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Hey, is something going on in Iran?

General Spoon

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I think that sums up my opinions on this topic. Go look up some news sources.

Edited by Silver Lobo
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Summary: They had an election, and there's reason to believe the results were tampered with. People are protesting loudly and the state's response isn't pretty. The protesters are doing what they can to make it known to the rest of us.

Edited by Mac
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By the state response "not being pretty," of course, he means that the state and agents of the state are variously beating, arresting, and murdering citizens for their outrage over their vote being so blatantly and ham-handedly stolen. Basiji militia filth have, recently, begun raiding homes to stop the nightly shouting from the rooftops of "Allahu Akbar," with its history as a rallying call both in the last revolution and as an expression often used in outrage/anger besides.

The most recent development had the Guardian Council confirming that Ahmadinejad won after doing a partial recount, a result that has been expected since the government deigned to pretend they cared what the citizens thought.

People are still infuriated and protesting, and the establishment forces can count on the full support of little but their direct toadies - the police are divided, the clerics are divided, the state military is "neutral," and even elements of the IRGC have shown elements supporting the protestors' complaints.

Edited by Urist McMiner
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By the state response "not being pretty," of course, he means that the state and agents of the state are variously beating, arresting, and murdering citizens for their outrage over their vote being so blatantly and ham-handedly stolen. Basiji militia filth have, recently, begun raiding homes to stop the nightly shouting from the rooftops of "Allahu Akbar," with its history as a rallying call both in the last revolution and as an expression often used in outrage/anger besides.

The most recent development had the Guardian Council confirming that Ahmadinejad won after doing a partial recount, a result that has been expected since the government deigned to pretend they cared what the citizens thought.

People are still infuriated and protesting, and the establishment forces can count on the full support of little but their direct toadies - the police are divided, the clerics are divided, the state military is "neutral," and even elements of the IRGC have shown elements supporting the protesters' complaints.

This explains a lot, no?

If you still have any questions about the candidates, read here. It's short, which means their is absolutely no detail added, but it gives you the right idea.

All you need to read about are Mir Hussein Mousavi, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.


I suggest going into farther research though.

Edited by Georges St. Pierre
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The fact that any of you idiots could be living in the civilized world and not have known about this more than a week or so ago is pathetic.

Stop reading your fucking manga and watching your shit-ass anime and living basement-dwelling video-game-obsessed lives and pay the fuck attention to the world around you.

Edited by Urist McHammerdwarf
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living basement-dwelling video-game-obsessed lives

I love how you say this on a forum based off of a video game where many people spend hours of their lives debating said video games. <_<

Anyway, it's mostly just politics. And I don't care for politics of outside countries unless they're encouraging war on us.

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I love how you say this on a forum based off of a video game where many people spend hours of their lives debating said video games. <_<

Anyway, it's mostly just politics. And I don't care for politics of outside countries unless they're encouraging war on us.

If you don't care for politics, you are a fucking waste of air meatsack who should be stripped of the right to vote.

And that's not at all intended to be a troll. If you don't give a fuck about where things are going you are detritus. Stop wasting our oxygen.

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I love how you say this on a forum based off of a video game where many people spend hours of their lives debating said video games. <_<

Anyway, it's mostly just politics. And I don't care for politics of outside countries unless they're encouraging war on us.

I was going to respond to this in kind, but I see Blacken beat me to it. Put down the remote and go brush up on current events, sport.

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Internet has been cut off for the citizens of Iran, I know this because Nightmare is one of the affected.

oh so that's where he went =o poor Night



The human world is so lovely isn't it? (although what if it's all the world rather than just human world?)

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Lack of a sense of civil responsibility is what got us Chimpy the Clown for a president twice in a row.

Geopolitics are important. Even if you don't understand, you should at least know what's going on.

Edited by Urist McMiner
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I love how you say this on a forum based off of a video game where many people spend hours of their lives debating said video games. <_<

Anyway, it's mostly just politics. And I don't care for politics of outside countries unless they're encouraging war on us.

Stop. Posting. Here.

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Stop. Posting. Here.
He's not the only maggot-infested mouthbreather who should stop posting. You're even worse of a retard than he is, and to be honest that's a very difficult bar to clear.
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It will blow over, the state will continue to arbitrarily arrest,beat and kill protesters until they realize that whoever they voted for doesn't really matter.

Edited by burning_phoneix
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