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Hai thread. /flops on

Hi Amelia

Hi guys, won't be here for that long. Have to TA a class, then get food, then will be back at like 5:30.

But until then you're stuck with me.

Hi Boron

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Ooooh, awesome. XD

Oh really? Interesting...!


and I'm not even done yet

Have to pinpoint dates and shit and do testruns of whether certain missions is possible to do in x way while still maintaining y requirement etc

I take my ass creed very seriously

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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Yup. We multiply like rabbits you know!

And yeah. I guess I should sleep. Just when Amelia got here too :c

Alright thread, goodbye for now. Hope you all have a good day ahead!

Good night and sweet dreams, Pink! :)

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Hi Boron. I see my contribution in that last thread made you walk out fast.

Hahaha XD

I came back and voted for the thread though. All scum will be lynched!

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You know what...

*Edits last post in there*

もう、いい。 好きにすればいい・・・

Not posting in there anymore.

I'll go in there to vote, but I'm not responding anymore.

...I don't freaking get why I'm so damn worked up over a poll.

...I'm almost... turning into Ana.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Taking Cam's job, huh? :D

This was Cam's job? XD;

EDIT: Is it the poll you're worked up about or Anacybele's attitude?

Edited by Sangyul
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You know what...

*Edits last post in there*

もう、いい。 好きにすればいい・・・

Not posting in there anymore.

I'll go in there to vote, but I'm not responding anymore.

...I don't freaking get why I'm so damn worked up over a poll.

...I'm almost... turning into Ana.

Which is why I recommended you stop in the first place...

It'll be okay... just de-stress, listen to some awesome music and don't think about it anymore, okay?

Will do.

This was Cam's job? XD;

EDIT: Is it the poll you're worked up about or Anacybele's attitude?

I'm remembering the EIMM thread. :)

Edited by Vashiane
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You know what...

*Edits last post in there*

もう、いい。 好きにすればいい・・・

Not posting in there anymore.

I'll go in there to vote, but I'm not responding anymore.

...I don't freaking get why I'm so damn worked up over a poll.

...I'm almost... turning into Ana.

don't make me ship


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The hell if I know.

Amelia, Taylor... you speak for me. From now on, I'm Mute MU in that thread.

*pats soc*

You should probably go destress, like Vashiane suggested, maybe take a nap.

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EDIT: Is it the poll you're worked up about or Anacybele's attitude?

hes upset about being upset

id be mad too, if I was getting irritated over something like that

means im some kind of turbonerd

Perhaps his death will be a mere stepping stone towards greater hope. Although I do HOPE that he'll live.

As do I

but man

the translations need to gooooo faaaaaaasterrrrrrrrrr

these cases have all been pretty big improvements over dr1

He said, as he chuckled in his sheep's clothing.


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maybe take a nap.

I doubt that'll help.

I'll only end up killing everyone again.

don't make me ship

I would have said "screw you" if I was still as worked up as earlier... but I suppose it's not helping that I'm being *AS* stubborn as her.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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