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The character in that background looks more like a she-male to me.



You'd be amazed at how many song lyrics I know, haha.

I'm even worse. I listen to Broadway on top of everything else, which means I have a song for just about everything.

Edited by Angelix
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I'm even worse. I listen to Broadway on top of everything else, which means I have a song for just about everything.

I'm going to take a wild guess and guess you have Avenue Q songs in that collection?

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I have a 500GB hard drive, which is filled to the brim, usually leaving me with less than ten gigabytes of room left. Because of this, I bought an external hard drive with 500GB for videos and other larger filetypes, which is about halfway full.

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I'm going to take a wild guess and guess you have Avenue Q songs in that collection?



I saw it a couple of weeks ago.

Edited by Angelix
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I have a 500GB hard drive, which is filled to the brim, usually leaving me with less than ten gigabytes of room left. Because of this, I bought an external hard drive with 500GB for videos and other larger filetypes, which is about halfway full.

The 1TB externals are getting rather cheap now. I got mine for $119, which is pretty good considering my friend bought one about 4 months before me and it cost him close to $200.

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http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9953/spacea.png (it's hueg)


I also have a 500 GB HDD which is full but is not in its enclosure atm. The other external I have hooked up is for when I use up the first, which looks to be pretty soon. (It's mostly music, games, etc.)

I'm surprised myself at how much I use.

Edited by Pinken
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Fuck you guys have pathetic Hardrives.

I have 3.


None of those are external.

I tend to use up space fast though.

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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  • 3 weeks later...

My DESKTOP clocks in at a paltry 74.5 GB, which generally serves my needs.

I've been meaning to upgrade it (the HD and power supply are among the few components I haven't upgraded since I bought this PC back in high school), but that'll probably wait. Not just because of college expenses and such, but also because I loathe to part with money I earn.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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