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man i just read the new gim-lewis thread

i'm dying

amazing thread

i can't stop laughing

what is this like the fourth thread he's made?

stupid kid >_>

is he suspended or banned?

Suspended for two weeks.

My friend at UNLV police... the one I go to church with is going to look at the camera footage today.
I'm giving him the serial number on the 3DS plate that is under the capture board, right under the 3DS battery if they do find a red 3DS on the person if they find him.

Through trickery and deceit, he will be caught.

Good luck then!

Well, I wish you the best of luck that they find it and return it to you unharmed.

And these.

Nyahahaha what is this


**up to 4th image**

I can't go on

Your here. :D
We were afraid that you've disappeared like Fia. D:
And hello.

really want to reply but have to go bye

seeya next time

See you later.


I MEAN...*takes shirt off*


Going through the same as Ogma and Katarina's lives.
Fetch the healer. Quick.

Eek! :cry:

I'm so sorry, I'll go fetch my staff and heal you!

Thank you.

Buuuuuuuuut that's discouraged in forums? Maybe not in FFtF so much I guess... but I think to a certain extent if things get out of hand then that'll probably get a mod to start doing something. Like if there's too much flaming involved?

But I know that I react to quite a few things and whenever I get involved, it upsets everybody else who is just trying to enjoy themselves reading topics, and I always feel guilty because I am one of the people who's fueling what's going on. And while I've always felt like this, I guess I do admit that I hate doing it more and more whenever Integrity (though, this goes for several other people as well) gets upset from whatever goes on, espeically when I'm involved~

I don't care how much of a coward you consider me, if people don't want threads to get spoiled by argument and if I am in the right mind and not too carried away in my emotions to realize this, then I'm not going to encourage it by joining it, myself.

Spoken true.

If you don't mind putting yourself into bad situations, that's fine by me. Yes, I do run away from things. I hate unpleasantness. When my emotions get involved then I forget trying to avoid it, but for the most part I do. And that's for me to decide.

But putting unpleasantness upon bystanders who weren't involved? I don't think that deciding to go against the wishes of other people should be up to me. And I don't want it to be up to me, either.

Although, I just realized that I dunno why I just decided to explain all that, you had just said you respected my preference...

Maybe that was my emotion getting in the way again

No one serene-like minded likes that.
The ignore button is there for a reason, sweetie.

this is a pretty long way to say "i'm right, you're wrong", isn't it? you're also resorting to direct insults very blatantly, sangyul. if your argument is so powerful, do you really need to resort to "fuck you, boney"? your words sting like a cotton ball, sangyul. if you want to get through to me, speak as such. if you hate me, then it's not so hard to say so. it's not hard for me to report your posts either, but i refuse to report anyone for anything.

no not really, i kinda just saw sangyul complaining in this thread and wanted to make a little remark about it. think of me what you will. i mean, it's not like anyone in your group of friends liked me to begin with. it doesn't change anything unless it gave people more of an incentive to attack me, which well...*shrug* sorry. i'd make a terrible target.

it's ok boney we all hate you anyway

I said far more than "fuck you Boney" and explained my argument pretty well. But that was the only part you wanted to listen to. I am quite irritated by you constantly referring to my friends and me as a circlejerk, and by choosing to focus on the so-called circlejerk "telling NM off" instead of NM's comment itself which elicited the reactions, what more do I have to say besides that? You yourself have already decided that it's you vs "the circlejerk", so what's the point of "getting through to you"? I've had it with you.

C'mon guys.
Cut him some slack. He never actually means what he says.

cam, do you actually expect people to respond to your posts, or do you just really like posting?

your argument was "we're the REAL circlejerks because we discuss things amongst each other!" that's just...uhm...no. we accept anyone into that last to post wins thread and always welcome new members. you try to counteract it when i call out the things you guys do together by saying "uh no we don't"? ignoring the bias, i'm not seeing your logic. you're not explaining it properly.

No, my ARGUMENT was that NM's "go back to China" was not acceptable under any circumstances, and by focusing on the people expressing discontent for that comment by calling them a circlejerk instead of looking at NM's initial comment and seeing if such a response was warranted, and then by trying to argue than the rest of us were just circlejerks agreeing with one another, you've proved yourself unreasonable. My comment about the "LTPW" thread being a circlejerk was supposed to be some smartass side remark because you keep calling us circlejerks. Seeing as how you're taking it so seriously, though and missing my ACTUAL argument, uh.

Sometimes he doesn't really watch what he says which often gets him into trouble. -.-
But we do try to help him out. Patient people like Shirley, Vashi, Freohr, and me.

then what are you fighting for? i did not support ninjamonkey's comment at all, nor would i ever speak it myself. i was against a ton of people picking on him like a bunch of bullies. WHY do you support this? just because he made that offensive comment, he deserves an army of backlash? he did not call hitler a war hero, he did not say that all religious followers should commit suicide if they believe in heaven, and he did not say that 9/11 was a wonderful event in american history. he basically said "if you hate english so much, go back to china". that is an offensive comment, but most people should just scoff at something like that. "meh, he's ignorant". "i don't want to live in china". i can also put it out there that i think english sucks as a language, even though it is the only one i actually speak.

Well...ha ha.

It's nice that you've standed up for him. But with the way your speak, you tend to put people in the wrong direction. But, that's why that I'm, Shirley, Freohr and Vashi are here to help you.

Boney, please do realize that NOT EVERYONE THINKS LIKE YOU AND WILL REACT LIKE YOU. So you think that we should have scoffed and let him continue his ignorant ways? I don't agree with that, and a lot of other people didn't either. I believe that if you let these people go without response, then they will continue in their ignorant ways and that is not okay. Maybe calling them out will do nothing in the long run, but it'll at least show them that there are people who do not approve of them and maybe next time they'll think twice before spouting their mouths off like that.

My initial response to NM was because I cannot believe the fucking immaturity and insensitivity of his statement. I may not be Chinese, but I would be highly offended if someone told me to "go back to Korea". And you know what, that "go back to China" could have been just as easily "go back to Korea" or "go back to Japan" or "go back to ____". I don't think it's okay and it also offends me as a fellow Asian person. I am not going to hold my tongue. I am going to let NM know that if he is 28 years old he had better start acting like it and gain tolerance for other people.

Second of all, your circlejerk comment. By saying that NM shouldn't have got any backlash, it's almost as if you're supporting him. Maybe it wasn't as extreme as the other examples you listed. But it is fucking offensive, and it did deserve to be responded to. Yeah, quite a few people responded to him, but you were quick to say "circlejerk circlejerk circlejerk". It was YOU poking at a group of people who disagreed with a racially insensitive comment saying that they were circlejerks for all agreeing that it was racially insensitive and a mean thing to say. It's almost like you're condoning him, and I don't think that's okay.

You're acting like you're supposed to be the person to stand up for the "one bullied" member that the circlejerk is ganging up on. We are not such terrible people that we're all just jumping in for no reason. Before you do something so stupid as to just label people you don't like agreeing with each other a circlejerk, why don't you LOOK at the initial context to which the people are responding to? UNDERSTAND that not everyone is as chill with it or will be willing to just ignore it and walk away. Some people will take a stand, and you know what, that's not a bad thing nor is it people being circlejerks. Maybe if you REALIZE this you'd realize why people were arguing with you in that thread.

All of this said...
You have to observe your surroundings of other peoples personalities and to learn your ways to speak in their ways of thinking to get loved by others. Tee hee..
I've just said another tip for you, Boney. That's how Shirley, Freohr, and Vashi gets loved by everyone.

1. Your comment about "circlejerks" was entirely unprovoked and can be seen as flaming just as well. I've seen people respond with "go fuck yourself" before on this forum without people making as big of a deal of it as you were. Whether it's numerous or not, do you really expect everyone to hold their tongues and not respond to something that offends them because it's "bullying" or some other shit like that?

2. We were calling out NM on his shit. Aside from CR whose comments didn't even look very serious, maybe only one or two of those comments could even be considered "flaming". Besides, if we were "flaming" NM, then what was NM doing in his initial comment? "Go back to China" seems like flaming to me. You're acting as if NM deserves to be protected or that people who are calling him out are circlejerks because a lot of people are calling him out. The more people call him out, the more that should be an indicator that he screwed up.

3. "Go back to Korea" offends me because it implies that I am not "good enough" for the U.S. Because it's telling me that I do not deserve to be in this country. That only certain people "deserve" to be in this country. It's dehumanizing. It turns the person into an "other" and the entire country as a whole back into an "other". It's also completely ignorant. My ancestors may have been Korean, but I have never lived in Korea and I do not identify as such. It is judgmental and racist because it makes assumptions about who I am and says that I do not belong in the U.S.

4. You think he was getting way too much heat for his comment. I disagree, I say that it was called for. If an army of people made an offensive comment towards "one of us", then people will respond to that in kind. It's not okay to make offensive comments towards people. What you seem to be oh-so conveniently missing, though, is that NINJAMONKEY MADE AN OFFENSIVE COMMENT THAT OFFENDED PEOPLE. It doesn't matter how many people make offensive comments towards how many people. Offensive comments WILL offend people and WILL get people responding to them.

1. my point is that there are too many harsh comments against him. it is flaming, and it is numerous.

2. there is a difference between calling someone out on their misconduct and explaining why it was wrong, and calling someone out on their misconduct and attacking them.

3. if you would have reacted differently than i, then explain yourself. why would "go back to korea" offend you? is it because you dislike korea that much? is it because he makes you feel as though you don't have the right to leave the country of your ethnicity?

4. just like you went against ninja monkey for his comment, i went against the lot of you for your comments. there was way too much heat against him. nothing any of you said was any better than what he said, but he's the one who got post after post of replies against him, not any of you. what if an army of people made an offensive comment such as his to one of you? would that be fair? of course it wouldn't.

People who makes fun of others for their skin color and racism doesn't deserve to exist.

Rey's power level is too high for people

That only will get even better overtime.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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... ... [/pokes thread in hopes Acacia gets on later]

Your fault for...

*notices something*

...claiming me...?

...I knew I should check that thread more frequently to dispute people claiming me.

You just now noticed it? :D

I claimed you on your birthday, actually, as a joke. I thought you would have seen it LONG before then.

If you want to me to unclaim you, just say so. :)

Annie's power level is high enough.



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Fine, here reading about people fighting over stupid things...you?

That some of us (Sangyul) are actually doing this out of the goodness of our hearts.

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Fine, here reading about people fighting over stupid things...you?

Oh, I was on during the middle of that madness...


Not much myself, updating the dream thread and playing with my bun-bun. <3

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Too much faith in me, Ayanami... I was patient for as long as I could, but I was never that good...

And... hello FE4 thread. Uh oh last Wednesday was a horrible day hopefully today won't be the same

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Oh, I was on during the middle of that madness...


Not much myself, updating the dream thread and playing with my bun-bun. <3

I don't want to comment on it anymore...


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Too much faith in me, Ayanami... I was patient for as long as I could, but I was never that good...

And... hello FE4 thread. Uh oh last Wednesday was a horrible day hopefully today won't be the same

And I didn't even do anything...

Hi Fre. :) Let's hope it doesn't repeat?

Yes, I have a bunny... who has currently flopped himself down on my foot. I can't move it...! XD

Edited by Vashiane
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Too much faith in me, Ayanami... I was patient for as long as I could, but I was never that good...

And... hello FE4 thread. Uh oh last Wednesday was a horrible day hopefully today won't be the same


Sangyul, on 27 Aug 2013 - 8:41 PM, said:

No, my ARGUMENT was that NM's "go back to China" was not acceptable under any circumstances, and by focusing on the people expressing discontent for that comment by calling them a circlejerk instead of looking at NM's initial comment and seeing if such a response was warranted, and then by trying to argue than the rest of us were just circlejerks agreeing with one another, you've proved yourself unreasonable. My comment about the "LTPW" thread being a circlejerk was supposed to be some smartass side remark because you keep calling us circlejerks. Seeing as how you're taking it so seriously, though and missing my ACTUAL argument, uh.

Aya: Well..

Sometimes he doesn't really watch what he says which often gets him into trouble. -.-
But we do try to help him out. Patient people like Shirley, Vashi, Freohr, and me.

Boney, on 27 Aug 2013 - 9:00 PM, said:

then what are you fighting for? i did not support ninjamonkey's comment at all, nor would i ever speak it myself. i was against a ton of people picking on him like a bunch of bullies. WHY do you support this? just because he made that offensive comment, he deserves an army of backlash? he did not call hitler a war hero, he did not say that all religious followers should commit suicide if they believe in heaven, and he did not say that 9/11 was a wonderful event in american history. he basically said "if you hate english so much, go back to china". that is an offensive comment, but most people should just scoff at something like that. "meh, he's ignorant". "i don't want to live in china". i can also put it out there that i think english sucks as a language, even though it is the only one i actually speak.

Aya: Well...ha ha.

It's nice that you've standed up for him. But with the way you speak, you tend to put people in the wrong direction. But, that's why that I'm, Shirley, Freohr and Vashi are here to help you.

Sangyul, on 27 Aug 2013 - 9:12 PM, said:

Boney, please do realize that NOT EVERYONE THINKS LIKE YOU AND WILL REACT LIKE YOU. So you think that we should have scoffed and let him continue his ignorant ways? I don't agree with that, and a lot of other people didn't either. I believe that if you let these people go without response, then they will continue in their ignorant ways and that is not okay. Maybe calling them out will do nothing in the long run, but it'll at least show them that there are people who do not approve of them and maybe next time they'll think twice before spouting their mouths off like that.
My initial response to NM was because I cannot believe the fucking immaturity and insensitivity of his statement. I may not be Chinese, but I would be highly offended if someone told me to "go back to Korea". And you know what, that "go back to China" could have been just as easily "go back to Korea" or "go back to Japan" or "go back to ____". I don't think it's okay and it also offends me as a fellow Asian person. I am not going to hold my tongue. I am going to let NM know that if he is 28 years old he had better start acting like it and gain tolerance for other people.
Second of all, your circlejerk comment. By saying that NM shouldn't have got any backlash, it's almost as if you're supporting him. Maybe it wasn't as extreme as the other examples you listed. But it is fucking offensive, and it did deserve to be responded to. Yeah, quite a few people responded to him, but you were quick to say "circlejerk circlejerk circlejerk". It was YOU poking at a group of people who disagreed with a racially insensitive comment saying that they were circlejerks for all agreeing that it was racially insensitive and a mean thing to say. It's almost like you're condoning him, and I don't think that's okay.
You're acting like you're supposed to be the person to stand up for the "one bullied" member that the circlejerk is ganging up on. We are not such terrible people that we're all just jumping in for no reason. Before you do something so stupid as to just label people you don't like agreeing with each other a circlejerk, why don't you LOOK at the initial context to which the people are responding to? UNDERSTAND that not everyone is as chill with it or will be willing to just ignore it and walk away. Some people will take a stand, and you know what, that's not a bad thing nor is it people being circlejerks. Maybe if you REALIZE this you'd realize why people were arguing with you in that thread.

Aya: Correct.

All of this said...
You have to observe your surroundings of other peoples personalities and to learn your ways to speak in their ways of thinking to get loved by others.
Tee hee..
I've just said another tip for you, Boney. That's how Shirley, Freohr, and Vashi gets loved by everyone.
But Boney does need to read this. This will fix his problem. Hoping that he will heed it. He certainly doesn't want to get hated by everyone. x.x
EDIT: Because if you have done these mistakes (as you have already) it likely now won't get repaired with some of these people. -.-

Next time when you meet others....think about what Sangyul and and me are telling you.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Quite fine.

Lovely to hear!

So... I have no idea how this happened, but somehow you were in my dream last night...

We were a part of a group that goes into virtual reality and removes any corruption or viruses from video games, and our particular three-man squad is called "The BCD Squad", which is actually short for "Band of Chaotic Dreamers". And I say three-man squad because we had to go on a mission to fetch the OTHER squad member from Fire Emblem Awakening... and I already have an idea on who THAT might be.

My mind sometimes, I swear. XD

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Lovely to hear!

So... I have no idea how this happened, but somehow you were in my dream last night...

We were a part of a group that goes into virtual reality and removes any corruption or viruses from video games, and our particular three-man squad is called "The BCD Squad", which is actually short for "Band of Chaotic Dreamers". And I say three-man squad because we had to go on a mission to fetch the OTHER squad member from Fire Emblem Awakening... and I already have an idea on who THAT might be.

My mind sometimes, I swear. XD


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