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Well... Somewhat it varies from places to places... But the law is mostly unclear.

Mostly with licenses.

There is a public hearing from the quebec provincial legislature right now.


will check that right nao

some european countries banned it too, afaik

must be commies

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[spoiler=nerd stuff]

| 1 | Landorus-Therian | 26.651% |

| 2 | Heatran | 19.844% |

| 3 | Keldeo | 18.219% |

| 4 | Talonflame | 18.023% |

| 5 | Scizor | 17.722% |

| 6 | Ferrothorn | 16.917% |

| 7 | Garchomp | 16.736% |

| 8 | Rotom-Wash | 16.717% |

| 9 | Latios | 15.396% |

| 10 | Bisharp | 15.223% |

| 11 | Latias | 13.727% |

| 12 | Tyranitar | 13.245% |

| 13 | Starmie | 12.986% |

| 14 | Azumarill | 12.756% |

| 15 | Excadrill | 12.637% |

| 16 | Clefable | 11.522% |

| 17 | Metagross | 10.933% |

| 18 | Gengar | 9.898% |

| 19 | Charizard | 9.897% |

| 20 | Landorus | 9.625% |

| 21 | Thundurus | 9.402% |

| 22 | Slowbro | 9.208% |

| 23 | Lopunny | 8.488% |

| 24 | Skarmory | 8.106% |

| 25 | Gyarados | 7.451% |

| 26 | Serperior | 7.343% |

| 27 | Gliscor | 7.291% |

| 28 | Raikou | 6.690% |

| 29 | Magnezone | 6.545% |

| 30 | Altaria | 6.382% |

I can't find usage statistics on Ubers but its CERTAINLY more varied than this.

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no ps3 version though

Ah, I see.

... to be honest, I'd be more excited about it, but no PS4 means not getting it. Well, at least I could still get the PS3 version even if not with English text. And to be fair, at this point in time I'm largely unbothered of playing SRW games in pure Japanese anyway.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Bisharp is good now yeah.

Incidentally OU's metagame is "Stealth Rock and shit to get rid of Stealth rock"

its gotten pretty stale. Most people don't wanna leave the "safety" of Landy T.

incidentally I wonder how a general Counter Team would work if you take it to VGCs.

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What is uber to begin with...tbh

Taxi service in which literally ANYONE can get the pass to drive random people to their destination after completing a test on an app.

You can see how it wouldn't cause issue.

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