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The official Claim a Character thread


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Whoever claimed Rebecca can we share?

Other then that i will claim Yoko from castlevania if she hasnt been claimed

I've already claimed Yoko Belnades, if that's who you mean.

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Oh yeah, shotgun Ein (Riviera) and Celes (FF6). If someone has them... *shakes fist in anger*

EDIT: Damn, Celes is taken. Then I got Setzer. Also claiming Palolo the 2nd.

Edited by Cap'n Crunch
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I made the original thread :3

anyway I dont wanna look through this, so if he hasnt been taken, I will claim Oguma

Good. He has been taken...by you of course.

Flandre is taken.

Only Mog and Chocobo are untaken as I am aware. Ein has the other two.

Ein has stopped the claiming game a long time ago.

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76 pages is too long to look through.

If anyone hasn't claimed Seth I be doing that now. *shot*

Go to 'My Settings' in the upper-right corner of the page, and when the page loads click the tab in the menu that says 'Forums'.

Find where it says 'Number of posts to show for each topic page:'. Under this you should see a 20. Click the number, it's a drop down box. Select 40, and then click the blue button that says 'Save Changes'.

Congratulations, now you'll no longer look like a noob whenever you reference a page number.

Edited by Hero
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If that's how you do things here...

38 pages is still far too much to read through.

In the mean time, if no one claimed Gerik I want him too.

Tsk, me and ALS are reading the FE4THREAD, +/- 8900 pages of spam, and I'm at 500, so 38 pages shouldn't be a problem

And Gerik is taken btw, you can find the claimer and ask to share though

Edited by Enjolras
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