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So Tokyo Xanadu is on the Vita, huh.

The Vita is sinking deeper into the JRPG machine niche.

Not that I mind. I already spent $200 on a Vita, so I might as well use it to play games.

A Ys + Persona game with (Sen no) Kiseki graphics.

I want to see how this turns out.

I'm surprised Falcom is pushing for a summer release for this game, considering how recently they announced it.

I hope it doesn't suffer because of a tight development time.

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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Probably a bunch of wine and pet food. why so much wine and pet food That shit is heavy.

If the RNG is kind to me; not looking forwards to picking up wine and pet food.

Um... what.

You were all like, 'UPS smells' and good cheese does leave an odor.

It sucks that Amelia goes away and never comes back.

Edited by Emeraldfox
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Lately I've been feeling the need to Mario. Yeah, sure, I have Sunshine, Galaxy and most of the Mario Karts, but I want to play a classic styled one with time limits. I kind of feel like I should have gotten either New! Super Mario Bros. 2 or Super Mario 3D Land(I mean, they are cheaper), but naaaaah, I'm happy with Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy+. I might dump five bucks just to get Super Mario Bros. 3 or something.

The Super Leaf/Tanuki Suit are the only power ups that matter

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Hope you reach Mega Glalie soon, so you can complain about it

/already forgot Mega Glalie

Mega Gengar has me stuck.

I wouldn't say it's bullshitty, though.

okay in pokemon shuffle I had a column like this (X, O denote different pkmn)



X <-



O <-

I swapped the marked ones for a combo to clear just that column, and then the exact same column came down. I did the same move again just to see what would happen, and same column fell down. And I did it over and over and beat the stage like that just for kicks. Same column.


I remember one like that, something like 5 in a row until the stage was over. Very amusing. :o

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I haven't .-.


I will do it too

you'll see




Mega Gengar has me stuck.

I wouldn't say it's bullshitty, though.

Haven't reach that point yet

But I should be able to today

Edited by Marthur
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I never thought I'd be so disappointed to see my family.

Not that I dislike my family (I love them), but I'm going only because I can't go to Japan.

Oh well.

More time for games, I guess, especially with Fire Emblem if and Rhythm Tengoku 3DS coming out in the summer.

I'm pretty sad that I can't go, though. :(

$6500 for two months is really a lot...

I'm more disappointed in myself than anything, though.

It's mostly my fault, but what can you do.


Edited by Fruity Insanity
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distant past huh


So Tokyo Xanadu is on the Vita, huh.

The Vita is sinking deeper into the JRPG machine niche.

Not that I mind. I already spent $200 on a Vita, so I might as well use it to play games.

A Ys + Persona game with (Sen no) Kiseki graphics.

I want to see how this turns out.

I'm surprised Falcom is pushing for a summer release for this game, considering how recently they announced it.

I hope it doesn't suffer because of a tight development time.

meanwhile i don't care about it

and nothing unusual about the release/announcement gap

I never thought I'd be so disappointed to see my family.

Not that I dislike my family (I love them), but I'm going only because I can't go to Japan.

Oh well.

More time for games, I guess, especially with Fire Emblem if and Rhythm Tengoku 3DS coming out in the summer.

I'm pretty sad that I can't go, though. :(

$6500 for two months is really a lot...

I'm more disappointed in myself than anything, though.

It's mostly my fault, but what can you do.


unrealistic expectations, etc.
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We say "Truth is the daughter of Time". If you find out the truth too soon, the child may not be born in good health and the mother may be endangered, too.

I like it

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Mega Glalie disappointed me. Not because I found it easy(I did fail once even with a team of ice beaters), but because it swarmed the field with ice types and froze thngs after a while. I was all, 'Oh. -buys Disruption Delay-' then I beat it. -uses gems for money-

Lilligant, Mismagius and Chandelure are in this next area hnnng. Then Whimsicott and Leafeon will be left and after I catch Leafeon everything will be considered postgame.

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Maaaaaaaaaaaan I'm still waiting on my package to come out of China did some huge disaster happen there or something??

For the past two weeks or so according to their site and USPS they were "preparing for shipment" to the US but then it's been like that for like forever now. And the ChinaPost site is doooooown

And it was supposed to take 2-3 weeks for the package to get here but it's been past 3 now.

So I guess atm it isn't USPS also sucking it's whatever they use in China that sucks ;~; unless something happened there that I haven't heard about >u>

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