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Fiona+Lyre duo


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Yeah... Anyway, besides the fact that some of my healers will be used (Because Fiona and Lyre are really, really frail) and Ike (For obvious reasons), I'm going to try beating RD using only Lyre and Fiona as attacking units. Wish me luck...

And this is indeed HM, if you're wondering.

Edited by Gordaran
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Make sure to read this:

Lyre solo

The mode is obviously going to be normal mode since easy is a joke and yet I still probably need a ton of battle saves to make this feasible. So, if I’m going to have any realistic chance of pulling this off, I better plan this out carefully.


First off, I’m going to cover every stat booster that I could give Lyre before she shows up.

-Give Ilyana 2 seraph robes, an energy drop, a speedwing, a dracoshield, wildheart and resolve.

-Give Haar/Neph/Brom/Heather an energy drop, a secret book, a speedwing, an ashera icon, a dracoshield and a talisman. I’m not sure what to do with Haar’s remaining item slot.

-Acquire a seraph robe in 3-1, an ashera icon and a dracoshield in 3-3. Also maybe include a statue frag in 3-2.

So that results in 3 seraph robes, 2 energy drops, 2 speedwings, 3 dracoshields, 2 ashera icons and a talisman. That leads to +21 hp, +8 str, +8 spd, +12 def, +4 luck and +4 res to Lyre’s bases. Thus, Lyre will have the following base stats:

Lyre lv 17 (A strike): 65 hp (capped), 30 MT, 12 mgc, 22 skl, 30 spd, 20 luck, 26 def, 20 res, 169 hit, 95 avo

Compare this to Ranulf, who is a pretty damn good character.

Ranulf lv 26 (A strike): 55 hp, 36 MT, 12 mg, 32 skl, 30 spd, 23 luck, 26 def, 20 res, 192 hit, 98 avo

Okay, Lyre is actually somewhat comparable to Ranulf at this point, which seems an indication that this isn’t completely hopeless. Nevertheless, her attack power is fail, though survival is more important than efficiency in a solo, so wtv.

Moreover, there’s a net possibility of 19400 BEXP when Lyre arrives. According to Serenes Forest’s BEXP calculator, that results in 11 BEXPed level-ups overall. Looking at her growth rates;

Hp (capped), Mgc 10%, Str 35%, Skl 65%, Spd 70%, lck 50%, Def 20%, Res 30%

There’s 33 stat-ups overall in her 11 level-ups, which is good because she’s close to capping spd and has already capped hp. I did some calculations and found that a reasonable stat spread from the BEXP would be +5 spd (caps), +9 skl (caps), +9 luck, +5 str, +1 def and +4 res before factoring in transformation doubling bonuses.

So that puts Lyre as follows:

Lyre lv 28 (A strike): 65 hp, 40 MT, 12 mgc, 40 skl, 40 spd, 29 luck, 28 def, 28 res, 214 hit, 124 avo

This is a huge improvement, as now Lyre has the same att as a base level Janaff, and he can 1RKO part 3 wyverns, plus she’s got only 8 less avo than Ulki and she already has enough spd to double auras. The only problematic stat on her is her def, which drops to 19 with the wildheart/resolve combo. Speaking of which, wildheart/resolve is my plan to completely get rid of Lyre’s transformation issues. In which case, her stats drop as follows:

Lyre lv 28 (A strike): 65 hp, 28 MT, 12 mgc, 40 skl, 40 spd, 29 lck, 19 def, 18 res, 214 hit, 124 avo

Ouch. That’s quite a large hit to her attack, but there is still hope. Once she hits lv 30, she gains 25 capacity, which means I can add in adept, which has a 64% chance of activating in 2 hits, or give her rend for the same effect. I’d honestly prefer adept since I think that leaves room to give her savior, which can be used to take Ike out of the picture. Moreover, she will get 33 MT at S strike and 38 MT at SS strike, plus any BEXP I give her will get her +str, so her offense will improve in a hurry.

Now fast forward big time into the future. Lyre now has access to laguz gems, and has all her stats maxed. Slight problem, Lyre only has 54 MT, so to kill Deghinsea, she’ll need Ena and a heron to help her out. Fortunately, then she would have 59 MT, which means 9x2 = 18 damage against Deghinsea, which comes out to 36 with a heron vigor, so at least I’m doing 6 damage per turn. Don’t ask me how the hell she’s supposed to survive, though. Might need to add in Kurth, have her attack from a cover tile and give her imbue or something. As for the auras, she can do 48 damage unassisted to side auras, and maintain that damage against corner auras using parity, so she just needs a heron there.

So, in conclusion, I think that a Lyre solo with slight Ena and heron assistance is definitely possible and might even be fun to take on. What do you guys think?

This was a plan I made for a Lyre solo a while back. I abandoned it due to boredom.

Edited by Vykan12
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This is HM. Of course, I'm savng all of my stats boosters, funds set aside for forges and Olivi Grass for them. I'm also going to probably going to use a lot of meatshields to stop them from getting ganged up on and killed. Anything to make this possible.

And after reading that huge-ass post Vykan made, I'm feeling a little bit more confident, although not that much more.

Edited by Gordaran
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... I hope you aren't trying to tell me that you're going to solo about half of part 1 with Fiona? Good luck...

So are you going to use Ike like you would if it was a Lyre, Fiona and Ike solo or are you only going to use him for crucial moments like the final fight?

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Right now I'm trying to think how he can do 3-6 on HM. It's bad enough all the DB units are in trouble with this chapter. Not trying to burst your bubble, but maybe NM might seem a bit... more practical.

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You could cheat a bit by giving Fiona a support (she has savior so the supporter doesn't need to fight).

Fiona lv 20/5/0 (A Zihark, forged steel lance): 34 hp, 30 atk, 10 mag, 20 AS, 17 def, 100 avo (120 w/ resolve)

She's going to have a tough time in 3-6. Vines + resolve give her 130 avo before biorhythm, so you could pull it off with a lot of luck. Offensively, she can't even double tigers and probably doesn't have enough space to tack on beastfoe.

The key will be to have her hide somewhere that she only gets attacked once per turn, and focus on getting her untransformed laguz kills. The BK can also lure away attackers.

I'm still highly reccomending to try this on NM first.

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Holy shit, you'll probably feel suicidal. Make sure you play EM a lot after this so that you regain your sanity.

I'd never do this because if I wanted to torture myself I'd play Epic War 3's CoT 5.

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I'm going to use several meatshields, a supporter for both of them until P4 when I can just dump them both in Tibarn's team and have them support each other. I'm also going to use Ike in the times when niether are around, as well as in the final fight.

btw, I beat 1-7.

It was really, really hard. I ended up resetting several times trying to find the proper set-up. I ended up having Fiona just sit on ledges and chuck Javelins while Laura stood behind her healing her (I'm not so crazy that I deprived myself of healers) for EXP. Then I had Volug tank the boss's weapon at 2-range and Fiona boss abused to level 20 and then I got fed up and had her kill him with a Forged Steel. Planning to use a Master Seal.

And my sanity has already gone way beyond the point of no return, so no worries there.

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You're only slightly older than me and you're going mad? Join Crashgordon in the mental asylum.

I'm not going mad, it's just that my sanity has already been warped beyond repair. I'm just crazy, not mad.

In 1-E, Fiona simply rode around while my unequipped units took all the potshots. Muarim tanked Jarod's weapon uses and Fiona critkilled him after attacking him with a Forged Steel around 10-15 turns.

3-4, here we go!

Lyre got 34298572398054245 stat boosters at the base, which made this chapter a bit more bearable. I mainly had Haar go up and harass the ballistae unequipped while Lyre went around and killed stuff. Surprisingly, Lyre has built up a Ranulf suport at the end of the chapter.

In 3-6, I had Fiona chug 389567946294563 stat boosters and BEXP levels combined so that she could take on the sub-human horde. I had her Savior Micaiah and had Sothe stand on a Thicket/Reed unequipped while Zihark stood on some thicket that Fiona could sit next to and take potshots wtih her Steel Greatlance. Hard as hell, but doable.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm not going mad, it's just that my sanity has already been warped beyond repair. I'm just crazy, not mad.

In 1-E, Fiona simply rode around while my unequipped units took all the potshots. Muarim tanked Jarod's weapon uses and Fiona critkilled him after attacking him with a Forged Steel around 10-15 turns.

3-4, here we go!

Lyre got 34298572398054245 stat boosters at the base, which made this chapter a bit more bearable. I mainly had Haar go up and harass the ballistae unequipped while Lyre went around and killed stuff. Surprisingly, Lyre has built up a Ranulf suport at the end of the chapter.

In 3-6, I had Fiona chug 389567946294563 stat boosters and BEXP levels combined so that she could take on the sub-human horde. I had her Savior Micaiah and had Sothe stand on a Thicket/Reed unequipped while Zihark stood on some thicket that Fiona could sit next to and take potshots wtih her Steel Greatlance. Hard as hell, but doable.

I'd be crying if I TRIED this duo-run. I'm so glad I'm not the one trying this.

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Sorry I havn't updated in a while. I reached 3-13, where I am currently in my hole of epic frustration. Ike capped his level in 3-5, and Fiona's facing laguz enemies stronger than the bosses that the GM's face, so of course I'm getting owned. Most of the previous chapters were a cinch, as Lyre finally managed to cap something. Then, in 3-12, Fiona Savior'd Micaiah while Tauroneo walled unequipped after chugging a Crown. Fiona reached 3rd Tier with BEXP afterwards. I actually managed to reach turn 8, (I set the NPC's on roam) where I promptly lost. The 3-13 Archer died after a Tiger critted him, and laguz overpowered Taur and crossed the green line.

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Try using all of your unarmed DB to block the gaps, and for the southernmost one (the one Sothe can walk to on the first turn) you just need one durable unit to block the chokepoint on the left side. Then you'll only need to worry about hawks, which the NPC can shoot down.

I'd suggest rescuing the Short Spear halberdier and putting another unit there to block off the chokepoint on the right side as well, since the guy might end up moving or dying.

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If you're using meatshields then 3-13 is basically impossible to lose. Put people on ledges and order your NPCs to roam whenever a hawk approaches to have it blicked by a ballista. It helps to have all your units facing attacks to be disarmed.

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If you're using meatshields then 3-13 is basically impossible to lose. Put people on ledges and order your NPCs to roam whenever a hawk approaches to have it blicked by a ballista. It helps to have all your units facing attacks to be disarmed.

I'm not sure if he has units with enough wt who can pick up the sniper and archer using the ballistas near the top, but if you want to keep the ballistas from being used while still being on roam so that the physic priest still heals and you have extra units that don't need to block ledges, then you can use two units to pick up the sniper and archer. When a hawk gets in range, simply drop the sniper or archer and it should use the ballista on partner phase (ie: before the hawks move again). I think Meg can pick up the archer on the right, and Nolan or Aran can likely grab the sniper on the left (though unpromoted I don't know if either has the wt). I'm not sure if you have to drop them on the spot for them to use the ballista or if they will move to it if they are within range.

It takes 8 people to block all the ledges and if they are all alive you have 12 (Micaiah obviously doesn't count so isn't part of the 12), though, so you should have enough extra to pick up the sniper and archer. It is extra healing on all turns and you don't have to let the ballistas run out before the hawks stop coming, so it is useful. Just remember that the priests seem to prioritize their own units, so don't count on a heal of your own units if there is an injured partner unit because your unit may or may not get healed.

Aside from hawks only Fiona and unequipped Taur should get attacked, I think.

If they aren't all alive, ugh.

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I'm not sure if he has units with enough wt who can pick up the sniper and archer using the ballistas near the top, but if you want to keep the ballistas from being used while still being on roam so that the physic priest still heals and you have extra units that don't need to block ledges, then you can use two units to pick up the sniper and archer. When a hawk gets in range, simply drop the sniper or archer and it should use the ballista on partner phase (ie: before the hawks move again). I think Meg can pick up the archer on the right, and Nolan or Aran can likely grab the sniper on the left (though unpromoted I don't know if either has the wt). I'm not sure if you have to drop them on the spot for them to use the ballista or if they will move to it if they are within range.

I can pick up most of the NPC's, but I don't care if the ballistae is being used. I just let the NPC's roam and have Fiona and Taur chokepoint the two gaps by the sandbags.

It takes 8 people to block all the ledges and if they are all alive you have 12 (Micaiah obviously doesn't count so isn't part of the 12), though, so you should have enough extra to pick up the sniper and archer. It is extra healing on all turns and you don't have to let the ballistas run out before the hawks stop coming, so it is useful. Just remember that the priests seem to prioritize their own units, so don't count on a heal of your own units if there is an injured partner unit because your unit may or may not get healed.

I'm kind of cheating by Micaiah and Laura also use Physic staves, so I don't have to rely on NPC's.

Aside from hawks only Fiona and unequipped Taur should get attacked, I think.

Just what I'm doing.

If they aren't all alive, ugh.

Bingo. I don't have Meg, and Edward and Leonardo died during 1-E.

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Bingo. I don't have Meg, and Edward and Leonardo died during 1-E.

That could've easily been averted.

Is there any possibility of your Fiona killing Ike? What are her stats?

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Is there any possibility of your Fiona killing Ike? What are her stats?

Since he hasn't mentioned killing Aran and is having Laura heal, killing Ike shouldn't be too hard in 3 or 4 rounds with him asleep, but Laura's magic stat likely sucks so it might take a couple of tries to make him sleep. But Fiona has to go the long way and then Zihark and Tauroneo can block the two facings on the lower ledge and he just needs to find 6 people to block the remaining ledges. If he can get Fiona down to Ike before the reinforcements in the top left then he only needs 4 more people to block the lower ledges. Fiona should have 100% hit if Ike is sleeping and is not supported with Soren, so that could help.

He said she is tier 3, but I don't know if that will keep her alive all the way to Ike, even with 26 to 28 def and sol. Resolve might save her, though, and allow the doubling of Ike if she doesn't sol just before she gets to Ike, and if Imbue doesn't put her above half. It's too bad she can't take pass and resolve, though.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Would a Fiona/Astrid/Lyre trio be easier, or harder?

Harder, Astrid isn't helping any until 3-11, and before then you have to somehow solo 2-3 and 3-9 with Astrid, and arguably have everyone run away once Astrid shows up in 2-E and then rush the boss with her before the enemy reaches the defend square. Astrid would get well and truly slaughtered in all 3 maps.

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Fiona (A Zihark)

Lv. 20/20/7 (BEXP'd some of the way :P )

HP: 55 (Cap)

STR: 29

MAG: 20 (Cap)

SKL: 33

SPD: 34 (Cap)

LCK: 26

DEF: 28 (Cap)

RES: 27 (Cap)

Skills: Resolve, Sol, Canto, Imbue, Savior

Ike has all of his stats capped sans Res and Spd (magically most of his stats capped during the times I BEXP'd him so he could survive mages attacking him).

But this is irrelevant. I set up Crowned Tauroneo sitting on the left edge of Micaiah's platform with meatwalls blocking the front ledge and all the NPCs set to target on the right, (set to roam when I need a ballistae shot) while Fiona sits next to Taur and basically gets healed several times. It's working pretty well so far.

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Fiona (A Zihark)

Lv. 20/20/7 (BEXP'd some of the way :P )

HP: 55 (Cap)

STR: 29

MAG: 20 (Cap)

SKL: 33

SPD: 34 (Cap)

LCK: 26

DEF: 28 (Cap)

RES: 27 (Cap)

Skills: Resolve, Sol, Canto, Imbue, Savior

Ike has all of his stats capped sans Res and Spd (magically most of his stats capped during the times I BEXP'd him so he could survive mages attacking him).

But this is irrelevant. I set up Crowned Tauroneo sitting on the left edge of Micaiah's platform with meatwalls blocking the front ledge and all the NPCs set to target on the right, (set to roam when I need a ballistae shot) while Fiona sits next to Taur and basically gets healed several times. It's working pretty well so far.

Did you let Ike finish 3-11 with Ragnell equipped? If you did I don't know if she can take Ike. If you didn't, can anything even hit resolve Fiona carrying Zihark? Avo = 51x2+26+45=173, 163 on worst. And even 41 mt tigers are a 5HKO on her. A mad rush towards Ike while blocking the vulnerable spots above would likely work. The laguz might not even reach Tauroneo and the partners before Ike is dead. Just let her grab a silver lance or something and march on him. He might not even need to be put to sleep. Unfortunately, if you can't put him to sleep then he is likely going to equip Ragnell once Fiona gets close even if it isn't already equipped. But 45 mt is still a 2HKO if she is between 18 hp and 27 hp. And even he might not have a good hit rate. His 31 def and 50 hp with Ragnell could be an issue, though. Still, a 5HKO with a Silver Lance while doubling means one attack on player phase, stand next to Ike for enemy phase counter and the map is done on your first hit on player phase. With the Laguz unable to hit her it should be cake.

Another way:

With pass instead of Resolve her avo drops to 139, or 129 on worst, but if she runs towards Ike unequipped and chews concoctions every turn I don't see an issue (20hp from imbue + 40hp from concoction=full hp each turn for only 4 facings). Especially if you can time her encounter with Ike for the 149 avo on best bio. Then his 45 mt is still a 4HKO on her, and even with Soren bond it should be a 0% crit chance.

Just saying if you can't finish it any other way, they are both options.

Or if you have a 15 mt steel forge you can go total cheese and keep going for a sol to kill him since 44 mt is a 4HKO on him. Since you are doing HM you'd have to go through it from turn 1 every time she doesn't sol if she dies on enemy phase, but it could work. This works particularly well with the pass way of doing things since you'll get to Ike pretty fast so you aren't wasting too much time going the cheese route. She'll have at least 21 hp when she reaches him thanks to Imbue and even if she sols on her second hit instead of the first she can survive his first hit and he'll be gone.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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