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Thoughts on the Game/Rating

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What do you think the game turned out to be? Good as the past games, or a disapointment?

I liked the game, but did not like the things such as different objectives taken out. Wifi was new and flawed, but was good.


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has some good principals, like 5 hard modes and wifi. But there are no rewards or rankings for the hard modes, and the wifi is rather imbalanced. I'd like to see another FE made, that perhaps isn't a remake, with just a bit more meat on the bones, it could be a great game IMO.

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The story was decent IMO, maybe some thought of it cliche. Reclass was an excellent addition as well as balance, and H5 was actually a good challenge. WiFi was a good start, but it needs some fixing. Forge function was good, though I wish to have more than a forge per chapter. And more Arms Scrolls.

That aside, the music was great (Camus and Mishael battle anyone?) and the graphics, though eh, the map-wise sprites as well as picture frames were very creative. I liked them otherwise.

Suggestion: balance the Reclass system a bit, Finesse needs some help in particular. A Draco Rider wouldn't have killed them to add for the Males.

Edited by Colonel M
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While all the elements have been stripped down to their most basic form they're used to their full potential so it strikes the perfect balance between having too little and that the game could've benefitted from more and having too much and you feel like most of the game is just filler. The reclass system and Wi-Fi also feel like very natural additions to the series which make the game even better.

The game being accesible for newbies has been pulled off so exceptionally well that I have to sing its praises by making the gameplay easy to understand but tough to master and giving the game six difficulties ranging from very easy to very challenging, even moreso when compared to Sacred Stones where they tried to make it easier for newbies by giving you strong units against weak enemies.

Or to put it in an illustration:


Left is Shadow Dragon, right is Sacred Stones.

What I also like are that while all the Fire Emblems felt like something from the tabletop cycle the developers put in little nuances from the arcade cycle which make the game so much faster and make it feel more action-packed. The save points also are a solution that find the right balance between "restart chapter from the very beginning" and "save it any time you want".

It's also the very first Fire Emblem since long where I strated a new game immediately after I beat it.

In conclusion I give the game a 9/10. It's the best Fire Emblem released outside of Japan and only Thracia 776 is better than this.

Edited by Ike-Mike
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Gameplay: Its good class swapping was great adds replay factor and 5 modes of difficulty was good.

Sound/Music:All the sounds and music were still great in this game.

Story: It's alright

Graphics: The sprites were pretty good and some of the characters mugshots were good too.

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There are some good points and some very bad ones. The system is great. I miss "Rescue" and "shove", which added a lot to the game strategy-wise, but the reclassing system, the 6 levels of difficulty, the 2 battle saves per chapter and the wifi are alla excellent additions.

What really brings the game down is the story and the characters. The story is reduced to its simplest possible form

"Oh no, they killed my father and took my land! I have to become strong and take it back!" *meets some friends* "let's go save my country!" *saves country* "Hurray, I'm king again, and I get the princess as a bonus, cool!"

As for the characters, they just end up being a bunch of growth rates and that's it. They have no charisma and no personal story to speak of. That made the story side of the game terribly boring.

So I'll give it a 6/10. It's still good because it's addictive and a pleasant gaming experience, but it doesn't even come close to the thrill one can feel when experiencing the awesomeness of Radiant Dawn's storyline.

What I'd like to see on the next FE is tweeks from this game (reclassing, wifi and the different Hard Modes) plus an online battle generator and a scenario generator, where one person could create a whole new story, with a character generator for NPCs, and let other people play it online. That would be just brilliant.

Edited by Taho
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Me personally I love this game. To me what makes a game great is replay value, I like to get my moneys worth (even if its 30 bucks lol ) and the wifi in this game took it to new level. Simply because I've been a Fire Emblem fan for a while and I would always say to myself my team is pretty good , I mean I raise em' to the max level and to be the best they can be but for what Now I can try them out again others all around the world, so I'd give it a 8.5/10

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Am I the only person who felt like reclassing took something away from the game? Maybe it has something to do with having the dialogue of an NES game (literally), but it really feels like units are a collection of numbers and nothing more, something which Fire Emblem tends to avoid in comparison to most SRPGs out there. The removal of rescuing and (to a lesser extent) shoving felt like a needless callback to the older game, and making that change brought nothing to the table. Removing any form of canto felt the same way--a useless callback to FE1, which really wasn't even that good of a game.

Needing units to die to access the Gaidens felt like a slap in the face to what was one of the biggest differences between Fire Emblem and other SRPGs--permadeath. It just doesn't feel like Fire Emblem when I'm not keeping every last one of my units alive, and forcing me to choose between units and chapters is just stupid.

That said, there were some things that it brought to the table that I did like. The new formula for staves was wonderful--no longer can anyone be healed back all the way to full with a simple heal staff. The map graphics haven't looked this good since the SNES era, though the battle graphics look a bit silly. Finally, being able to reveal all enemy ranges at once at the press of a button is incredibly useful.

All in all, it's still a good game, but I'd say that of pretty much any Fire Emblem. In the context of the series, I'd have to say that, for me, it's one of the worst, beating out pretty much just the NES era.

Rating it on an absolute scale, 6/10. On a scale of Fire Emblems, 4/10. All in all I'd rather be playing FE3, that at least has book 2 after it, which is more fun than any iteration of Book 1 will ever be.

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Am I the only person who felt like reclassing took something away from the game? Maybe it has something to do with having the dialogue of an NES game (literally), but it really feels like units are a collection of numbers and nothing more, something which Fire Emblem tends to avoid in comparison to most SRPGs out there.
Reclass is not the fault here. I guarantee you, if it were in a game like FE7 or 8, you people would be worshipping the very ground it walks upon due to the story and characters.
The removal of rescuing and (to a lesser extent) shoving felt like a needless callback to the older game, and making that change brought nothing to the table. Removing any form of canto felt the same way--a useless callback to FE1, which really wasn't even that good of a game.
FE1/3 are extremely stat based games. The whole gameplay revolved around stats back then. I don't think the intention was to bring anything new to the table other than go back to these roots. It's also why whatever newer things they did bring happen to be stat/weapon based (Forging, Reclass, stat caps).

The level design also just isn't meant for rescuing/canto/shoving. Shoving wouldn't affect too much, but the enemy density is too low for rescuing tactics or canto.

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Reclass is not the fault here. I guarantee you, if it were in a game like FE7 or 8, you people would be worshipping the very ground it walks upon due to the story and characters.

FE1/3 are extremely stat based games. The whole gameplay revolved around stats back then. I don't think the intention was to bring anything new to the table other than go back to these roots. It's also why whatever newer things they did bring happen to be stat/weapon based (Forging, Reclass, stat caps).

The level design also just isn't meant for rescuing/canto/shoving. Shoving wouldn't affect too much, but the enemy density is too low for rescuing tactics or canto.

I'm not so sure reclassing had none of the blame. Minerva is the princess of Macedonia, a country famed for its fliers--when she becomes a sniper or swordmaster or whatever, her whole backstory just blows up. A game with FE7-level characterization would have to be exceptionally well crafted to avoid things like that.

As for them being stat-based games, the GBA games were pretty stat-based too. Only additions they had were rescuing and a nerfed canto. They played much better than this game, where your only recourse if you miscalculate where to put somebody is the warp staff--and even that usually doesn't work because ow y6ou just put your staff-user in range. Too bad the rescue staff doesn't show up till book 2.

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The easy solution is to not miscalculate.

And your units never miss, thus failing to kill an enemy you needed to kill? Boy I'd sure love to be able to rescue Lena with my unit who can't reach that enemy but can reach her.

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That's your problem for taking a calculated risk. Your situation isn't a miscalculation; it's a scenario in which the RNG didn't work in your favor, in which case you can repeat the same strategy numerous times and still achieve success most of the time.

I'll say it right now that if a unit misses killing a crucial enemy, especially on H5, rescuing wouldn't help you at all as the miss totally screwed up your strategy as well as exposed more characters to attack.

Edited by dondon151
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That's your problem for taking a calculated risk. Your situation isn't a miscalculation; it's a scenario in which the RNG didn't work in your favor, in which case you can repeat the same strategy numerous times and still achieve success most of the time.

It's still annoying, when rescuing has been around for the past 6 games (more than half the series now) for it to suddenly be taken away. I may be speaking from the basis or an experienced FE player as opposed to a newcomer to the series, but it still affects my enjoyment of the game when a feature I've come to know and expect in the series is suddenly missing.

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I mainly liked it for the wi-fi, far more engaging than the Link Arena. I also liked reclass, as it gave a little more potential variety to wi-fi teams, though it didn't always seem to make sense on who can change into what. I would prefer a more limited reclass actually, like having swordsmaster and hero in the same set, that would have made a bit more sense than Ogma the knight. It was pretty good, but like Symphonia 2, it had so much more potential, and wasn't as good as it could have been. Good for an SRPG, mediocre for an FE game.

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