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Your opinion on the best mage?

FE10's Best Mage.  

109 members have voted

  1. 1. Mages

    • Micaiah
    • Laura
    • Rhys
    • Oliver
    • Lehran
    • Pelleas
    • Ilyana
    • Tormod
    • Calill
    • Sanaki
    • Soren
    • Bastian

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Why use mages to kill Levail when Boyd with 36 strength, Urvan, and 28 speed will 1RKO Levail?

Because some people like 2 turning or 1 turning the map (I rout for fun, so not me), and to get the wishblade and one turn the map while attacking Levail at one range (there are enemies in the way) is a lot more difficult than simply blasting away on turn 1 from 10 squares out and having Ike kill the BK on enemy phase.

Plus some people don't like having to raise the guy that doubles little in part 3.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I personally like Soren the most he ends up as one of my best character by the end of the game. Pelleas is also one of my bests, but I think that Soren is a bit better.

Edited by oujay
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I voted for Micaiah. In non-Hard-Modes, Soren and Ilyana are decent as well, especially if you get Soren to promote as quickly as possible so his SPD cap becomes higher and he actually doubles stuff. Ilyana is very useful if you manage to give her a SPD bonus (among other bonuses, of course) from the FE9 transfer, as I did. They're far from being the best overall units in the game, but I'd call them the best mages.

Except for Micaiah, of course. Only Ilyana's availability beats Micaiah's, but Thanibombing > Dragon bombing.

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I voted micaiah. Thani-Bombing + Part 3 healing secures her spot easily above everyone else in this list. Being able to make good use of eddie's wrath and even resolve is another major point for part 1 usefulness. Also she doesn't have to compete for a spot for final and can make great use of fortify. The only other units in competition are soren and ilyana which soren wins.

Rexflame shouldn't even be blessed. Only the sieges (specifically bolting) should ever be blessed of any of the tomes. Just use up every single use on the SS tomes and the proof weapons.... unless its rexthunder and you are bringing like.... ravens, silverknights, and archsages to final. Then you might want to just have ilyana trade a blessed bolting back and forth with another sage and just use rexthunder to finish off degh since your gonna have issues actually killing degh then.

Of course the likelihood of such a scenario is nil. Anyone who would attempt such a playthrough would have to have planned it out to begin with and usually know the units abilities well enough in advance to even think about trying such a playthrough.

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I think Soren takes the mage/sage cake...


In my experience, the speed stat(a major must for sages in this game) of the second-best RD sage, Micaiah, is low, and Micaiah isn't likely to survive in a physical enemy attack against her, since the enemy doubles up on her, and is more likely to hit(and kill) Micaiah than they can vs. the mage that is usable in, among all mages that don't start out being able to wield only staves and/or light magic, the most chapters in this game, which is Soren, and with Soren, enemies miss more often than they would in the case of the other mages/sages... And the ability to force enemies to miss is why speed is the most important asset to have in this game...

Edited by shadowjam
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Soren. He has a better chance at capping Mag than Ilyana and coming with Adapt skill without any capacity cost. If it's Part IV, then Lehran.

Edited by Sonja
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  • 4 months later...

I chose sanaki, since she has to be brought in the endgame, so I always give her BExp and the skill blossom

(BExp fill exp to 99 and make blossom give her a stat up in almost everything in her next fight. and still she'll level up at least twice each chapter)

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I chose sanaki, since she has to be brought in the endgame, so I always give her BExp and the skill blossom

(BExp fill exp to 99 and make blossom give her a stat up in almost everything in her next fight. and still she'll level up at least twice each chapter)

I did that too,and I can say that it really isn't worth it.She has great growths,but you just get her too late,and she is so weak for her level.Seems she didn't get the great str boosts of the mage/sage promotions either,and thus her very low strength will always get in her way.

I tried Soren in hard mode...Honestly,he is pretty much useless.Never doubles,and far too frail.

I'd like to say Laura,if only her terrible caps didn't make her totally useless...

So,I'll go with Micaiah...At least she serves some purpose in any difficulty.

Edited by Cysx
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I did that too,and I can say that it really isn't worth it.She has great growths,but you just get her too late,and she is so weak for her level.Seems she didn't get the great str boosts of the mage/sage promotions either,and thus her very low strength will always get in her way.

Her str is not a problem on account of Cymbeline. I mean, it would be nice if she could use rexflame, but it's not really crippling for her to not have access to it.

The only time she'd want anything other than Cymbeline is 4-E-3 for arcthunder against dragons. She'll double them with only one str or 1 spd so it's not really an issue here either.

I'm not saying she's not bad. But she's bad (compared to other sages) because she doesn't have staves and her durability against physical attacks is even worse than the other magic units.

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I think its funny that the mage with the best SPD statwise (Tormod) is also the one with the least amount of availability in the game.


Calill. He's got better spd at base, but they both cap in tier 2 and then they have the same growth. She's got the availability to actually reach her spd cap without inefficient play. Also, she'll easily hit 20 AS long before Tormod comes back anyway.

Also, she has less mag than Ilyana (who has less than Soren), but at least she has more mag than Tormod.

I suppose he technically has the best spd until tier 3 (really only until Calill caps in tier 2), but it isn't like the second best spd out there (Calill) is a chump spd-wise.

It's annoying, however, that the two sages with the best spd have significantly less availability than Soren and Ilyana.

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Too bad magic not named Thani still sucks overall.

Rexflame. If you are ORKOing generals, what's it matter if you only do ~105% damage compared to 170% damage? Even if they only did 90% damage or something, aside from hammers and some Royals, which units are ORKOing generals 100% anyway? And it is easier to ORKO the other enemies, so if mages double they will probably pull it off.

In a way, if magic was any stronger it would be unbalanced if the mages could double.

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Too bad magic not named Thani still sucks overall.

Rexflame. If you are ORKOing generals, what's it matter if you only do ~105% damage compared to 170% damage? Even if they only did 90% damage or something, aside from hammers and some Royals, which units are ORKOing generals 100% anyway? And it is easier to ORKO the other enemies, so if mages double they will probably pull it off.

In a way, if magic was any stronger it would be unbalanced if the mages could double.

PoR mages had good speed, and they were perfectly balanced, hovering around mid to upper-mid. If only IS hadn't nerfed them...

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Too bad you can't get Rexflame's +5 SPD in PoR. Even Rexflame got nerfed with its bonus now +3.

14 MT? That's only marginally better than Peshkatz, even if it DOES target RES.

In PoR it was +3 as well.

As for the mt, consider that the def/res gap is typically around 8, and mages have caps of 38, 39, 40. There aren't all that many beorc with str caps that high.

Hence, fix their speed and they are balanced. Well, not Soren. He has the magic at the beginning to 2HKO almost everything (despite the "weak"ness of magic), and thus would be ORKOing when not many other units are.

Anyway, point is that mages have higher mag caps than most beorc have str and thus weaker tomes along with the def/res gap already makes them sufficiently powerful on a per hit basis.

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