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If I remember correctly, they're slightly more common in the deepest part of Chargestone Cave. Yeah like, 8%, but compared to the 2% of the upper floors...


I went to the bottom floor and it was the first one I encountered x3

Since I missed Ein I can name him after Tynamo if he wants

Oh sorry Ein Integrity killed you ;n;

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Their second form looks kinda eh especially the name x3 and the last form actually looks kinda neat =o

Nope, Black

You need a Thunderstone to evolve an Eelektrik.


If I remember correctly, they're slightly more common in the deepest part of Chargestone Cave. Yeah like, 8%, but compared to the 2% of the upper floors...


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You need a Thunderstone to evolve an Eelektrik.


I know, I looked it up~

I already have a thunderstone (think it was in this cave too?) so it's good!

Heehee it's fine =3

Um sorry Acacia but I don't think I'd end up using that one x3

Ooh it looks like that location thingy must be the end of the game or toward the end of it =o

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Oh lol, my mom is watching a baseball match where our city is playing, loosing 2-3. My mom complains about it, then in just two batters the tables are turned to 6-3.

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I went to the bottom floor and it was the first one I encountered x3

Since I missed Ein I can name him after Tynamo if he wants

Oh sorry Ein Integrity killed you ;n;

great First I lose 10 Humanity trying to farm Titanite Slabs then Integ makes me faint.

He's too hotheaded.

We both have our share of problems.

Sleep that isn't restful doesn't help.

Hm... When was the last I actually felt rested after sleeping?

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great First I lose 10 Humanity trying to farm Titanite Slabs then Integ makes me faint.

He's too hotheaded.

Well I have you now =3 Rei Rei was nicer to you~

Lol yet at the same time whenever I get angered by anybody he tries to calm me down x3

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Well I have you now =3 Rei Rei was nicer to you~

Lol yet at the same time whenever I get angered by anybody he tries to calm me down x3

Nice Rei Rei is nice.

You get angry?! Of course you would. Who doesn't.

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So for the first time in a long time I sat down and watched some TV. There was a pretty interesting special on the worth of a human corpse, and the market for bodies and body parts. As one would imagine it's a pretty lucrative business, with a fully utilized body being good for about 250 grand.

The money's always in the places you forget to think about eh?

Edited by Wahrheit
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So for the first time in a long time I sat down and watched some TV. There was a pretty interesting special on the worth of a human corpse, and the market for bodies and body parts. As one would imagine it's a pretty lucrative business, with a fully utilized body being good for about 250 grand.

The money's always in the places you forget to think about eh?


Do people actually....

buy human bodies??

Or was it just speculation?

Or is it like... just for surgical purposes or whatever??

Um... well anyway I'm gonna go asleepy now bye bye

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Oh, of course people buy human bodies. But the majority of it is sold to tissue banks and places in need of them for surgical procedures, not creeps with money to burn getting their jollies with a corpse. The problem the report presented is that it's an industry with very little regulations. If I had an account with a shipping company along with a steady stream of bodies and a freezer to stuff em' in, I could be a dealer. And with a lack of regulations the means the bodies were acquired in, along with their condition at death is questionable. For example, people that run say, a crematorium could take parts off a body and sell them, then present the family with the leftover ashes, family none the wiser. The recently deceased may not have exactly volunteered for donation either...

Additionally, there were cases where body parts were sold from corpses infected with HIV and AIDS, and that's uh

that's worrisome

It's food for thought though isn't it?

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