for helping me keep my vow, Nintendo!

Region lockout is just a way to stop some people from playing FE13. .___.


I don't see why you felt the need to point this out. You're more than welcome to think it's stupid, but I am also welcome to think these sentiments are stupid as well. Eirika was already a "Disney princess". The fact that she held a sword (and it should be noted that rapiers are largely regarded as "feminine" or at least "prissy" nowadays") does not change this. I don't see anything wrong with Eirika's new design considering it doesn't betray the way she was originally portrayed AND she isn't even a "real person" in the context of this particular game.

I'm not pointing to you specifically, but I think there is a ridiculous amount of hypocrisy in the Fire Emblem fandom when it comes to people's views on how women should be portrayed. Over the years I have seen countless people call for stronger female characters in Fire Emblem. This is all well and good, but it seems really strange that Vaida, a character who I think fits this bill much better than any other female in Fire Emblem, is highly unpopular because she doesn't meet most people's standards for attractiveness. It doesn't help that there was an outcry over Nono being able to get married and have a child while everyone was completely silent over young male characters like Richt and Donny being able to do the very same thing.

Mostly they're just in it for the hot women and men.

It amazes me how often people try to status my Conkeldurr knowing a Guts powered Mach Punch/Drain Punch/Payback is going to hurt like hell.

Especially after being Bulk Upped.

Also with Facade/Guts combo on Swellow. Absolutely broken.

>special weather statement in my area

>turns out to be another fire danger


*Rain Dance*

Problem sol--*shot*

Weeee ~25.4% of the posts I've made in SF, including FFtF and intro, are in here =3

I musta been a non-poster-at-all-er before I got here =o

Nothing more fun than the "Far Of The Forest". =)

Good Eirika. ^^

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I wonder why we needed to block that door with a big white rock. Oh well, time to be suicidal mook again.

I wonder if I should continue playing with my Wizard or farm some gold before the RMAH goes live. While I don't think most people will actually buy items, the fact remains that most of the best items will be in the RMAH.

At this rate, the RMAH is going to go so terribly wrong, hahaha

TheEnd, Marthur, Fujimori Stage 13 translation script is 100% done.

Both it and the raw scans are uploaded in my server, you can access to them whenever you want by using the same links as in the Stage 12 draft Private Message: just make sure to replace "12" with "13" in both links. (And in the case of the scans, replace the file type from ".rar" to ".zip")

For the new PM convo I'll make for that Stage, I'll invite both of you and Vincent already, but do you know if NTG still wants to do proofchecking?

Yeah, invite them both.

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I mean, I look at it as, people dance in these things, right? Eirika's fighting style always struck me as a sort of graceful hit, retreat, feint, almost like a dance in of itself. While the dress isn't ideal for sword fighting by any means, I think that, with someone well practiced enough(and Eirika does have a war's worth of practice) it would be doable, especially for someone used to dancing in the things(which I can only assume Eirika is fairly familiar with, princess and all). And it would lend itself fine to using either bows or staves, so those aren't an issue.

I have to agree on the point that her choosing to wear this would be a bit bizarre, but these people are sorta plucked from their time periods and dropped somewhere on Iris. Perhaps she was plucked straight from her wedding, perhaps she was wearing it in reminiscence, hell Eirika was never shown to be the best at thinking ahead, so there are a million scenarios that could spring up from just that.

Eirika's into dancing?? I've should've known. x.x

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I mean, I look at it as, people dance in these things, right? Eirika's fighting style always struck me as a sort of graceful hit, retreat, feint, almost like a dance in of itself. While the dress isn't ideal for sword fighting by any means, I think that, with someone well practiced enough(and Eirika does have a war's worth of practice) it would be doable, especially for someone used to dancing in the things(which I can only assume Eirika is fairly familiar with, princess and all). And it would lend itself fine to using either bows or staves, so those aren't an issue.

I have to agree on the point that her choosing to wear this would be a bit bizarre, but these people are sorta plucked from their time periods and dropped somewhere on Iris. Perhaps she was plucked straight from her wedding, perhaps she was wearing it in reminiscence, hell Eirika was never shown to be the best at thinking ahead, so there are a million scenarios that could spring up from just that.

It's still fairly heavy, though. Dancing is one thing, but to be able to dodge attacks with either a heavy metal hoop (for the size of this dress you'll need one) or about 10 layers of petticoats is a pretty difficult task. I'll accept it if storywise she's just plucked straight from her wedding or if they can make some story sense out of it. But ballroom dancing is hardly on the same level of dodging several attacks. The type of dances that require a lot of skill to do so also have very light costumes, as well.

Theoretically she should have a third weapon, or it's gonna be a pretty shitty DLC class compared to Demon Fighter unless the stats and caps are mad high with some insane skills. Swordsmanship looks pretty impractical there. Lances are the other option if IS is going for the whole spectrum rather than letting Eirika have her one weapon type, and that actually might be a bit better for the dress since lances are long enough to reach outside of the dress's circumference. I was discussing this in another skype chat yesterday and was linked to this picture


which is more suited for a dodgy fighting style while still be pretty enough for a bride, IMO.

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