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A big shame.

If there is one thing I miss greatly... has to be the music. Can't speak for Actraiser and the like, but the SoulBlazer/IllusionofGaia/Terranigma trilogy? Damn...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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"i'd like to speak to your father"

"he's been dead for half a decade already, miss"

"well, would you like to make a donation in his place then? :D"

how about no

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"i'd like to speak to your father""he's been dead for half a decade already, miss""well, would you like to make a donation in his place then? :D"how about no

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Look at all the distraught and sadness I've brought to this thread. How much regret will I have to hold in my heart. I feel like a fool, no, not just a fool, a tyrant who trampled on everyone's hopes and dreams. I shall leave this thread and allow my higher ups to take over so the people of FE4 thread can reclaim what I have taken from them, the right to happiness.

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I really don't know why I bothered with that freemium VN. Well it was during university so it meant I could only play it infrequently. I did drop it at one point, but picked it up months later because hey I made all that progress! The romantic scenes do get a tiny bit steamy at least.

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Jaggi S set acquired

Also Tonton, give me a type effectiveness chart please.

[spoiler=basic done]EdnSwxf.png

Not super fond of the game, but maybe I'll give it another hour or two in the time remaining.

Forgot to reply to this, but yeah, not too fond of it either.

Didn't help that I got the combo system in the last chapter?

Which conditions are you going to try to meet for hard mode?

I'm sad I couldn't catch Pichu after getting a 24 combo on the first turn

Addicted yet?



I would interview that shy one who doesn't open up to others easily, but whose beauties are only discovered by people who stay long enough.

tsundesertedislandere Edited by Marthur
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