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In loving memory of TLS.


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I know the sexcopter wasn't fuel efficient. So he wasted fossil fuels.

And he palluted the air.

That son of a bitch killed the last of my clan by giving them all lung cancer!

And yet.........his death was so tragic *weeps*

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Who the fuck was TLS?

Some guy who had a habit of making usually obscene topics. One day, he got banned being accused of making an alternate account. It was proven that it was false, but the way he handled it pretty much ensured he stayed banned. Also, he liked to try and bypass the ban.

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I don't remember him getting banned... I thought he just said he left. I guess that was during my 3 month absence. XD For all we know he could've made a new account... not that I'm implying that this is his new account or anything. :unsure: The guy was cool.

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I kinda do miss him to be honest here. He sorta knew how to liven up the place. Quoting what Doom (at least I think it was Doom) said, the Unholy Trinity will never die.

For he who spammed one-too-many sexcopters, R.I.P.

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