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Meh, I'll tick someone off and claim Mithos Yggdrasil.

Who was apparently already claimed because I searched 'Yggdrasil' instead of 'Mithos'.

Epic loss.

Guess that renders this claim bad.

*laughs evilly*

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I agree, but for reasons that do NOT involve Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Phantom is still one of the best musicals of all times, and while I don't agree with how ALW built the plot, The Mirror, Point Of No Return and the Final Sequence are among the best songs in musical theatre.

Also, I could just as well have been talking about Ken Hill's musical adaption of it, which came before ALW's =p

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Phantom is still one of the best musicals of all times, and while I don't agree with how ALW built the plot, The Mirror, Point Of No Return and the Final Sequence are among the best songs in musical theatre.

Also, I could just as well have been talking about Ken Hill's musical adaption of it, which came before ALW's =p

Fair enough.

That makes me feel marginally better about the whole thing.

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Tell me if other people claimed tgese characters, In a 117 page long forum, I went insane after reading the first 30 pages and losing the game too many times.

I claim Kent, Lyn, Frey, and Cain.

And Marcus, Valerie and Elena from Trauma Centetr XD lol

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I have joint ownership of Frey with Yossarian.

You may want to use the search function---it makes things a lot easier.

Kent, Cain, and Lyn are also claimed, but not by me.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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LittleAl and I have joint ownership of Lyn.

Use the search next time. Nobody actually reads all the pages. @_@


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Damn theres a search, this mobile site isnt working to well for me. I may want to switch to full site.

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That's probably a good idea; people like the search function (even if it fails to do what you need it to do), and if you use it, they'll give you a little less of a hard time.

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I claim the TV show, "Zorc and pals".

I claimed the entirety of YGOTAS (except Florence) so, you can't do that, I'm afraid.

*claims the entirety of YGOTAS*
Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I claiming Dark Mage Caesar and Hardin before he went crazy.

And I used the search this time! :D

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Well, I actually claimed him using the wrong spelling (I always thought it was Formortiis >_>). I'll share though.

Isn't it Formortiis?

*looks it up* Huh.

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Well, I actually claimed him using the wrong spelling (I always thought it was Formortiis >_>). I'll share though.

Alright, thanks.

Isn't it Formortiis?

Strangely enough, no. That first 'r' isn't actually there. When I first looked him up, I misread it as 'Formotiis', so I understand the confusion.

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