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The word "Senpai" itself? It's "Mentor", or something similar to that in meaning. I guess it's something memetic out of an anime or something.

It's like... a title.

I dunno.

When I hear 선배/先輩, I just think of upperclassmen or just older people who go to the same school or something.

Someone who's in a higher position in whatever it is you're in, maybe. And older, too? I'm not too sure on the specifics.

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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Not everyone is knowledgeable about anime and/or japanese culture

That is true.

And it is okay.

But I'm surprised that someone who's been here for as long as that doesn't know something as common as senpai.

lol u

no u

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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It's like... a title.

I dunno.

When I hear 선배/先輩, I just think of upperclassmen or just older people who go to the same school or something.

Someone who's in a higher position in whatever it is you're in, maybe. And older, too? I'm not too sure on the specifics.

I think it's just the more experience aspect, with age irrelevant. I remember how SRW W had Heero and Sousuke in the Senpai-Kouhai dynamic, even though Heero is the younger one. Unless that was an exception.

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Senpai must notice me.

Are you for real? :o

Shocking as it may be to you, there are people who are not weebs and spend hours on end watching anime.

The word "Senpai" itself? It's "Mentor", or something similar to that in meaning. I guess it's something memetic out of an anime or something.

Not everyone is knowledgeable about anime and/or japanese culture

that is okay

Senpai is a japanese honorific denoting those above you in experience/level/etch in your field of study, but not so much to be your teacher.

Senpai noticing you is some anime meme that's more or less a joke these days

I see. That makes sense. I thought it meant Older Student or upperclassman.

That is true.

And it is okay.

But I'm surprised that someone who's been here for as long as that doesn't know something as common as senpai.

Seeing something all the time =/= always understanding its meaning.

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seriously though, this definition is actually more useful than the actual one in this context

I dunno man, the senpai over at ubisoft noticed me and sent me shit when I drew them fanart

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upperclassman is i guess the closest translation to it

Like in my karate school I addressed the upper-level belts as senpai regardless of age

huh...thats interesting. The way it was being used in the "senpai notice me" gags made it sound like a teacher at times and then id see the context of the title/honorific change so i got really confused on wtf senpai even was. I wonder which anime it originated from...

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huh...thats interesting. The way it was being used in the "senpai notice me" gags made it sound like a teacher at times and then id see the context of the title/honorific change so i got really confused on wtf senpai even was. I wonder which anime it originated from...

Well, this could be one possible explanation.

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I think it's just the more experience aspect, with age irrelevant. I remember how SRW W had Heero and Sousuke in the Senpai-Kouhai dynamic, even though Heero is the younger one. Unless that was an exception.

I dunno.


Senpai is someone who'll never notice you

No. Senpai does notice me.

selective post reading and/or just not posting during times when the senpai jokes are mentioned?

i dunno

It's possible.

I'm just surprised that it didn't happen until now.

Shocking as it may be to you, there are people who are not weebs and spend hours on end watching anime.

Seeing something all the time =/= always understanding its meaning.

I know.

And I never said so.

I said I was surprised.

upperclassman is i guess the closest translation to it

Like in my karate school I addressed the upper-level belts as senpai regardless of age

I guess it just sounds weird to me since I've never heard a context in which an older person called a younger person senpai.

I always thought age was a factor as well.

But maybe I'm wrong.

I can tell.

Lots and lots and lots of traveling.


Edited by Fruity Insanity
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I'm pretty sure "senpai" is "upperclassman" in Japanese. Like … a classmate or a schoolmate who's older than you.

There's a similar term in Korea that is roughly "upperclassman" and a term for "underclassman". But I can't remember what they are.

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I guess it just sounds weird to me since I've never heard a context in which an older person called a younger person senpai.

I always thought age was a factor as well.

But maybe I'm wrong.

In most school settings age does determine what grade you're in and that's when senpai is most commonly used

but in other settings, such as karate schools, while most more-skilled people are the older ones simply because they have been doing it for longer, an adult newcomer is less skilled than that of a teenage blackbelt, and thus would treat the teenage blackbelt as a senpai

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wow even knowyourmeme doesnt know exactly where it came from. Just that it came from the interwebz....Thats kind of creepy.

I dunno.


No. Senpai does notice me.

It's possible.

I'm just surprised that it didn't happen until now.

I know.

And I never said so.

I said I was surprised.

You assume much, young ser. And senpai will never notice you. Ever

I'm pretty sure "senpai" is "upperclassman" in Japanese. Like … a classmate or a schoolmate who's older than you.

There's a similar term in Korea that is roughly "upperclassman" and a term for "underclassman". But I can't remember what they are.

da fuck? I was...right the whole time?


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I assume flights and such?

Travel by plane?

Planes, boats, buses, trains, etc.

I'm pretty sure "senpai" is "upperclassman" in Japanese. Like … a classmate or a schoolmate who's older than you.

There's a similar term in Korea that is roughly "upperclassman" and a term for "underclassman". But I can't remember what they are.

"Sunbae" and "senpai" are literally the same thing.

Identical kanji/hanja.

Same with "hubae" and "kyouhai."

In most school settings age does determine what grade you're in and that's when senpai is most commonly used

but in other settings, such as karate schools, while most more-skilled people are the older ones simply because they have been doing it for longer, an adult newcomer is less skilled than that of a teenage blackbelt, and thus would treat the teenage blackbelt as a senpai

That's true.

But treating someone as a senpai, and calling someone a senpai are two different things?

I dunno.

I mean, you can treat someone who knows more than you with respect, but if he or she is younger than you... I dunno. Maybe it's just me.

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You assume much, young ser. And senpai will never notice you. Ever

I do. And for a reason, too.

A site where Japanese video games and anime are hot topics, I'd assume most people would know what senpai means.

And most people do.

It isn't an unbased assumption, mind you.

But they already do. :3

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"Sunbae" and "senpai" are literally the same thing.

Identical kanji/hanja.

Same with "hubae" and "kyouhai."

Those are the words, sumbae and hubae.

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That's true.

But treating someone as a senpai, and calling someone a senpai are two different things?

I dunno.

I mean, you can treat someone who knows more than you with respect, but if he or she is younger than you... I dunno. Maybe it's just me.

Are you saying younger but more experienced people aren't worthy of the respect of the trade? Like, the case I'm talking about is someone who's older but just entered the school, and someone who's younger but has been doing this shit their whole life. Damn right the older person should, in the context of while being in the karate class, both respect and address the younger person as a senpai.

I've been doing art for 16 years of my life. If there's a person out there younger than me who's been doing it for longer than 16, then yes I'm willing to treat them with the respect that comes with the experience. Hell, in cases of art, they don't even have to be more experienced, they just have to be better artists.

And then of course I cry because i suck at draw but hey

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if we don't get another patch out before FEE3 then I guess play the current one or something

When is FEE3 again?

wow even knowyourmeme doesnt know exactly where it came from. Just that it came from the interwebz....Thats kind of creepy.

You assume much, young ser. And senpai will never notice you. Ever

da fuck? I was...right the whole time?


So, the internet had a secret love child. Okay.

Planes, boats, buses, trains, etc.

"Sunbae" and "senpai" are literally the same thing.

Identical kanji/hanja.

Same with "hubae" and "kyouhai."

That's true.

But treating someone as a senpai, and calling someone a senpai are two different things?

I dunno.

I mean, you can treat someone who knows more than you with respect, but if he or she is younger than you... I dunno. Maybe it's just me.

...So, you wouldn't show respect to someone you is three years younger than you, even if they have ten years of experience and you only have three?

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I do. And for a reason, too.

A site where Japanese video games and anime are hot topics, I'd assume most people would know what senpai means.

And most people do.

It isn't an unbased assumption, mind you.

But they already do. :3

Words of Senpai: Question; never assume.


It would be pretty shitty to assume like, everyone who posts on this forum is a weeb.

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