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to make me a sandwich


you're right. The far east people should be called Oriental. But... how do you shorten that? (We have Asian -> Azn...)

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And how do you make Oriental jokes like Asian jokes? You can make great rhymes like "Asian sensation sweeping the nation" but what about Oriental!

bye, dinner

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Now I am hungrier sad.gif

Uh... what's the problem? I'm sure you also have songs you like....

Don't mind me I just have a thing for people who like to get rickroll'd willingly...

Edited by James Bond
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to make me a sandwich


you're right. The far east people should be called Oriental. But... how do you shorten that? (We have Asian -> Azn...)

*puts a sandwich on Jenni's head* :Knoll:

Some people find the term Oriental offensive, though....

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Don't mind me I just have a thing for people who like to get rickroll'd willingly...

I never said I liked the Rickroll. I like the song, but not the Rickrolling.

Speaking of the Asian/Oriental thing... uh, I don't know you guys, but I find it a bit silly to call Oriental people who I know live closer to the WEST than the, well, East. At least from my location.

Then again, it's something the Europeans spread to the Americas so... eh...

Unless it's a term used anywhere but Asia itself.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I find it weird how so many things are offensive lately.

One of my favorite things is telling people that I take politically correct terms and euphemisms in general sarcastically, thus finding them offensive.

that makes sense...

I kinda find the whole rickrolling thing stupid...

As any thing repeated over and over again, it gets old fast.

Edited by OldMan
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I don't mind rickrolls unless the person doing it is linking to that one website that makes the browser window go crazy... WITH THE HELP OF KYOJI!!!!

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Night Night, I have began my quest to slay another dragon.

Acacia, if you can see this, Tadakatsu is a pain to fight on normal mode. Or Ginchiyo was too weak at the time. Eh.

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Night Night, I have began my quest to slay another dragon.

Acacia, if you can see this, Tadakatsu is a pain to fight on normal mode. Or Ginchiyo was too weak at the time. Eh.

Playing Ginchiyo's story? Which stage were you, Fushimi, Kuzegawa, or Ishigakibaru?

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Playing Ginchiyo's story? Which stage were you, Fushimi, Kuzegawa, or Ishigakibaru?

It was her last chapter. I finished it, though, on easy. Tadakatsu is just a monster, though sheesh.


Did you slay it? Or are you in the process of slaying it?

In the process of slaying one.

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It was her last chapter. I finished it, though, on easy. Tadakatsu is just a monster, though sheesh.

Oh yeah, I remember that one. It was pain even without counting Tadakatsu. Sometimes I don't like it when you have a Generic Officer you must not let fall down in battle. THankfully in that stage he is in an easy-to-defend position.

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レイ: お前の負けだ。


レイ: お前・・・ニニアンを殺した・・・ だから・・・だから・・・

エリウッド: いや。

レイ: 何?

エリウッド: 君は自分の心を欺いている。

レイ: 嘘をつくな!

エリウッド: 君だ。


レイ: ふ・・・二人・・・?

エリウッド: そう。



レイ: 嘘・・・



...Eff my dream recall.

And then flashbacks.

When I got to see every detail. Where I killed them both.

You have a dream of five signature

Is it Astra

Maybe, maybe not~

I'll never tell~


Kon's clearly a double agent.

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