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This has been getting somewhat annoying

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Every girlfriend my dad seems to get seems to hate eating...

The somewhat exception is my dad's most recent girlfriend. She will eat... it's just that she gets halfway through her meal then asks if anyone wants to finish it for her... (ok maybe halfway is an exaggeration =D)

Has anyone else had this type of situation before?

Edited by Freohr Datia
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It's the restaurant's fault for making a small pizza so goddamn huge. Did I ask for fries or a small salad with this steak? How about this onion bigger than my fist? Did I order this corn on the side? Did I ask for fucking 15 deliciously bland dinner rolls to entice me into filling myself up during my fucking 1.25 hour wait for this Chicago brick oven baked pizza?

(I frequently don't finish meals made by people who aren't my family)

Edited by Mac
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You mean you just wasted the food?

My little brothers ate them all already =D

It's the restaurant's fault for making a small pizza so goddamn huge. Did I ask for fries or a small salad with this steak? How about this onion bigger than my fist? Did I order this corn on the side? Did I ask for fucking 15 deliciously bland dinner rolls to entice me into filling myself up during my fucking 1.25 hour wait for this Chicago brick oven baked pizza?

(I frequently don't finish meals made by people who aren't my family)

lol I like food. =) I just eat what I'm given (though sometimes I can't eat it all ;_;

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My parents aren't divorced, so I can't say much about the dad and his dates. But my sister occasionally gets on "I don't want to eat" kicks. Not to the point of anorexia, though.

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I don't order stuff I'm not prepared to take home with me. After gaining excessive weight I've slowly stopped eating as much in one sitting.

Though my little brother eats more than me now. He doesn't believe me when I say he'll end up with moobs. 8D (not that I have them)

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Tell her there are kids starving in Africa

Ha, I'm quite a picky eater, so my response to that is always, "Then send this food to them. They need it more than I do."

Anyway, my parents aren't divorced, so I don't quite have the same thing as you, but I actually don't eat much fairly often. It's not that I think I'm fat (I'm bone skinny), but I'm just not hungry sometimes... I dunno why...

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I must be some sort of damn parent, then.

My parents always used it on me when i didn't want to eat things i didn't like though it never worked.

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Tell her there are kids starving in Africa

"By the time the food gets to them, it will have gone bad and if they are not used to it, their bodies will start feeling more than explosive diarrhea."

"There are people starving outside, but I don't see you mentioning them."

Those were my responses when my parents pulled this card.

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Embarrassingly I always eat everything given to me at a restaurant and at home. I have an incredibly high metabolism, and if I don't eat constantly and take in larger amounts of food than the average person, I lose weight incredibly quickly.

I didn't eat for like 2 days once except like a poptart, and I got down to 89 pounds. Was quite scary.

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Yeah, Evansville, actually. Where the hell is Letona?

lol Letona is my own made up place. It was either my friend or brother who named the place based of of "latona" (is that how it's spelled?) from FE.

It's a forest =3 It was one "secret" place where we could play around without worrying about anything like rules (I suppose) and stuff of the like. The woods are actually quite close to where I live.

I guess I will tell where I'm actually from. I'm from Danville, IN in Hendricks county.

Oh, a fellow Evansville dweller? I live there, too!

omg that's awesomeness!!! =D

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lol Letona is my own made up place. It was either my friend or brother who named the place based of of "latona" (is that how it's spelled?) from FE.

It's a forest =3 It was one "secret" place where we could play around without worrying about anything like rules (I suppose) and stuff of the like. The woods are actually quite close to where I live.

I guess I will tell where I'm actually from. I'm from Danville, IN in Hendricks county.

omg that's awesomeness!!! =D


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