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Shirley, Aiku has obtained a picture of penguins

I saw a loooooot of those today~ And they weren't even from the zoo!

SWEET. Wait, A picture?! I WANNA SEEEE. Tell him to post it here! Or somewhere and link me on my profile or here or something!

...this is so bad.

"You okay?"

"Yes, thank you so much."

"...I'm guessing you're a little hesitant about going to the meal tent?"

"...A-a little, I guess."

"Want to share a meal with me then? I do happen to have enough for two people."

"We could just find somewhere nice to eat a quiet meal away from everyone."

She blushes.

...realizing what I just said, I must have too.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to sound so forward. I-I just thought..."

"N-no, that sounds nice. I would gladly accept your offer."

The way she speak so formally... how shy she is...

Honestly, I'd be lying if I didn't say I was struck by how completely cute she was.

We have grown closer as friends. But, as of late... it's been more than that for me.

I have a crush on her. But I don't think I'm brave enough to tell her.

We find a little spot by the river, just outside the camp.

We sit right under the tree as a gentle breeze blows.

While I'm opening the container for our meals I just happen to look over at her. The breeze blows her beautiful hair ever so slightly.

She smiles.

I quickly look back down and got back to what I was doing.

It's a complicated feeling. I feel so uneasy when she's near me.

I think to myself that I should just stop thinking about it.

"Let's start off with the bread while it's hot."

I hand her a piece.

The uneasiness slowly faded away.

It was just a quiet, relaxing moment... just like I wanted.

It was enjoyable.

"Okay, time for the meat."

I hand her a piece of lamb.

And just like when we were eating the bread, it was pretty quiet.

Until I notice the way she ate.

I couldn't stop myself, and burst out laughing.

"E,Eeeeh!? What!? Is something wrong!?"

She looked so flustered.

"Hahaha... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"It's just that the way you're eating..."

"Well, excuse me for eating the way I do!"

"No, really... I'm sorry."

"It's just that you looked like a little rabbit... nibbling at a big chunk of food..."

"Hmph! Why I never!"

That was the first time I've seen that kind of expression on her.

"I couldn't help it... I thought it was..."


"Eh!? Rey-san!?"

...better stop myself from saying anything further. Should divert it to a generic statement.

"Hahahaha. Well, I'm pretty sure the entire army thinks of you as fairly cute."

"...so, are you feeling better?"

"Y-yes, thank you."

"Like I said, the entire army thinks of you as cute... and they want to see you dance."

"And they're nothing wrong with that... until someone's being too forward."

"Only you can decide for yourself whether to do whatever it is they're asking of you."

"I know it looks daunting for you, but if you need to... tell them 'no' firmly."

"I-I'll try..."

"...Also, don't worry. I'll be there for you. If anyone is ever bothering you, just call on me. We're friends after all."

We finish our meals... and head back to camp. We then go our separate ways.

"Well then, see you later."

"Yeah... see you later, Olivia."

I walk back to my tent.

I shake my head while talking to myself.

I say in a low whisper, "At this rate... you'll have more than just my friendship... you'll have my heart as well... or maybe you already have..."

"Hohoho? I'll have your heart just like you have mine?" said a voice behind me.

"Whoa!? Sariya (Tharja) don't scare me like that."

"I told you, you're my first love."

"I'll do anything for you. I'll change however you want."

"...I'm... flattered... thank you..."

She's always creeped me out a little bit, but she seems harmless enough. I just let it go... even though I always feel deathly uncomfortable around her. She *IS* one of us now, so I feel like I can trust her.

"See... you later..."

"Yes. See you later... Fufufufufu."

I keep walking.



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Oh, you were talking about that.We've been having that issue for 2-3 weeks now. The IT people were seemingly making progress today, but... I have this nagging suspicion that they shut down the freaking server every night >_>

Oh, seriously? Well, if they are trying to fix the server, wouldn't shutting it down every night erase their progress?

Oh, Rey... there's nothing bad about that, it's sweet.

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Rey should play more FE4.

He really should.

Oh, seriously? Well, if they are trying to fix the server, wouldn't shutting it down every night erase their progress?

Possibly! I expect to have another unproductive day tomorrow...
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Rei Rei is in love with the cookies.

40 cookies for 40 bucks is almost a BARGAIN

Very. The last person who should one-up an IT team in computers is ME.

Also, hi Rei REI!


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Yeah, sure. Almost a bargain! Whatever makes you happy.

The cookies were almost the size of my hand. But yeah, I guess cookies are way cheaper over there.

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SWEET. Wait, A picture?! I WANNA SEEEE. Tell him to post it here! Or somewhere and link me on my profile or here or something!

Ahhhhhhh okay but he hasn't returned home yet! D=




/grabs cookies and gives them to Rei Rei

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Oh, not much. It's a pleasure to finally meet the infamous Rei Rei, though. :)

Infamous, huh? How's that?

Also, the pleasure is mine!

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